SIIC Data Bases
Descripción de Fuentes

Descripción editorial de las publicaciones  periódicas (PP) clasificadas por SIIC Data Bases  con elevados índices de consulta entre nuestros  colaboradores y lectores.

Al pulsar sobre una PP editará el nombre de su editor,  institución científica responsable, audiencia  profesional a la que se dirige, bases de datos que la  clasifican, dirección en Internet,frecuencia de  edición, trayectoria de la publicación, fecha de  ingreso a la Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC (BB SIIC) y otros  datos de interés para lectores e investigadores.

Los suscriptores de SIIC En Internet, como así  también los profesionales o instituciones que participan  en los programas de SIIC, pueden recabar con fines  científicos información complementaria de las  editoriales y sus revistas (contactos para fines  específicos, factores de impacto, cumplimiento de normas  editoriales, etc.). Para efectuar la consulta dirigirse a  Mensajes a SIIC.*-

Las colecciones en papel integran el acervo de la  Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC a partir de los  años que en cada revista se indica a continuación  de las siglas BB SIIC .

Salud Colectiva Universidad Nacional de Lanús
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Hugo Spinelli

Indizada por: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud - BVS, Dialnet, DOAJ, Latindex, LILACS, PASCAL, REDALYC, Scielo, Scopus, SSCI, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Salud Mental Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2016-
Editor: Dr. Héctor Pérez Rincón
La visión de la revista Salud mental es impulsar su publicación como foro de expresión de los investigadores nacionales del área de la psiquiatria y las neurociencias y pugnar porque se convierta en el lazo de union de los psiquiatras hispanohblantes. Los articulos recibidos son sometidos a un proceso de evaluación por un Comité de expertos en el tema, que pueden ser, o no, miembros del Comité Editorial. Nuestros colaboradores en estos procesos no reciben ninguna remuneracion
Indizada por: Academic Search Premier, BIREME, Dialnet, EBSCO, Imbiomed, Journal Citation Reports, Latindex, PsycINFO, Qualis/Capes, Scielo, Scimago Journal Ranking, Social Sciences Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
Salud(i)Ciencia Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica (SIIC)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Rafael Bernal Castro

Indizada por: Elsevier Bibliographic Database, EMBASE, Google Scholar, Latindex, LILACS, Scielo, Scimago Journal Ranking, Scopus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Salus Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Carabobo
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2018-
Editor: Marisol García de Yeguez
La revista SALUS, es el órgano oficial de divulgación científica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Carabobo. Estará destinada a la publicación de trabajos de investigación que realicen los miembros de la comunidad universitaria y de otras Instituciones de Educación Superior, Nacionales e Internacionales.
Indizada por: ASEREME (Asociación de Editores de Revistas Biomédicas Venezolanas), DOAJ, EMBASE, FONACIT, Latindex, REVENCYT , SIIC Data Bases
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: James Devillers
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research is an international journal welcoming papers on the fundamental and practical aspects of the structure-activity and structure-property relationships in the fields of environmental science, agrochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology and applied chemistry. A unique aspect of the journal is the focus on emerging techniques for the building of SAR and QSAR models in these widely varying fields. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the topics of topological and physicochemical descriptors, mathematical, statistical and graphical methods for data analysis, computer methods and programs, original applications and comparative studies. In addition to primary scientific papers, the journal contains reviews of books and software and news of conferences. Special issues on topics of current and widespread interest to the SAR and QSAR community will be published from time to time.
Indizada por: BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts , SIIC Data Bases
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Sarcoma is dedicated to publishing papers covering all aspects of connective tissue oncology research. It brings together work from scientists and clinicians carrying out a broad range of research in this field, including the basic sciences, molecular biology and pathology and the clinical sciences of epidemiology, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. High-quality papers concerning the entire range of bone and soft tissue sarcomas in both adults and children, including Kaposi?s sarcoma, are published as well as preclinical and animal studies. This journal provides a central forum for the description of advances in diagnosis, assessment and treatment of this rarely seen, but often mismanaged, group of patients. It is of interest to all those working with bone and soft tissue tumours, including medical, surgical and paediatric oncologists, radiotherapists, pathologists and research scientists. For more information about the editorial workflow, please check The work done by reviewers is voluntary, which means all reviewers have the right to decline a request. If they choose to accept, each Hindawi journal has an acknowledgment page for researchers involved in the peer-review process in the past year.
Indizada por: Biological Abstracts, Biosis Previews, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
Saudi Endodontic Journal
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2013-

Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Abdelazeem El-Dawlatly
Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia (SJA) is official publication of the Saudi Anaesthetic Association. It publishes peer reviewed original articles and highlights the current advances in anaesthesia and related sciences. It is also to encourage and stimulate associated scientific research and communication between hospitals and universities in Saudi Arabia, the Arab countries and the rest of the World. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs.
Indizada por: Caspur, DOAJ, EBSCO, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Google Scholar, Health and Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, Proquest Information & Learning, PubMed, SCOLOAR, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology Saudi Gastroenterology Association (SGA)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: Mohammed I Al Mouzan
The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology (ISSN-1319-3767) is published every four months by the Saudi Gastroenterology Association (SGA). The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles covering all the aspects of digestive diseases, including the prevention, diagnosis and management and related genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology as relevant to gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders.
Indizada por: Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, CAB Abstracts, Caspur, DOAJ, EBSCO, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, EMR Index Medicus, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health and Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, MANTIS, MEDLINE, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, Pubmed Central, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOLOAR, Scopus, SNEMB, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Tor-Arne Hagve
The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation is an international scientific journal covering clinically oriented biochemical and physiological research. Since the journal was launched in 1949, it has been a forum for international laboratory medicine, closely related to and edited by The Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry. The journal contains peer-reviewed articles, editorials, invited reviews, and short technical notes. Additionally, several supplements are published each year, consisting of monographs, and symposium and congress reports covering subjects within clinical chemistry and clinical physiology. The short handling time, currently 14-16 weeks from receipt of manuscript to acceptance, guarantees that the journal is at the forefront in the field of clinical and physiological research. The supplements consist of monographs and symposium reports covering clinical chemistry and clinical physiological subjects. Readership: Researchers and professionals working within the areas of clinical chemistry, clinical biochemistry, and clinical physiology.
Indizada por: Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Energy Research Abstracts, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Index Veterinarius, Life Sciences Collection, Medical Documentation Service, Nutrition Abstracts, Reference Update, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch , SIIC Data Bases
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: S. Ragnar Norrby
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases publishes original papers on clinical aspects of infectious diseases. The topics may concern clinical aspects of infectious diseases, laboratory investigations of clinical significance (bacteriological, virological, parasitological, mycological, immunological, pathological, physiological, chemical and pharmacological), epidemiological and epizootological studies of human infections and experimental infections. The journal was started in 1969 and was the first European journal in English entirely devoted to the clinical and microbiological aspects of infectious diseases. Those working with the clinical and microbiological aspects of infectious diseases.
Indizada por: Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, AIDS Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Biotechnology Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Current Advances in Ecological and Environmental Sciences, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Helminthological Abstracts, Immunology Abstracts, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Index to Dental Literature, Index Veterinarius, Life Sciences Collection, Medical Documentation Service, Microbiology Abstracts, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Protozoological Abstracts, Reference Update, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch , SIIC Data Bases
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Jakob Kragstrup
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care publishes articles of relevance to primary health care. The journal is distributed to members of the Association of Family doctors in Scandinavia. The Editorial board is appointed by the National Colleges or Societies of General Practice in the Nordic countries. The journal aims to present balanced publication of: Clinical scientific articles of importance to daily clinical work, including prevention in primary health care with special emphasis on general practice. Articles on epidemiology and health service research. Articles that can contribute to the evolution and refinement of the scientific methods necessary for primary health care research. Readership: General practitioners.
Indizada por: Biological Abstracts, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Nutrition Research Newsletter, PsycINFO, Research Alert, SciSearch , SIIC Data Bases
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery Finnish Surgical Society
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Ari Leppäniemi
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery is a quarterly journal which publishes original papers and review articles of surgery and closely related topics. The journal is issued in one volume. Each volume consists of four numbers. Original articles in British English are published after acceptance by two reviewers on condition that they are contributed solely to Scandinavian Journal of Surgery. The journal does not perform linguistic revisions of original articles. All contributions should conform with the recommendations stated in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (1964).
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: Mikko Härmä
The Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health is an international scientific periodical which has been formed from the fusion of the publications known formerly as Work-Environment-Health and Nordisk Hygienisk Tidskrift. It is published in English and began publication on 1 January 1975. Our journal is meant for all readers interested in original research or reviews of original research in the fields of occupational and environmental health. It is multidisciplinary and publishes articles on the ergonomic, epidemiologic, hygienic, medical, physical, physiological, psychological, sociological, and toxicologic aspects of the interaction between work, the environment and health. It is published in English and is open to authors around the world without regard to nationality.
Indizada por: Biological Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, PubMed, Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Supplements
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: Mikko Härmä
