SIIC Data Bases
Descripción de Fuentes

Descripción editorial de las publicaciones  periódicas (PP) clasificadas por SIIC Data Bases  con elevados índices de consulta entre nuestros  colaboradores y lectores.

Al pulsar sobre una PP editará el nombre de su editor,  institución científica responsable, audiencia  profesional a la que se dirige, bases de datos que la  clasifican, dirección en Internet,frecuencia de  edición, trayectoria de la publicación, fecha de  ingreso a la Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC (BB SIIC) y otros  datos de interés para lectores e investigadores.

Los suscriptores de SIIC En Internet, como así  también los profesionales o instituciones que participan  en los programas de SIIC, pueden recabar con fines  científicos información complementaria de las  editoriales y sus revistas (contactos para fines  específicos, factores de impacto, cumplimiento de normas  editoriales, etc.). Para efectuar la consulta dirigirse a  Mensajes a SIIC.*-

Las colecciones en papel integran el acervo de la  Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC a partir de los  años que en cada revista se indica a continuación  de las siglas BB SIIC .

JAMA American Medical Association (AMA)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Howard Bauchner
JAMA, published continuously since 1883, is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal published 48 times per year in print and several times a week online. JAMA is a member of The JAMA Network family of journals. JAMA is the most widely circulated medical journal in the world, with more than 325 000 print recipients and more than 14 million annual visits to the journal’s website. The JAMA Network Journals are freely available on an html app called The JAMA Network Reader. In addition, the online version is freely available to institutions in developing countries. JAMA's impact factor is 30. JAMA's acceptance rate is approximately 9% of the nearly 7000 major manuscripts it receives annually. In 2013, the median time for an initial decision for submitted manuscripts was 6 days, and the median time from submission to acceptance for all articles was 27 days. The median time from acceptance to publication was 32 days for all articles and 4 to 22 days for articles published Online First (for additional information, see the JAMA editorial). JAMA is a member of the African Journal Partnership Project and is partnered with the Malawi Medical Journal. The Editor in Chief of JAMA is Howard Bauchner, MD.
Indizada por: Biosis Previews, Chemical Abstracts Service, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed, Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
JAMA Pediatrics
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2014-

Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: Tadao Kakizoe
Since 1971 JJCO was established in 1971 as the first journal from Japan to publish clinical research on cancer in English. It was a biannual journal for the first 11 years, and as the number of submissions increased, it became quarterly in 1983 and bimonthly in 1991. Since 1998, the JJCO has been published monthly. It has been indexed in Index Medicus and MEDLINE since 1983, and approximately 60% of the submissions come from outside Japan. Since the Oxford University Press (OUP) became our publisher in 1997, JJCO has a sister-journal relationship with the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. JJCO is published not only in hardcopy but also in electronic form on the Internet from volume 27. It is now a HighWire-based journal and articles can be accessed via OUP database. All articles become freely accessible 6 months after publication.
Indizada por: Index Medicus/MEDLINE , SIIC Data Bases
Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Jordan
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2009-
Editor: Suleiman Alkhalil

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Jornal Brasileiro de Economia da Saúde (JBES)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Araújo

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Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica/Medicina
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Adagmar Andriolo
O Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial é publicado bimestralmente pela Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial. É uma publicação oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial, sendo veículo de publicação de manuscritos relacionados com a medicina laboratorial. Os interessados na publicação de comunicações neste veículo encontrarão as Instruções aos Autores em cada edição.O JBPML possui indexação no LILACS, Periódica e no Chemical Abstracts e é integrante da base de dados SciELO. Sua política editorial é promover a comunicação de trabalhos científicos da área de Medicina Laboratorial (Patologia Clínica, Patologia e Citopatologia) que tenham qualidade técnica aprovada por pares competentes, divulgando o conhecimento médico. Os manuscritos submetidos para publicação no JBPML são enviados para dois ou mais avaliadores, pares científicos, de renome e conhecimento específico que contemplem o assunto abordado no artigo. Após resposta do avaliador, o Editor do JBPML entra em contato com os autores, comunicando a eventual rejeição ou os passos a serem seguidos para a publicação definitiva do manuscrito.
Indizada por: LILACS, Scielo , SIIC Data Bases
Jornal Brasileiro de Transplantes (JBT) Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos (ABTO)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Mário Abbud Filho
Destina-se à publicação de artigos da área de transplante e especialidades afins, escritos em português, inglês ou espanhol.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Jornal da Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia FEBRASGO - Federação Brasileira das Associaçoes de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: Nilson Roberto de Melo

