SIIC Data Bases
Descripción de Fuentes

Descripción editorial de las publicaciones  periódicas (PP) clasificadas por SIIC Data Bases  con elevados índices de consulta entre nuestros  colaboradores y lectores.

Al pulsar sobre una PP editará el nombre de su editor,  institución científica responsable, audiencia  profesional a la que se dirige, bases de datos que la  clasifican, dirección en Internet,frecuencia de  edición, trayectoria de la publicación, fecha de  ingreso a la Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC (BB SIIC) y otros  datos de interés para lectores e investigadores.

Los suscriptores de SIIC En Internet, como así  también los profesionales o instituciones que participan  en los programas de SIIC, pueden recabar con fines  científicos información complementaria de las  editoriales y sus revistas (contactos para fines  específicos, factores de impacto, cumplimiento de normas  editoriales, etc.). Para efectuar la consulta dirigirse a  Mensajes a SIIC.*-

Las colecciones en papel integran el acervo de la  Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC a partir de los  años que en cada revista se indica a continuación  de las siglas BB SIIC .

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Amitabh Prakash
The American Journal of Respiratory Medicine is a peer reviewed journal providing comprehensive coverage of the therapy and management of a wide range of respiratory disorders. The journal publishes topical, critical reviews and high quality original clinical research relating to the use of drugs, devices, diagnostics and other interventions for the treatment of patients with respiratory disorders. The American Journal of Respiratory Medicine publishes a regular program of independent review articles covering all aspects of the management of respiratory disorders, particularly the place in therapy of newer and established drugs and devices, with the aim of promoting rational therapy and effective patient management within the discipline of respiratory medicine. The journal includes: Leading/current opinion articles providing an overview of contentious or emerging areas and key regulatory and ethical issues Definitive reviews on a broad range of topics relating to the management of respiratory disorders Therapy in practice reviews covering optimum management of specific conditions Adis Drug Evaluations reviewing the properties and place in therapy of both newer and established drugs Adis Drug Profiles reviewing innovations in diagnosis and therapy with expert commentaries Original research articles.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
American Journal of Rhinology American Rhinologic Society or the International Rhinologic Society
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: David W. Kennedy
The American Journal of Rhinology is directed mainly to specialties that deal with disorders of the nose: Otolaryngology, Allergy/Immunology, and Plastic Surgery. It publishes peer reviewed original articles, review manuscripts and abstracts of important world-wide research publications on the nose. The innovative goal of this publication is to concentrate new knowledge on the nose in one Journal which is of special interest to the above three specialties.
Indizada por: Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy Society and the International Rhinologic Society
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2009-
Editor: Rakesh Chandra
The American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy, the official journal of the American Rhinologic Society and the International Rhinologic Society, is a peer reviewed, scientific publication committed to expanding knowledge and publishing the best clinical and basic research within the fields of Rhinology & Allergy. Its focus is to publish information which contributes to improved quality of care for patients with nasal and sinus disorders. Its primary readership consists of otolaryngologists, allergists, and plastic surgeons. Published material includes peer-reviewed original research, clinical trials and review articles.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
American Journal of Sexuality Education American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: William J. Taverner
Practical lessons on human sexuality for educators at all levels—preschool through college and later life! Unlike previous journals that have tried (and failed) to be all things to all sexuality professionals, the American Journal of Sexuality Education speaks directly to the distinct, individual professional needs of sexuality educators and trainers. This peer-reviewed journal provides sexuality educators and trainers at all skill levels with current research about sexuality education programming and “best practices,” sample lesson plans, reports on curriculum development and assessment, literature reviews, scholarly commentary, educational program reports, media reviews (books, videos, Internet resources, and curricula), and letters to the editor. Each issue of the American Journal of Sexuality Education addresses a variety of sexuality topics and audiences, presenting up-to-date theory and practice, lessons, and evaluations. The lessons include: target age group learning objectives description of the materials needed step-by-step procedures handouts and worksheets commentary on using and, if applicable, adapting the lesson Since sexuality encompasses so many different topics, content for the journal will always be diverse, including but certainly not limited to teaching about: pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted infections, sexual coercion, healthy versus unhealthy relationships, sexual orientation and identity, sexual response, sexual decision-making, gender identity, and more. Edited by William J. Taverner and Elizabeth Schroeder, nationally recognized leaders in the sexuality education field, the American Journal of Sexuality Education is an invaluable professional resource on all aspects of sexuality.
Indizada por: EBSCO, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases
American Society of Cytopathology Bulletin American Society of Cytopathology
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Donna K. Mulford
All ASC members receive The ASC Bulletin, an official publication of the Society. The ASC Bulletin keeps members abreast of ASC activities, current topics in clinical cytology and laboratory practice, forthcoming events, editorials, interesting cases, etc.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Australian Society of Anaesthetists
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: John Loadsman
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care is an international journal publishing timely, peer reviewed articles that have educational value and scientific merit for clinicians and researchers associated with anaesthesia, intensive care medicine, and pain medicine. It is the official journal of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists, the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society and the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists.
Indizada por: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, EMCare, MEDLINE , SIIC Data Bases
Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor: Sinésio Talhari
A revista Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, editada desde 1925, é publicada bimestralmente pela Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia e destina-se à divulgação de trabalhos técnico-científicos originais, inéditos, resultantes de pesquisas ou revisões de temas dermatológicos e/ou correlatos.
Indizada por: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Latindex, LILACS, MEDLINE, Periódica (Índice Latinoamericano, México), Scielo, Scopus, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Web of Science , SIIC Data Bases
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Alexander W. A. Kellner
The Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences) is the official journal of Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Brazilian Academy of Sciences) and has been published with no major interruptions since 1929 (it was termed Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Sciencias from 1917 to 1919, and published irregularly as Revista de Sciencias from 1920 to 1928). The main objective of the Anais is to publish original research findings in the fields covered by the Academy. The Editorial Board coordinates and evaluates the articles to be published. Volumes are published in a quarterly basis. Following the editorial board's recommendation, issues on special themes are published as Supplements to the Annals.
Indizada por: Bibliography and Index of Geology, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts Service, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, INIS Atomindex, LILACS, Mathematical Reviews, Periódica (Índice Latinoamericano, México), Scielo, Zentralblatt Math , SIIC Data Bases
Anales de la Facultad de Medicina Facultad de Medicina San Fernando de la UNMSM
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Cesar Cabezas Sánchez
Anales de la Facultad de Medicina es la revista de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, dedicada a la difusión de temas educativos, investigación y temas relacionados con la práctica médica, la enseñanza universitaria y la mejora de la salud pública.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Anales de Radiología, México
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2018-
Editor: Oscar Quiroz Castro
La revista Anales de Radiología, México. SMRI se publica de forma trimestral, on-line y open access, y pretende contribuir al conocimiento y actualización científica de la comunidad médica, ofreciendo un canal para el intercambio de experiencias y conocimiento, entre las diferentes especialidades.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Anales Españoles de Pediatría Asociación Española de Pediatría
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Eduardo Pérez-Yarza
Anales españoles de pediatría: Publicación oficial de la Asociación Española de Pediatría (AEP) (A partir de 2003: Anales de Pediatría) La Asociación de Pediatría, integrada por más de 7.000 pediatras a través de las Sociedades Regionales y de las Sociedades de Sub-especialidades pediátricas y a su vez, miembro de importantes Sociedades de Pediatría Internacionales,tiene como uno de sus objetivos principales la difusión de información científica rigurosa y actualizada sobre las distintas áreas de la pediatría.
Indizada por: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE , SIIC Data Bases
Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición Fundación Bengoa para la Alimentación y Nutrición
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007-
Editor: Maritza Landaeta de Jimén
Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición. Fundación Bengoa. Contribuir a la difusión de la investigación que sobre alimentación y nutrición se genera en nuestro país. En su línea editorial tienen cabida artículos científicos originales, artículos de revisión, editoriales, conferencias y cartas al editor sobre temas relacionados con alimentación, nutrición, entre ellos ciencia y tecnología de alimentos, política agroalimentaria, seguridad alimentaria, nutrición y salud pública, nutrición clínica, nutrición comunitaria, epidemiología nutricional, educación en nutrición, biología humana y patología nutricional, entre otros. Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición se crea en 1988 por la Fundación Cavendes, y continua con el apoyo institucional de la Fundación Bengoa
Indizada por: Latindex, LILACS, LIVECS, Scielo , SIIC Data Bases
Analyst Royal Society of Chemistry
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Luis A. Colón
The latest developments in theory and application of analytical and bioanalytical techniques. A core teaching tool Multidisciplinary research Fastest publication times in field Includes Chemical Technology The Analyst's popular i-section now publishes twice as many articles and appears in every issue. The i-section is complementary to the research appearing in the journal and contains a dynamic mix of reviews, overviews and trends articles, on carefully selected topics. Written by leading scientists, i-section articles are designed to allow the non-specialist to understand the underlying principles of a subject in an accessable way. Lively and didactic tutorials serve as excellant introductions to important topics. A special "forum" component defines challenging research problems for analytical science with multi-disciplinary interest and impact in numerous fields including: biochemistry, biotechnology, clinical chemistry, engineering, environmental science, food science, forensics, materials science, pharmacy and physics. Readership: Publishing original research and key invited articles, The Analyst is essential reading for educators, students and researchers who are interested in keeping up-to-date with the latest developments in the theory and application of analytical and bioanalytical techniques.
Indizada por: MEDLINE , SIIC Data Bases
Analytical Cellular Pathology
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2011-
Editor: Stanley Cohen
Analytical Cellular Pathology publishes scientific articles from various disciplines that focus on quantitative aspects of pathology. The emphasis is on the application of physical techniques to the study of cells, tissues, and organs in disease. Pathology initially evolved largely as a qualitative image-based discipline, with some forays into computer-based cytometry and morphometry. More recently, the flourishing of molecular biology has led to a paradigm shift that has changed this approach and rejuvenated our field. The convergence of biomedicine, bioengineering, and sophisticated new tools of mathematical analysis has the potential for yet another revolution towards a more precise and analytic discipline.
Indizada por: Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index, BIOSIS Reviews Reports and Meetings, CAB Abstracts, CAB Health, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EBSCO, EMBASE, MasterFile Premier, MEDLINE, PubMed , SIIC Data Bases
Ancient Science of Life
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2012-

Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Andrologia Deutsche Gesellschaft für Andrologie
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Wolf-Bernhard Schill
Andrologia provides an international forum for original papers on the current clinical, morphological, biochemical, and experimental status of organic male infertility and sexual disorders in men. The articles inform on the whole process of advances in andrology (including the aging male), from fundamental research to therapeutic developments worldwide. First published in 1969 and the first international journal of andrology, it is a well established journal in this expanding area of reproductive medicine. And in addition, andrologia provides articles on anatomy, endocrinology, physiology, and veterinary medicine. Andrologia - essential reading for scientists in fundamental andrological research, laboratory diagnosticians, veterinarians and clinicians in many fields (most importantly - dermatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, oncologists, and urologists.)
Indizada por: Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, BIOBASE, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, MEDLINE, Nutrition Abstracts, Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
Anestesia en México Federacion Mexicana de Colegios de Anestesiologia
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2016-
Editor: Enrique Hernandez Cortez
Anestesia en México es una publicación cuatrimestral, que incluye articulos originales, de revisión, casos clinicos, editoriales, estudios epidemiologicos y noticias diversas, todos los trabajos que se presentan en la revista anestesia en méxico son propiedad literaria de la revista anestesia en mexico. Los articulos cientificos son revisados por pares,por miembros del comite editorial de la revista. Existen 9 revisores de articulos. Ningun miembro del comite editorial precibe honorarios. Los revisores son profesionales en diversas áreas de la anestesiologia con postgrados de maestrias.
Indizada por: Clinical Medicine Citation Index, Current Contents , SIIC Data Bases
Anesthesia & Analgesia International Anesthesia Research Society
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Steven L. Shafer
Andrologia provides an international forum for original papers on the current clinical, morphological, biochemical, and experimental status of organic male infertility and sexual disorders in men. The articles inform on the whole process of advances in andrology (including the aging male), from fundamental research to therapeutic developments worldwide. First published in 1969 and the first international journal of andrology, it is a well established journal in this expanding area of reproductive medicine. And in addition, andrologia provides articles on anatomy, endocrinology, physiology, and veterinary medicine. Andrologia - essential reading for scientists in fundamental andrological research, laboratory diagnosticians, veterinarians and clinicians in many fields (most importantly - dermatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, oncologists, and urologists.)
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches Arab Federation of Societies of Anesthesia
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2011-
Editor: Mohamad S Maani Takrouri
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches is a Semiannual peer-reviewed international journal published by Pan Arab Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists. PAFSA. The journal\u2019s full text is available online at The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts .
Indizada por: Caspur, EBSCO, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Google Scholar, Health and Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, SCOLOAR, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Annales d'Endocrinologie Société Française D'Endocrinologie
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Marie-Christine Vantyghem
Les Annales d'endocrinologie rapportent des informations de haute qualité qui vous permettront d'actualiser vos connaissances et de suivre les évolutions de la discipline. Avant publication, tous les articles font l'objet d'une sélection rigoureuse. Les données fondamentales, les méthodes d'investigation et d'exploration fonctionnelle ainsi que les nouveaux traitements font partie des sujets abordés par le revue. Votre outil de formation médicale continue Les Annales d'endocrinologie constituent un excellent support de FMC qui vous permettra d'optimiser votre pratique à travers les rubriques Cas cliniques, Vie professionnelle, Conduites à tenir, Mises au point et Recommandations. Des experts vous apportent des solutions concrètes aux problèmes rencontrés dans votre pratique. Les Annales d'endocrinologie publient par ailleurs, chaque année, les résumés des communications du congrès annuel de la Société française d'endocrinologie, ainsi que les résumés des nombreuses rencontres de la discipline.
