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How do people with multimorbidity prioritise healthcare when faced with tighter financial constraints? A national survey with a choice experiment component.
How do people with multimorbidity prioritise healthcare when faced with tighter financial constraints? A national survey with a choice experiment component.
Fuente:Bmc Primary Care
When faced with tighter financial constraints,
people with multimorbidity tended to have a condition they prioritised over
others. Participants were also more likely to prioritise medicines over other
aspects of healthcare. Researchers, policymakers and clinicians should take
greater consideration of the different ways people respond to tighter financial
constraints. This could involve reducing the payment barriers to accessing care
or clinicians discussing healthcare costs and coverage with patients as part of
cost-of-care conversations.
Claves:Chronic disease, Financial burden, Health care costs, Multimorbidity, Non-communicable disease
Cita:BMC Prim Care 2025 Feb 27; 26 (1) : 57.
Autor/es:Larkin, James (a) Foley, Louise (b)
institución:(a) Department of General Practice, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland. larkinja@tcd.ie. (b) School of Allied Health and Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
The study demonstrates that periodontitis
is not associated with an increased risk of incidence for total cancer, or GIT
cancer including colorectal cancer. However, it is significantly associated with
a higher risk of mortality for all-cause, GIT cancer, and colorectal cancer among
participants in the NHANES study.
institución:(a) Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong, Sichuan, China. (b) Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong, Sichuan, China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Benefits of a near-peer program from the tutors' perspective: a survey of Australian junior doctors in a regional teaching program.
Benefits of a near-peer program from the tutors' perspective: a survey of Australian junior doctors in a regional teaching program.
Fuente:Bmc Medical Education
doctors appear to benefit from engaging in near-peer programs in the Australian
teaching hospital setting. Further research should include qualitative
methodologies to explore the perspectives of Australian junior doctors' more
Autor/es:Medveczky, David (a) Mitchell, Alicia (b)
institución:(a) Central Coast Clinical School, Joint Medical Program, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia. david.medveczky@newcastle.edu.au. (b) Central Coast Local Health District, New South Wales Health, Gosford, NSW, 2250, Australia. david.medveczky@newcastle.edu.au.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Women's healthcare access: assessing the household, logistic and facility-level barriers in India.
Women's healthcare access: assessing the household, logistic and facility-level barriers in India.
Fuente:Bmc Health Services Research
Most women perceive barriers to healthcare access,
though a wide inter-state variation exists. Facility-level barriers such as the
unavailability of drugs and healthcare providers are major concerns to healthcare
access. Distance to health facilities continues to be a logistic barrier, along
with getting money for treatment at the household level. Illiteracy, non-exposure
to mass media, working in the agricultural sector, no access to a bank account
and a mobile phone, rural residency, and poor wealth status are significant
factors adversely affecting the perceived barriers to healthcare access. The
findings recommend strengthening the existing health system and increasing health
literacy among poor, less educated, and rural women to reduce disparity in
healthcare access.
Claves:Determinants, Healthcare access, India, Perceived barriers, Women
Cita:BMC Health Serv Res 2025 Feb 27; 25 (1) : 323.
Autor/es:Pradhan, Manas Ranjan (a) De, Prasenjit (b)
institución:(a) Assistant Professor, Department of Fertility and Social Demography, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai, 400088, Maharashtra, India. (b) Assistant Professor, Department of Fertility and Social Demography, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai, 400088, Maharashtra, India. deprasen98@gmail.com.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Factors influencing clinician performance post-electronic health record implementation: an empirical analysis in Moroccan hospitals.
Factors influencing clinician performance post-electronic health record implementation: an empirical analysis in Moroccan hospitals.
Fuente:Bmc Health Services Research
This study, performed for the first time in
Morocco, identifies key factors for policymakers and healthcare organizations to
enhance the successful implementation of EHR systems. Additionally, it serves as
a valuable framework for future studies in this area.
Claves:Clinician performance, Electronic health record, Health information technology, Moroccan hospital, Structural equation modeling, Success factors
Cita:BMC Health Serv Res 2025 Feb 28; 25 (1) : 324.