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Jornal de Pediatria Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Renato Sibelmann
Jornal de Pediatria, the largest and most prestigious journal of pediatrics in Latin America, with a readership of over 15,000. In addition to providing free access to the full text of all volumes of Jornal de Pediatria since 1994, JPED also offers the full English version of all articles published since 2000. Every year, eight numbers are published in JPED, including two thematic supplements with review articles. Jornal de Pediatria is a bimonthly publication of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, SBP). It has been published without interruption since 1934. Jornal de Pediatria publishes original articles, review articles and case reports covering various areas in the field of pediatrics. By publishing relevant scientific contributions, Jornal de Pediatria aims at improving the standards of pediatrics and of the healthcare provided for children and adolescents in general, as well to foster debate about health.
Indizada por: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, LILACS, Medical Research Index, Scielo , SIIC Data Bases
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SBACV)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2011-
Editor: Winston B. Yoshida
The Jornal Vascular Brasileiro is editated and published quaterly to select and disseminate high-quality scientific contents concerning original research, novel surgical and diagnostic techniques, and clinical observations in the field of vascular surgery, angiology, and endovascular surgery.
Indizada por: EBSCO, Elsevier Bibliographic Database, EMBASE, LILACS, REDALYC, Scielo, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Academy of Medical Sciences
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2013-
Editor: Srinivas P
Journal of Academy of Medical Sciences, a publication of Osmania Medical College, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Quarterly print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs.
Indizada por: EBSCO, Google Scholar, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, MANTIS, OpenJGate, SCOLOAR , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Addictive Diseases
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: Barry Stimmel
The Journal of Addictive Diseases (now printed in 8.25” x 10.75” format) is an essential comprehensive resource covering the full range of addictions for today's addiction professional. This in-depth, practical journal helps you stay on top of the vital issues and the clinical skills necessary to ensure effective practice. The latest research, treatments, and public policy issues in addiction medicine are presented in a fully integrated, multi-specialty perspective. Top researchers and respected leaders in addiction issues share their knowledge and insights to keep you up-to-date on the most important research and practical applications. With each issue of the Journal of Addictive Diseases, you get a review of the latest relevant findings in etiology, epidemiology, and clinical care. The journal is known for its scholarly commitment to the field, and reflects the highest standards of investigation, clinical practice, medical education, and evaluation of patient care. The journal presents the material from diverse aspects of the field: basic science, clinical aspects, self-help programs and philosophy, medical training issues, treatment outcome, and treatment evaluation perspectives, to provide you with valuable information and interpretive commentary from a wide range of disciplines. Not only does the Journal of Addictive Diseases examine cutting-edge research and clinical applications from leaders in the field of addictive diseases, but it presents extensive bibliographies to help you find further information. In recent issues, Journal of Addictive Diseases has discussed: concurrent alcohol and cocaine dependence impact on physical health among psychiatric patients outcome variables for anorexics one year after discharge from treatment changes in pattern of illegal drug use for those over 50 in an inner city population gender differences in outcomes in an HMO-based substance abuse treatment program physicians practicing in methadone treatment programs spirituality and self-help approaches in the therapeutic community treatment for attorneys with substance related and co-occurring psychiatric disorders unexpected delirium during rapid opioid detoxification (ROD) comparisons of pretreatment characteristics and treatment outcomes for multisubstance-dependent patients The Journal of Addictive Diseases is an ideal resource for physicians, psychiatrists, and therapists specializing in addictions and addictions treatment, as well as researchers, clinical experts, and professors interested in alcoholism, substance abuse, and any other addictive disease.
Indizada por: EMBASE, INIST-Pascal/CNRS, MANTIS, MEDLINE, PsycINFO , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Upendra Nagaich
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research (JAPTR) is an Official Publication of Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research. It is an international journal published Quarterly. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research (JAPTR) is available in online and print version. It is a peer reviewed journal aiming to communicate high quality original research work, reviews, short communications, case report, Ethics Forum, Education Forum and Letter to editor that contribute significantly to further the scientific knowledge related to the field of Pharmacy i.e. Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference.
Indizada por: CAB Abstracts, Caspur, Chemical Abstracts, DOAJ, EBSCO, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health and Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, SCOLOAR, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Advertising Research Advertising Research Foundation
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2009-
Editor: Geoffrey Precourt

Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Affective Disorders International Society for Affective Disorders
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Paolo. Brambilla
The Journal of Affective Disorders publishes papers concerned with affective disorders in the widest sense: depression, mania, anxiety and panic. It is interdisciplinary and aims to bring together different approaches for a diverse readership. High quality papers will be accepted dealing with any aspect of affective disorders, including biochemistry, pharmacology, endocrinology, genetics, statistics, epidemiology, psychodynamics, classification, clinical studies and studies of all types of treatment
Indizada por: Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Informedicus, MEDLINE, Pascal et Francis (INST-CNRS), Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: Robert Geffner
Cutting-edge information on physical and emotional abuse, interpersonal aggression, maltreatment, and trauma In this important publication, you'll find crucial information on vital issues surrounding aggression, aggression, maltreatment, and/or trauma. You'll learn how to prevent these behaviors, how to help victims, and how to intervene in abusive situations using the latest research in these areas. The Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma accepts individual submissions in any of the relevant topic areas and also publishes thematic issues featuring guest editors who focus on a particular aspect of these topics. Possible topics for publication include, but are not limited to: ** child maltreatment and spouse/partner abuse * sexual assault and sexual harassment * assessment of victims and perpetrators * pornography and violence toward women * aggression in the workplace or in schools * violence and criminal behavior * forensic issues * capitol punishment * biological bases of interpersonal aggression * preventing violence at home, school, work, or in the community * training programs for professionals * innovative treatment and model programs * children exposed to violence * war and its effects * posttraumatic stress disorder * psychological and emotional abuse * victimization * traumatic effects of aggression and assault * effects of terrorism * other related topics
Indizada por: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Family Index Database, Index Copernicus, International Bibliography of Periodical Literature, Pascal et Francis (INST-CNRS), Psychological Abstracts, Risk Abstracts, Scopus, Social Services Abstracts, Social Work Research and Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Aging & Pharmacotherapy
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: Roy C. Parish
The Journal of Aging & Pharmacotherapy combines disease management in the geriatric patient population with a focus on drug therapy. Edited by Dr. Roy C. Parish, a nationally recognized leader in geriatric drug therapy and long-term care pharmacy, the journal features important findings and exchanges of controversial, innovative, and timely research related to geripharmacotherapy. A balanced panel of clinical pharmacists, scientists, health care practitioners, educators, and researchers address drug efficacy and safety, innovative drug therapy services, and drug-related problems of misuse and adverse reactions. The Journal of Aging & Pharmacotherapy is uniquely poised to stimulate investigations into the means of securing the benefits of scientific research for “average” people—geriatric patients who can't afford new and expensive medications, but don't qualify for financial help. The journal addresses vital topics of medical care delivery, including chronic heart failure (a disease with greatly increased prevalence among elderly persons, and the most costly diagnosis-related group for reimbursement), stroke, cognitive impairment, depression, and sexual function. In addition, future issues of the journal will also feature: more primary clinical research reports more special-interest columns a “news summary” that deals with new, adverse drug reactions in the elderly additional columns on quality-of-life issues, self-care topics, and herbal drugs and much more! The Journal of Aging & Pharmacotherapy is an essential resource for health care practitioners working in the area of geriatrics and for anyone involved in drug therapy with the elderly.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2009-
Editor: Tej K.
The JOACP publishes original peer-reviewed research and clinical work in all branches of anaesthesiology, pain, critical care and perioperative medicine including the application to basic sciences. In addition, the journal publishes review articles, special articles, brief communications/reports, case reports, and reports of new equipment, letters to editor, book reviews and obituaries. It is international in scope and comprehensive in coverage.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Antibiotics
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2009-
Editor: Satoshi Lmura

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Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: D S Reeves

Indizada por: Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, MEDLINE, Reference Update, Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Asthma
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: David G. Tinkelman
Providing an authoritative open forum on asthma and related conditions, this highly regarded journal brings timely reports of relevant advances in areas from molecular biology to government legislation to those involved in the research, clinical, and educational aspects of asthma management. MULTIDISCIPLINARY… The Journal discusses asthma from the perspectives of clinical immunology allergy pulmonary physiology psychosomatics pharmacology and other asthma-related clinical health trends PRACTICAL The Journal offers valuable guidelines for the basic understanding of emergency and long-term care environmental counseling preventative measures patient education and psychological support
Indizada por: Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Medical Documentation Service, Pascal et Francis (INST-CNRS), PsycINFO, Reference Update, Research Alert, Science Citation Index Expanded , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Singh

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Journal of Bacteriology American Society for Microbiology
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Philip Matsumura
The Journal of Bacteriology, established in 1916, keeps pace with the times by advancing and disseminating fundamental knowledge of bacteria and other microorganisms. Articles report on developments in fast-moving areas, making the journal invaluable reading for busy researchers. Sections include: Guest Commentaries; Dialog; Minireviews; Meeting Reviews; Meeting Presentations; Structural Biology; Genomics and Proteomics; Molecular Biology of Pathogens; Bacteriophages; Transposons, and Plasmids; Signal Transduction; Microbial Communities and Interactions; Gene Regulation; Microbial Cell Biology; Plant Microbiology; Genetics and Molecular Biology; Physiology and Metabolism; Enzymes and Proteins; Population Genetics and Evolution.
Indizada por: Agricola, Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2013-
Editor: Uchenna Nwagha

Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences Society of Reproductive Biologist of Nigeria
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2013-
Editor: Prof.Uchenna Ifeanyi Nwag
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences, a publication of Society of Reproductive Biologist of Nigeria, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Semiannual print on demand compilation of issues published.
Indizada por: Caspur, EBSCO, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health and Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, MANTIS, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, Safety Lit, SCOLOAR, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory , SIIC Data Bases

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