Indizada por: Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Pascal et Francis (INST-CNRS), Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità Istituto Superiore di Sanità
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010-
Editor: Enrico Alleva
Gli Annali, rivista scientifica trimestrale, pubblicano articoli originali, rassegne, monografie, brevi note tecniche nei diversi campi attinenti alla sanità pubblica. Gli articoli vengono sottoposti al vaglio di qualificati revisori, prima di essere accettati per la pubblicazione. La collaborazione agli Annali è aperta a tutti i ricercatori, sia esterni che interni all'Istituto.
Indizada por: Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, MEDLINE, PASCAL , SIIC Data Bases
Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2008-
Editor: Murali R. Chakravarthy
The journal publishes articles related to cardiovascular and thoracic sciences, particularly related to anaesthesia, critical care medicine, monitoring, pharmacology and perfusion technology including ethical and social issues. The journal gives preference to clinically oriented studies over experimental and animal studies. The Journal would publish peer-reviewed original research papers, case reports, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and debates.
Indizada por: Caspur, DOAJ, EBSCO, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, EMCare, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Google Scholar, Health and Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MANTIS, MEDLINE, Medlnd Expanded Academic ASAP, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, PubMed, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOLOAR, Scopus, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory , SIIC Data Bases
Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science Association of Clinical Scientists
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: F William Sunderman Jr.
Identification statement and postal information The Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science (ISSN 0091-7370) is published quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, one volume/year) by the Association of Clinical Scientists, 25 Maxwell Place, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA; Tel: 802 458 3351; Fax: 802 458 3278; E-mail:; Online edition: The Annals is printed on acid-free paper. Periodicals postage is paid at Middlebury, VT 05753, and at additional mailing offices. Subscribers should notify the Publisher at least 4 weeks in advance of an address change. POSTMASTERS: send address changes to the Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, P.O. Box 1287, Middlebury, VT 05753.
Indizada por: BIOBASE, Chemical Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Pascal et Francis (INST-CNRS), Science Citation Index , SIIC Data Bases
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Association for Clinical Biochemistry
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2006-
Editor: Edmund J Lamb
This official journal of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry, edited in collaboration with de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie and Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry, is an international journal of biochemistry in medicine. One of the world's foremost in its field, it publishes fully refereed papers of international authorship that contribute to existing knowledge in all fields of clinical biochemistry, especially that pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease. It also publishes papers on immunology, genetics, biotechnology, haematology, computing and management where they have both biochemical and clinical relevance.
Indizada por: EMBASE, MEDLINE, PubMed, RSC Analytical Abstracts, Thomson ISI , SIIC Data Bases
Annals of Hepatology Asociación Mexicana de Hepatología
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005-
Editor: Arturo Panduro
ANNALS OF HEPATOLOGY publishes original research on the biology and diseases of the liver in both humans and experimental models. Contributions may be submitted as regular articles. The journal also publishes concise reviews of both basic and clinical topics. Authors interested in contributing reviews are requested to first contact the Editor or one of the Associate Editors with an outline of the proposed article. Clinical case reports are considered if they provide significant new information on a specific disease. Letters to the Editor may be subjected to peer review and undergo editing for clarity and brevity. The journal publishes only in English.
Indizada por: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, GEOBase, Index Copernicus, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Scopus , SIIC Data Bases

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