Autor/es:Rhayha, Radouane (a) El Ouali Lalami, Abdelhakim (b)
institución:(a) Laboratory of Industrial Technologies and Services, Higher School of Technology, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, P.B 2427 Route d'Imouzzer, Fez, 30000, Morocco. radouane.rhayha@usmba.ac.ma. (b) Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Techniques of Fez, Annex of Meknes, Rue Omar El Farouk Hamria, 50000, Meknes, Morocco. radouane.rhayha@usmba.ac.ma.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
'You constantly have to be switched on': A qualitative interview study of parents of children with STXBP1-related disorders in the Netherlands.
'You constantly have to be switched on': A qualitative interview study of parents of children with STXBP1-related disorders in the Netherlands.
Fuente:Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
This study shows how parenting a child with STXBP1-RD involves
continuous engagement with both child-related care responsibilities and other
activities, such as arranging suitable care and coping with emotional impacts.
The accumulation of these responsibilities and challenges significantly impacts
the everyday lives of the entire family. To support STXBP1 patient families, a
broad approach is needed, focusing not only on developing new medical treatments,
but also on improving other therapies (e.g., speech therapy or physiotherapy) and
providing social support for the entire family, including emotional support,
assistance with administrative tasks, and improved information provision after
Autor/es:van Till, Sietske A L (a) Sybesma, Sybren (b)
institución:(a) Dept. of Medical Ethics, Philosophy and History of Medicine, Erasmus MC, University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Wytemaweg 80, Rotterdam, 3015 CN, The Netherlands. s.vantill@erasmusmc.nl. (b) Erasmus MC, Room Na 24.19, PO box 2040, Rotterdam, 3000 CA, the Netherlands. s.vantill@erasmusmc.nl.
Conflicto:Declarations. Ethical approval and consent to participate: For this study, we received a waiver from the research ethics review committee of Erasmus MC (MEC-2022-0155) on the 21rd of March 2022, as the committee assessed that this type of study does not fall under the scope of the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Research Act (WMO). Respondents gave verbal consent for...
participation in the study and for publication of the results, which was recorded on audio-tape. For interview studies in the Netherlands, written consent is neither customary nor required. Consent for publication: All respondents provided verbal consent for publication of anonymized individual quotes, which was recorded on audio-tape. For interview studies in the Netherlands, written consent is neither customary nor required. Competing interests: All authors declare that no support from any other organization is involved in the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organizations that have an interest in the submitted work; no other relationships or activities that could have influenced the submitted work.
Exploring the association between rheumatoid arthritis and non-small cell lung cancer risk: a transcriptomic and drug target-based analysis.
Exploring the association between rheumatoid arthritis and non-small cell lung cancer risk: a transcriptomic and drug target-based analysis.
This study
employed transcriptomic analysis and MR of drug targets to elucidate the
potential correlation between RA and the risk of developing NSCLC. The
identification of NSCLC differentially expressed genes associated with RA and
their drug targets has provided new perspectives for an in-depth understanding of
the pathogenesis of NSCLC. Furthermore, an additional immune infiltration
analysis demonstrated that, in NSCLC tissues, the infiltration levels of specific
immune cell subpopulations, including regulatory T cells (Tregs), activated
natural killer cells (NK cells) and unpolarised macrophages (M0), exhibited
notable differences. These findings emphasise the significant role that immune
cell interactions between RA and NSCLC may play in disease progression.
Furthermore, through the analysis of validation histology, we have further
confirmed the potential role of differential genes associated with RA in the
development of NSCLC. The expression levels of these genes demonstrated
significant differences in NSCLC samples, providing a basis for possible future
therapeutic targets and biomarkers.
institución:(a) Peking University Cancer Hospital Yunnan, Kunming, Yunnan, China. (b) The Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming(in Yunnan), China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Direct fibroblast reprogramming: an emerging strategy for treating organic fibrosis.
Direct fibroblast reprogramming: an emerging strategy for treating organic fibrosis.
Fuente:Journal of Translational Medicine
Innovative methods for fibroblast reprogramming like
small molecules, CRISPRa, modified mRNA, and the challenges of cellular
heterogeneity and senescence faced by in vivo direct reprogramming, are also
Claves:Direct reprogramming, Fibroblast, Fibrosis, In situ regeneration, In vivo direct reprogramming, Myofibroblast
Cita:J Transl Med 2025 Feb 27; 23 (1) : 240.
Autor/es:Lin, Haohui (a) Wang, Xia (b)
institución:(a) Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, Medical School, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. (b) School of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China.
Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics approval and consent to participate: Not applicable. Consent for publication: Not applicable. Competing interests: The authors report there are no competing interests to declare.