SJWEH Supplements is a new journal published by the Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health. Its issues will be compiled by the national institutes of occupational health in the Nordic countries, and they will primarily be used to spread documentation from conferences of importance with respect to worklife. SJWEH Supplements is a separate publication that is a "sister" journal of the Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health. The Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health will continue to publish supplements of its own, consisting of original communications and reviews. SJWEH Supplements will appear irregularly, according to the need of the Nordic institutes publishing it, but will be distributed to the subscribers of the Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health free of charge, just as its traditional supplements are.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Science of the Total Environment
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: J.O. Nriagu
The journal is an international medium for publication of original research on the environment with emphasis on changes caused by human activities. It is concerned with changes in the natural levels and distribution of chemical elements and their compounds that may affect the well-being of the living world, or represent a threat to human health. Papers in applied environmental chemistry and environmental health sciences are particularly encouraged. The scope is multidisciplinary and international and the subjects covered include: (a) all aspects of the contamination or pollution of air, water, soil and the human food chain; (b) natural and human-induced environmental changes at the global, regional and local levels; (c) the assessment, management and communication of environmental risk; (d) effects on human and ecosystem health related to abnormalities in the level and distribution of chemical elements and their compounds in the environment; (e) novel techniques and methods of chemistry and biochemistry applicable to environmental problems and environmental health; (f) gene-environment interactions. Special Issues consist of a collection of papers on a particular subject that reflect current thinking and awareness in a field that involves cutting edge science. These Issues should be focused on emerging or pressing environmental issues of scientific or public concern with global or regional significance. A Special Issue can contain review papers, original research articles or a combination of the two. A Special Issue should provide a reasonable assessment of what is new, what is current, what needs to be known or what should be done on a particular topic. Intending authors should first consult with the Associate Editor for Special Issues or the Editor-in-Chief before preparing their manuscripts.
Indizada por: BIOBASE, Biology & Environmental Sciences, CSA Technology Research Database, Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Environmental Periodicals Bibliography, MEDLINE, Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts, Oceanographic Literature Review, Pascal et Francis (INST-CNRS), Scopus, Selected Water Resources Abstracts , SIIC Data Bases
Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Eberhard F. Mammen
Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis is a bimonthly topic driven review journal that focuses on all issues relating to hemostatic and thrombotic disorders. As one of the premiere review journals in the field, Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis serves as a comprehensive forum for important advances in clinical and laboratory diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. Seminars offers an informed perspective on today's pivotal issues, including hemophilia A & B, thrombophilia, gene therapy, venous and arterial thrombosis, von Willebrand disease, vascular disorders and thromboembolic diseases. Attention is also given to the latest developments in pharmaceutical drugs along with treatment and current management techniques. The journal also frequently publishes sponsored supplements to further highlight emerging trends in the field.
Indizada por: Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Internacional de Cardiologia, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Reference Update, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch , SIIC Data Bases
Sexually Transmitted Infections British Association of Sexual Health and HIV
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Helen Ward
Sexually Transmitted Infections is the world's longest running international journal dealing with issues of sexual health and medicine. STI publishes original work on the clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory aspects of sexual health, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV and AIDS. Each issue includes editorials, review articles, research methodology, clinicopathological conferences and correspondence. To ensure international relevance, STI has dedicated Associate Editors in the US and Editorial Board members from all around the world including Europe, US, Australasia and the Far East. Readership: Clinicians in sexual health and HIV medicine, dermatologists, gynaecologists, urologists, virologists, pathologists, epidemiologists, behavioural psychologists, public health consultants, sexual advisors and counsellors, nurses, health practitioners in primary care, and health policy advisors.
Indizada por: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE , SIIC Data Bases
Singapore Dental Journal Singapore Dental Association
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Adrian Yap U Jin
The Singapore Dental Journal (SDJ) is the official, peer-reviewed publication of the Singapore Dental Association (SDA). As of 2004, the SDJ has joined Elsevier’s family of quality dental publications. It is currently indexed in PubMed (Medline) as well as the SIIC Data Bases, Embase and Scopus databases. The SDJ aims to advance the practice of dentistry and care of patients among members of the SDA and dentists in the region through the dissemination of information and research findings in the field of dental science and technology. The SDJ invites original contributions in the form of research articles, reviews, case reports and other materials relating to all aspects of dentistry. Related disciplines, including dental education and the social, political and economic aspects of dental practice, that are of interest to professionals in dentistry are also welcomed.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Sleep Medicine Reviews
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Michael V. Vitiello
Sleep Medicine Reviews provides International coverage of sleep disorders, their aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and implications for related conditions at an individual and public health level. Articles review the clinical information published in peer-reviewed journals devoted to the many disciplines involved in sleep medicine, including: • pulmonology • psychiatry • psychology • physiology • otolaryngology • paediatrics • geriatrics • cardiology • dentistry • nursing • neurology • general medicine The journal publishes narrative reviews, systematic reviews and editorials covering area of controversy and debate, as well as areas of future research.
Indizada por: Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, MEDLINE, Neuroscience Citation Index, Research Alert, SciSearch, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
South Asian Journal of Cancer
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2012-
Editor: Parikh Purvish
South Asian Journal of Cancer, a publication of MedIntel Services Pvt Ltd, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Quarterly print on demand compilation of issues published.
Indizada por: Caspur, EBSCO, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, SCOLOAR, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Desmond Martin

Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Southern Medical Journal Southern Medical Association
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Ronald C. Hamdy
Is a general medical publication which presents monthly some 35 major articles, many of them illustrated with photographs and drawings. Its contents are as broadly based as the practice of medicine and surgery. Articles are chosen from hundreds submitted and from the 400 or so papers presented at the Southern Medical Association's Annual Scientific Assembly by leaders in the various specialized fields of medicine.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2013-
SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences, a publication of SRM University, Chennai, is a peer-reviewed online journal with SRM J Res Dent Sci print on demand compilation of issues published.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Substance Abuse Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Marc Galanter
Substance Abuse is a peer-reviewed journal that serves as the official publication of AMERSA. Unlike other journals with more narrow areas of concentration, Substance Abuse offers wide-ranging coverage for medical professionals and addiction specialists in teaching, clinical care, and service delivery. As the Journal of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA), Substance Abuse features original research and review articles on such topics as: the education and training of professionals in substance abuse clinical care in a variety of settings the organization of treatment services preclinical and clinical research, including therapeutic interventions and behavior studies medical complications associated with drug abuse substance abuse among specific groups or populations applied science research policy issues In addition, Substance Abuse publishes proceedings papers from the annual AMERSA meeting, book reviews, and letters to the editor. The journal's multidisciplinary editorial board represents the full strength and range of AMERSA's experience and teaching.
Indizada por: CAB Abstracts, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Family Index Database, Global Health, Human Resources Abstracts, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Mental Health Abstracts, Psychological Abstracts, PubMed, Sage Family Studies Abstracts, Scopus, Social Work Research and Abstracts , SIIC Data Bases

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