SIIC Data Bases
Descripción de Fuentes

Descripción editorial de las publicaciones  periódicas (PP) clasificadas por SIIC Data Bases  con elevados índices de consulta entre nuestros  colaboradores y lectores.

Al pulsar sobre una PP editará el nombre de su editor,  institución científica responsable, audiencia  profesional a la que se dirige, bases de datos que la  clasifican, dirección en Internet,frecuencia de  edición, trayectoria de la publicación, fecha de  ingreso a la Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC (BB SIIC) y otros  datos de interés para lectores e investigadores.

Los suscriptores de SIIC En Internet, como así  también los profesionales o instituciones que participan  en los programas de SIIC, pueden recabar con fines  científicos información complementaria de las  editoriales y sus revistas (contactos para fines  específicos, factores de impacto, cumplimiento de normas  editoriales, etc.). Para efectuar la consulta dirigirse a  Mensajes a SIIC.*-

Las colecciones en papel integran el acervo de la  Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC a partir de los  años que en cada revista se indica a continuación  de las siglas BB SIIC .

FEBS Journal Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Richard Perham
FEBS Journal (formerly European Journal of Biochemistry) FEBS Journal is an international journal devoted to the rapid publication of full-length papers describing original research in all areas of the molecular life sciences, as outlined further below. Preference is given to papers that advance new concepts or develop new experimental techniques. Papers should be clearly written for a general audience in a way that draws attention to their novelty and significance; work that is incomplete, inconclusive or merely confirmatory will not be published. FEBS Journal also publishes reviews and minireviews on a wide range of topics, which may be solicited or submitted. FEBS Journal is published on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies by Blackwell Publishing. The scope of the Journal includes the following subdisciplines: Biochemistry of the living cell, Bioenergetics, Bioinformatics, Developmental biology, Enzymology, Gene expression, Genomics, Glycobiology, Immunology, Inorganic biochemistry, Lipids, Membranes, Metabolism and metabolic regulation, Molecular cell biology, Molecular biology of disease, Molecular evolution, Molecular genetics, Molecular medicine, Molecular neurobiology, Nanoscience, Nucleic acids, Physical biochemistry, Protein structure and chemistry, Protein synthesis, Proteomics, Signal transduction, Structural biology, Systems biology
Indizada por: ADONIS, Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, MEDLARS, MEDLINE , SIIC Data Bases
Fertility and Sterility American Society for Reproductive Medicine
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Craig Niederberger
Official publication of the: American Society for Reproductive Medicine, The Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Society of Reproductive Surgeons, Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, Society for Male Reproduction and Urology, Pacific Coast Reproductive Society and Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society. Fertility and Sterility, known as "the red journal," has world-wide circulation and is highly regarded in the United States and abroad. Now in its sixth decade, Fertility and Sterility publishes juried original articles of scientific excellence in clinical and laboratory research relevant to reproductive endocrinology, physiology, immunology, genetics and menopause. Citation analysis indicates that it is among the most frequently referenced scientific journals and has the highest immediacy and impact factors in the field of reproductive medicine. The journal is an indispensable resource to reproductive endocrinologists, obstetricians, gynecologists, urologists, and basic scientists who treat and investigate the problems of fertility, sterility and the physiology of reproduction.
Indizada por: Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, MEDLINE, Nutrition Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
Fetal and Pediatric Pathology
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2008-
Editor: Enid Gilbert-Barness
Fetal and Pediatric Pathology is an established bimonthly international journal that publishes data on diseases of the developing embryo, newborns, children, and adolescents. The journal publishes original and review articles and reportable case reports. The expanded scope of the journal encompasses molecular basis of genetic disorders; molecular basis of diseases that lead to implantation failures; molecular basis of abnormal placentation; placentology and molecular basis of habitual abortion; intrauterine development and molecular basis of embryonic death; pathogenisis and etiologic factors involved in sudden infant death syndrome; the underlying molecular basis, and pathogenesis of diseases that lead to morbidity and mortality in newborns; prenatal, perinatal, and pediatric diseases and molecular basis of diseases of childhood including solid tumors and tumors of the hematopoietic system; and experimental and molecular pathology.
Indizada por: Biosis Previews, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Pathdex, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch , SIIC Data Bases
Fisioterapia em Movimento Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Auristela Duarte Lima Mos
La Revista Fisioterapia en Movimiento, bajo la dirección de la editora-jefe, Dra. Auristela Duarte de Lima Moser, publica trimestralmente artículos científicos en el área de Fisioterapia y salud humana, entre ellos: Análisis del Movimiento Funcional, Ginesiología y Biomecánica, Cinesioterapia, Enseñanza de Fisioterapia, Ergonomía, Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratoria, Fisioterapia Dermato-Funcional, Fisioterapia en Geriatría y Gerontología, Fisioterapia Músculo-Esquelética, Fisioterapia Neurofuncional, Fisioterapia Preventiva, Fisioterapia Uroginecológica, Fundamentos de la Fisioterapia y Recuros Terapéuticos Físicos Naturales, y Salud Colectiva. Con tiraje de 1,000 ejemplares y disponible on line, la Revista Fisioterapia en Movimiento, viene divulgando desde 1989, trabajos técnico-científicos que abordan temas que abarcan el área de Fisioterapia. Desde hace 21 años, divulgando y promoviendo el conocimiento científico en el área, atiende a las necesidades de estudiantes y pesquisadores, tanto a los iniciantes como a los renombrados.