Navigating diagnostic challenges in Bartonella-induced infective endocarditis
Navigating diagnostic challenges in Bartonella-induced infective endocarditis
Fuente:Journal of Medical Case Reports
Tipo de trabajo:Caso clínico
report underscores the importance of heightened awareness, comprehensive
diagnostic imaging, and careful consideration of treatment strategies in patients
with atypical infective endocarditis. This highlights the need for the early
suspicion and identification of Bartonella henselae in BCNIE cases, particularly
in patients with relevant epidemiological exposure.
Claves:Aortic valve vegetation, Bartonella endocarditis, Case report, Culture negative endocarditis
Cita:J Med Case Rep 2025 Feb 27; 19 (1) : 79.
Autor/es:Ghozzia, Meriem (a) Azaiez, Fares (b)
institución:(a) Department of Cardiology, Mongi Slim University Hospital Center, La Marsa, Tunis, Tunisia. meriem.ghozzia@etudiant-fmt.utm.tn. (b) Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia. meriem.ghozzia@etudiant-fmt.utm.tn.
Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics approval and consent to participate: Not applicable. Consent for publication: Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal. Competing interests: The authors have no disclosures to report and have no conflict of...
Imaging features and consideration of progression pattern of diffuse hemispheric gliomas, H3 G34-mutant.
Imaging features and consideration of progression pattern of diffuse hemispheric gliomas, H3 G34-mutant.
Fuente:Acta Neuropathologica Communications
These findings underscore
the challenges of managing DHGs and emphasize the need for further research on
effective therapeutic strategies, particularly to understand and target their
unique progression patterns.
Claves:Deep white matter infiltration, Diffuse hemispheric glioma, G34-mutant, Surgical resection
Cita:Acta Neuropathol Commun 2025 Feb 27; 13 (1) : 43.
Autor/es:Kibe, Yuji (a) Chalise, Lushun (b)
institución:(a) Department of Neurosurgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 65 Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8550, Japan. (b) Division of Neurosurgery, Shizuoka Cancer Center, Nagaizumi, Japan.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Revolutionizing e-health: the transformative role of AI-powered hybrid chatbots in healthcare solutions.
Revolutionizing e-health: the transformative role of AI-powered hybrid chatbots in healthcare solutions.
Fuente:Frontiers in Public Health
Tipo de trabajo:Revisión
Further studies
are needed to explore these challenges and the long-term impact of AI-driven
healthcare solutions.
Claves:artificial intelligence in e-health, e-health solutions, healthcare chatbots, hybrid chatbots, mental health support systems
Cita:Front Public Health 2025; 13 : 1530799.
Autor/es:artificial intelligence in e-health, e-health solutions, healthcare chatbots, hybrid chatbots, mental health support systems
institución:artificial intelligence in e-health, e-health solutions, healthcare chatbots, hybrid chatbots, mental health support systems
Conflicto:The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The evolution of serious health-related suffering from 1990 to 2021: an update to The Lancet Commission on global access to palliative care and pain relief.
The evolution of serious health-related suffering from 1990 to 2021: an update to The Lancet Commission on global access to palliative care and pain relief.
Fuente:The Lancet. Global Health
FUNDING: University of Miami, USA; Cancer Pain Relief Committee; Medical Research
Council; GDS.
Cita:Lancet Glob Health 2025 Mar; 13 (3) : e422-e436.
Autor/es:Knaul, Felicia M (a) Arreola-Ornelas, Héctor (b)
institución:(a) Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; University of Miami Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA; Tómatelo a Pecho, AC, Mexico City, Mexico; Faculty of Excellence, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico. Electronic address: fknaul@mednet.ucla.edu. (b) University of Miami Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA; Tómatelo a Pecho, AC, Mexico City, Mexico; Institute for Obesity Research, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico; School of Government and Public Transformation, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico; Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, Mexico City, México.
Conflicto:Declaration of interests FMK reports research grants to Tómatelo a Pecho from the University of Cambridge (funder: Breast Cancer Now), Merck Sharp & Dohme Comercializadora, and Avon Cosmetics; research grants to the University of Miami on palliative care from the UK Medical Research Council and US Cancer Pain Relief Committee; a research grant from EMD Serono; gift funding from the...
e ABC Global Alliance to the University of Miami; personal consulting fees from Merck KGaA–EMD Serono and Tecnológico de Monterrey; leadership positions or fiduciary roles in other boards, societies, committees, or advocacy groups as the Founding President of Tómatelo a Pecho, as Senior Economist (unpaid) at the Mexican Health Foundation, and as a member (unpaid) of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care. HA-O reports consulting fees collected through the University of Miami from Merck KGaA. XJK reports consulting fees for part of the submitted work from the University of Miami Institute for the Advanced Study of the Americas; consulting fees through a research grant from the Medical Research Council to the University of Edinburgh outside the submitted work; and additional consulting fees as grants from Merck KGaA–EMD Serono, given through the University of Miami Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas. AB reports consulting fees from the University of Miami Institute for the Advanced Study of the Americas for part of the submitted work; receipt of the Fulbright US Scholar Teaching and Research Award from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State outside of submitted work; consulting fees through a research grant from the Medical Research Council to the University of Edinburgh outside the submitted work; and Honoraria from Memorial Sloan Kettering for presentation outside the submitted work. WER reports receipt of the National Cancer Institute–National Institute of Health Comprehensive Cancer Center Award P30CA008748. TP reports payment and honoraria from RWTH Aachen University, City Cancer Challenge; support for attending meetings and travel from RWTH Aachen University and International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care; leadership positions or fiduciary roles in other boards, societies, committees, or advocacy groups as a Research Advisor at IAHPC, co-chair at the Reference Group Primary Palliative Care, and is a board member at RG Public Health. SC reports salaried part-time employment at the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance as part of support for the present manuscript; book royalties from Routledge Publishing; leadership positions or fiduciary roles in other boards, societies, committees, or advocacy groups as a board member (non-paid) of the International Children's Palliative Care Network, as a board member (non-paid) of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, as a Scientific Advisory Board member (non-paid) of Mt Sinai Hospital, National Palliative Care Research Center, as a member of the Editorial Board (non-paid) of the Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, as a board member (non-paid) of Ehospice, and as a board member (non-paid) of Public Health & Palliative Care International. JC reports a leadership position or fiduciary roles in other boards, societies, committees, or advocacy groups as a trustee of the World Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance. LR reports other financial or non-financial interests as Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care. All other authors declare no competing interests.
In search of common ground - nephrologists' experiences in preparing and informing patients on the path to end-stage kidney disease.
In search of common ground - nephrologists' experiences in preparing and informing patients on the path to end-stage kidney disease.
Fuente:Bmc Nephrology
Planning future
treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease involves a complex information
process that leaves room for both paternalism and respect for autonomy.
Nephrologists face many competing challenges when discussing treatment options
with patients. These challenges should be taken into account in the development
of support for nephrologists in the area of information sharing.
institución:(a) Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Medical Ethics, Lund University, BMC I12, Box 117, Lund, 22100, Sweden. jenny.lindberg@med.lu.se. (b) Department of Nephrology, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden. jenny.lindberg@med.lu.se.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
How have PHEIC determinations changed since the COVID-19 pandemic? A document analysis of 101 WHO International Health Regulations Emergency Committees' statements.
How have PHEIC determinations changed since the COVID-19 pandemic? A document analysis of 101 WHO International Health Regulations Emergency Committees' statements.
Fuente:Bmc Public Health
Given changes to
the PHEIC declaration process following the COVID-19 pandemic, it is evident that
reforms are necessary to ensure a more consistent, transparent, and effective
global health response moving forward. Our recommendations, if adopted, could
significantly enhance the WHO's ability to respond to future global health
crises, ensuring more consistent and transparent decision-making in PHEIC
declarations, and ultimately strengthening international preparedness and
Claves:Global health, Health policy, International health, PHEIC, Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Public health, Public health emergencies, Public policy, WHO, World HealthOrganization
Cita:BMC Public Health 2025 Feb 28; 25 (1) : 818.
Autor/es:Hemmat, Kevin (a) Amri, Michelle (b)
institución:(a) School of Public Policy, Simon Fraser University, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 4N6, Canada. (b) The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, 2206 East Mall, Room 209, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada. michelle.amri@ubc.ca.
Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics approval and consent to participate: Not applicable. Consent for publication: Not applicable. Competing interests: KH and DEK declare no competing interests. MA reports short-term instances of consulting for the World Health Organization and membership with the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Assessment in Health Equity.