Indizada por: Capes Periódicos, CINAHL, CNEN, ICAP, Latindex, Scielo, Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras , SIIC Data Bases
Food Additives & Contaminants Part A: Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment International Society for Mycotoxicology
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: John Gilbert
Food Additives and Contaminants publishes original research papers and critical reviews covering analytical methodology, occurrence, persistence, safety evaluation, detoxification, regulatory control, and surveillance of natural and man-made additives and contaminants in the food and animal feed chain. Papers are published in the areas of pesticide and veterinary drug residues, environmental contaminants, natural toxicants, mycotoxins, trace elements, migration from food packaging, food processing contaminants, authenticity and allergenicity of foods. Papers are published on animal feeds where residues and contaminants can give rise to food safety concerns. Contributions cover chemistry, biochemistry and bioavailability of these substances, factors affecting levels during production, processing, packaging and storage; the development of novel foods and processes; exposure and risk assessment.
Indizada por: BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts , SIIC Data Bases
Food Additives and Contaminants Part B: Surveillance
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2008-
Editor: J. Gilbert
Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B publishes surveillance data indicating the presence and levels of occurrence of designated food additives, residues and contaminants in foods and animal feed. Data using validated methods must meet stipulated quality standards to be acceptable and must be presented in a prescribed format for subsequent data-handling. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B has a restricted scope in terms of classes of food additives, residues and contaminants that are included, being based on a goal of covering those areas where there is a need to record surveillance data for the purposes of exposure and risk assessment.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Food Chemistry
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: G. G. Birch
The chemical and biochemical composition of foods is fundamental to the study of their properties and processing applications. Food Chemistry publishes original peer–reviewed research papers dealing with a wide range of subjects which are essential to the food scientist and technologist. Topics include: the chemical analysis of food; chemical additives and toxins; chemistry relating to the microbiological, sensory, nutritional and physiological aspects of food; structural changes in molecules during the processing and storage of foods; direct effects on foods of the use of agrochemicals; chemical quality in food engineering and technology. Additionally the journal features the Analytical, Nutritional and Clinical Methods Section covering the measurement of micronutrients, macronutrients, additives and contaminants in foodstuffs and biological samples. Papers should be concerned with methods, their development and evaluation, results of collaborative studies, novel techniques (ELISAs, etc.), automated or on-line procedures for process control, methods for food adulterants, aspects of quality assurance including the preparation and characterization of reference materials, and relevant review articles. Methods concerned with the assessment of nutrient bioavailability from the diet and nutritional status will also be considered. Papers should focus on the development of new, or modification of existing analytical procedures and include sufficient data from real samples to validate the method. Audience: Food technologists, scientists and chemists.
Indizada por: Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), CAB Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Global Health, Nutrition Abstracts, Science Citation Index, SciSearch, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders Taiwan Orthopaedic Association
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Jinn Linn
FJMD is a high quality peer-reviewed orthopaedic journal and a publication of the Taiwan Orthopaedic Association that aims to disseminate new and important. FJMD brings readers the most update clinical and basic researches that contribute to today's orthopaedic practice and improve treatment results or orthopedic diseases. With contributions from all experienced clinicians and researchers around the world, FJMD serves a diverse range of disciplines involving musculoskeletal researches. The subjects covered include artificial joint replacement, musculoskeletal trauma, spine, sports medicine, foot and ankle, hand, pediatric orthopedics, rehabilitation, orthopedic oncology and all other orthopedic related clinical and basic science.
Indizada por: EMBASE, ScienceDirect, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
Formosan Journal of Surgery Taiwan Surgical Association
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2011-
Editor: Tsai
The Formosan Journal of Surgery aims to publish high quality scientific research in the field of Taiwan Surgical Association, with the goal of promoting and disseminating medical science knowledge to improve global health. Articles on clinical, laboratory and social research in medicine and other related fields that are of interest to the medical profession are eligible for consideration. Review articles, original articles, mini-review articles, case reports, surgeon at work, images for surgeons, meeting report, short communications, and letters to the editor are accepted. The journal is published bi-monthly, with a total of 6 issues a year.
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Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontopsychiatrie und -Psychotherapie
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Kurt Heinrich
Fundierte Übersichten zu aktuellen Themen aus Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Neuropsychologie Fortschritte der Diagnostik und der Therapieforschung - Pharmakotherapie und Psychotherapie Nervenheilkunde in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart; Rezeptionsgeschichte, Persönlichkeiten und Entwicklungen Kritische Editorials Systematischer Fortbildungsteil Nachrichten, Kongresskalender, Industrie-News Das gesamte Spektrum der Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
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