Associations between dietary diversity and self-rated health in a transverse study of four local food systems (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Portugal and Senegal).
Associations between dietary diversity and self-rated health in a transverse study of four local food systems (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Portugal and Senegal).
Fuente:Bmc Public Health
This study demonstrates a positive association between dietary
diversity and self-rated health across distinct cultural contexts. The findings
reinforce the importance of diverse diets for subjective well-being, regardless
of differences in food systems. Public health messaging should continue to
promote dietary diversity and home-cooked meals as effective strategies for
improving health. Self-rated health could serve as a useful tool for quickly
assessing the outcomes of nutrition therapy.
Autor/es:Rapinski, Michael (a) Raymond, Richard (b)
institución:(a) UMR 7206 Eco-Anthropologie, MNHN / CNRS Université Paris Cité, Paris, 75116, France. (b) UMR 7206 Eco-Anthropologie, MNHN / CNRS Université Paris Cité, Paris, 75116, France.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Moral distress among maternal-fetal medicine fellows: a national survey study.
Moral distress among maternal-fetal medicine fellows: a national survey study.
Fuente:Bmc Medical Ethics
MFM fellows who
identify as female reported higher measures of moral distress, as well as those
training in states with more abortion restrictions. Among free text respondents,
abortion restrictions underlie a significant proportion of moral distress.
Claves:Abortion restriction, Maternal mortality, Maternal-fetal medicine fellows, Moral distress
Cita:BMC Med Ethics 2025 Feb 28; 26 (1) : 31.
Autor/es:Ding, Jia Jennifer (a) Vu, Thi (b)
institución:(a) Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, P.O.B. 208063, New Haven, Connecticut, CT, 06520, United States of America. jia.jennifer.ding@gmail.com. (b) Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
institución:(a) Xin Hua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. (b) School of Medicine, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, China.
Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics considerations: Not applicable. Consent for publication: Not applicable. Consent to participate: Not applicable. Conflicts of interest: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Admixture as a source for HLA variation in Neolithic European farming communities.
Admixture as a source for HLA variation in Neolithic European farming communities.
Fuente:Genome Biology
Both early farmers and late farmers exhibit a relatively narrow HLA
allele spectrum compared to today. This coincides with sparse traces of pathogen
DNA, potentially indicating a lower pathogen pressure at the time.
Claves:Admixture, Ancient DNA, European Neolithic, HLA diversity, Immune genes, Population genetics
Cita:Genome Biol 2025 Feb 28; 26 (1) : 43.
Autor/es:da Silva, Nicolas Antonio (a) Özer, Onur (b)
institución:(a) Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany. (b) Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Shared environments complicate the use of strain-resolved metagenomics to infer microbiome transmission.
Shared environments complicate the use of strain-resolved metagenomics to infer microbiome transmission.
We conclude that
strain-level analyses provide useful information about microbiome similarity, but
other facets of study design, especially longitudinal sampling and careful
consideration of host characteristics, are essential for inferring the underlying
mechanisms of strain sharing and resolving true social transmission network.
Video Abstract.
Claves:Bacterial dispersal, Horizontal transmission, Microbiome, Social behavior, Social network, Social transmission, Strain sharing
Cita:Microbiome 2025 Feb 28; 13 (1) : 59.
Autor/es:Debray, Reena (a) Dickson, Carly C (b)
institución:(a) Department of Primate Behavior and Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. reena_debray@eva.mpg.de. (b) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Frailty and loneliness among community-dwelling older adults: examining reciprocal associations within a measurement burst design.
Frailty and loneliness among community-dwelling older adults: examining reciprocal associations within a measurement burst design.
Fuente:Bmc Geriatrics
findings do not support the assumption that frailty and loneliness share a causal
reciprocal relationship over weeks and months. Nonetheless, higher levels of
frailty were weakly associated with higher levels of loneliness at the within-
and considerably associated at the between-person level, which may indicate a
common source of both domains.
Claves:Frailty, Growth modeling, Latent curve model with structured residuals, Loneliness, Short-term
Cita:BMC Geriatr 2025 Mar 1; 25 (1) : 139.
Autor/es:Schultz, Anna (a) Mayerl, Hannes (b)
institución:(a) Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Medical University of Graz, Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6, Med Campus West/P07, Graz, 8010, Austria. (b) Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Medical University of Graz, Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6, Med Campus West/P07, Graz, 8010, Austria.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación