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BMC cancer
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
BMC cancer

Incidence and risk of endocrine and metabolic abnormalities linked to PARP inhibitors in solid tumors

Incidence and risk of endocrine and metabolic abnormalities linked to PARP inhibitors in solid tumors

Fuente:Bmc Cancer

Tipo de trabajo:Metanálisis

Extracto: Our meta-analysis demonstrated that PARPi may exert adverse effects on endocrine and metabolic pathways. Close monitoring of hyperglycemia is recommended for patients undergoing niraparib therapy, especially those with pancreatic cancer. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This meta-Analysis was prospectively registered in the PROSPERO database with ID CRD42023457959.

Claves:Endocrine and metabolic abnormalities, Meta-analysis, PARP inhibitors

Cita:BMC Cancer 2025 Jan 31; 25 (1) : 183.

Autor/es:Fu, Shunlian (a)
Zou, Pingjin (b)

institución:(a) Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, 611137, P.R. China.
(b) Department of Radiation Oncology, Radiation Oncology Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Clinical Research Center for Cancer, Sichuan Cancer Hospital & Institute, Sichuan Cancer Center, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610041, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12885-025-13579-1

BMC veterinary research
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
BMC veterinary research

Impact of Ecobiol plus ® feed additive on growth performance, physiological response, oxidative status and immunological status of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila.

Impact of Ecobiol plus ® feed additive on growth performance, physiological response, oxidative status and immunological status of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila.

Fuente:Bmc Veterinary Research

Extracto: The optimal inclusion level of Ecobiol plus(®) is 0.4 g/kg for maximum benefit.

Claves:Aeromonas hydrophila challenge, Aquaculture, Fish immunity, Nile tilapia nutrition, Oxidative stress, Probiotic supplementation

Cita:BMC Vet Res 2025 Jan 31; 21 (1) : 46.

Autor/es:Omar, Amira A (a)
Assar, Doaa H (b)

institución:(a) Fish Diseases and Management Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh, 33516, Egypt.
(b) Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh, 33516, Egypt.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12917-025-04480-x

BMC medical informatics and decision making
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
BMC medical informatics and decision making

Optimizing hypoglycaemia prediction in type 1 diabetes with Ensemble Machine Learning modeling.

Optimizing hypoglycaemia prediction in type 1 diabetes with Ensemble Machine Learning modeling.

Fuente:Bmc Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Extracto: The consideration of the performance of the basis functions in the hypoglycaemic region during the construction of the ensemble model contributes to enhancing their joint performance in that specific area. This could lead to more precise insulin management and a reduced risk of short-term hypoglycaemic fluctuations.

Claves:Continuous glucose monitoring, Glucose prediction, Machine learning, Type 1 diabetes

Cita:BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2025 Jan 31; 25 (1) : 46.

Autor/es:Katsarou, Daphne N (a)
Georga, Eleni I (b)

institución:(a) Department of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, GR45110, Greece.
(b) Unit of Medical Technology Intelligent Information Systems, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, GR45110, Greece.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12911-025-02867-2

BMC veterinary research
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
BMC veterinary research

Nisin A-producing Lactococcus cremoris formulations for pre- and post-milking teat disinfection modulate the bovine milk microbiota.

Nisin A-producing Lactococcus cremoris formulations for pre- and post-milking teat disinfection modulate the bovine milk microbiota.

Fuente:Bmc Veterinary Research

Extracto: The use of Nisin A-based teat dip formulations could be linked to greater microbial diversity compared to commercial products. Despite the influence of seasonality, the experimental formulations maintained higher milk biodiversity, suggesting that lactic acid bacteria metabolites prevent alterations in the milk microbiota.

Claves:Lactococcus cremoris, Bacteriocin, Cow milk, Microbiota, Nisin, Teat disinfection

Cita:BMC Vet Res 2025 Jan 31; 21 (1) : 48.

Autor/es:Gazzola, Alessandra (a)
Ceccarani, Camilla (b)

institución:(a) Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia-Romagna, Lodi, 26900, Italy.
(b) Institute of Biomedical Technologies (ITB), Italian National Research Council, Segrate, Italy.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12917-025-04483-8

Cardiovascular diabetology
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Cardiovascular diabetology

Association between the cumulative estimated glucose disposal rate and incident cardiovascular disease in individuals over the age of 50 years and without diabetes: data from two large cohorts in China and the United States.

Association between the cumulative estimated glucose disposal rate and incident cardiovascular disease in individuals over the age of 50 years and without diabetes: data from two large cohorts in China and the United States.

Fuente:Cardiovascular Diabetology

Extracto: A lower level of cumulative eGDR was associated with an increased risk of incident CVD in individuals over the age of 50 years and without diabetes. Continuous monitoring of cumulative eGDR exposure over time, based on consideration of traditional risk factors, may prove beneficial for the early identification and intervention of individuals at high risk of CVD. In regions with limited healthcare resources, among individuals with limited ability to access, process, and understand health information and services, cumulative eGDR may offer improved clinical applicability.

Claves:Cardiovascular disease, Cohort study, Cumulative exposure, eGDR

Cita:Cardiovasc Diabetol 2025 Jan 31; 24 (1) : 51.

Autor/es:Zhang, Jin (a)
Sun, Ziyi (b)

institución:(a) Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, China.
(b) Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12933-025-02575-1

Journal of nanobiotechnology
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Journal of nanobiotechnology

A bibliometric analysis of hydrogel research in various fields: the trends and evolution of hydrogel application.

A bibliometric analysis of hydrogel research in various fields: the trends and evolution of hydrogel application.

Fuente:Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Extracto: Furthermore, we proposed a novel and reproducible bibliometric research paradigm, which can provide a more comprehensive analysis of the trends and trajectory of a research field.

Claves:Application, Bibliometric, Characteristics, Hydrogel, Matrix system

Cita:J Nanobiotechnology 2025 Jan 31; 23 (1) : 70.

Autor/es:Yuan, Zhong-Zhu (a)
Fan, Yu-Zhou (b)

institución:(a) State Key Laboratory of Southwestern Chinese Medicine Resources, and Innovative Institute of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, 611137, China.
(b) State Key Laboratory of Southwestern Chinese Medicine Resources, and Innovative Institute of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, 611137, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12951-025-03090-x

Veterinary research
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Veterinary research

Spray vaccination with a safe and bivalent H9N2 recombinant chimeric NDV vector vaccine elicits complete protection against NDV and H9N2 AIV challenge.

Spray vaccination with a safe and bivalent H9N2 recombinant chimeric NDV vector vaccine elicits complete protection against NDV and H9N2 AIV challenge.

Fuente:Veterinary Research

Extracto: This study offers a promising strategy for comprehensive protection in regions threatened by H9N2 AIV and NDV.

Claves:H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus, Newcastle disease virus, chicken, spray vaccination, vaccine

Cita:Vet Res 2025 Jan 31; 56 (1) : 24.

Autor/es:Wang, Xiaoquan (a)
Dai, Jing (b)

institución:(a) Key Laboratory of Avian Bioproducts Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225000, China.
(b) Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Prevention and Control of Important Animal Infectious Diseases and Zoonosis, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225000, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13567-025-01448-5

International journal for equity in health
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
International journal for equity in health

Assessing the determinants of out-of-pocket health expenditures among Cambodian households in informal employment using survey data.

Assessing the determinants of out-of-pocket health expenditures among Cambodian households in informal employment using survey data.

Fuente:International Journal For Equity in Health

Extracto: Our findings emphasize the necessity of integrating nonpoor informal workers and their dependents into formal prepayment schemes to reduce OOPE and enhance financial protection on Cambodia's path toward universal health coverage. Strategically engaging with private providers and pharmacies to improve access to essential services and medicines, coupled with the implementation of an effective referral system are important policy considerations to this end. Further research is needed on how health determinants are modifiable with policy interventions. Our findings can assist the Cambodian government in advancing its universal health coverage goals and offer insights for other countries aiming to extend coverage to similar population groups.

Claves:Cambodia, Financial protection, Informal employment, Low- and middle-income countries, Out-of-pocket budget share, Out-of-pocket health expenditures, Population coverage, Universal health coverage

Cita:Int J Equity Health 2025 Jan 31; 24 (1) : 33.

Autor/es:Kaiser, Andrea Hannah (a)
Mao, Sovathiro (b)

institución:(a) Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmoe (IKVM), Division of Social Medicine and Global Health (SMGH), CRC, Lund University, Jan Waldenstroems Gata 35, Malmoe, Sweden. andrea.kaiser@med.lu.se.
(b) General Secretariat for the National Social Protection Council, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia, Street 92, Phnom Penh, 120211, Cambodia. andrea.kaiser@med.lu.se.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12939-025-02394-6

Archives of Iranian medicine
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Archives of Iranian medicine

Consequences of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Ardabil (1925-1941): A Historical Analysis.

Consequences of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Ardabil (1925-1941): A Historical Analysis.

Fuente:Archives of Iranian Medicine

Extracto: The results showed that the efforts of the first Pahlavi government in fighting infectious diseases in Ardabil were relatively successful and reduced the prevalence of some diseases.

Claves:Ardabil, First Pahlavi period, Health, History of medicine, Infectious diseases

Cita:Arch Iran Med 2024 Dec 1; 27 (12) : 710-717.

Autor/es:Aghabeiglooei, Zahra (a)
Rezaei Orimi, Jamal (b)

institución:(a) Traditional Medicine Clinical Trial Research Center, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.
(b) Department of Traditional Medicine, School of Persian Medicine, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

Conflicto:Competing Interests Authors state that there isn’t any conflict of interests.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Irán

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.34172/aim.31949

Malaria journal
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Malaria journal

Controlled human malaria infection: overview and potential application in the evaluation of transmission-blocking interventions in malaria-endemic areas.

Controlled human malaria infection: overview and potential application in the evaluation of transmission-blocking interventions in malaria-endemic areas.

Fuente:Malaria Journal

Extracto: Here is an overview of CHMI, key challenges and ethical considerations in adopting CHMI for the evaluation of malaria transmission-blocking interventions in malaria-endemic countries.

Claves:CHMI, Controlled human malaria infection, Malaria, TBV, Transmission blocking vaccine

Cita:Malar J 2025 Feb 1; 24 (1) : 33.

Autor/es:Kessy, Enock J (a)
Olotu, Ally I (b)

institución:(a) Ifakara Health Institute, P.O. Box 78 373, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. ekessy@ihi.or.tz.
(b) Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, 404 Nganana, 2331 Kikwe, Arumeru, P.O.Box 447, Arusha, Tanzania. ekessy@ihi.or.tz.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12936-025-05277-x

BMC cancer
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
BMC cancer

Development and validation of a prognostic prediction model for elderly gastric cancer patients based on oxidative stress biochemical markers.

Development and validation of a prognostic prediction model for elderly gastric cancer patients based on oxidative stress biochemical markers.

Fuente:Bmc Cancer

Extracto: Incorporating the GIOSS, the RF model effectively predicts postoperative OS in older patients with GC and is a robust prognostic tool. Our findings emphasize the importance of oxidative stress in cancer prognosis and provide a pathway for improved management of GC. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Retrospectively registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (trial registration number: NCT06208046, date of registration: 2024-05-01).

Claves:Elderly, Gastric cancer, Machine learning, Overall survival, Oxidative stress

Cita:BMC Cancer 2025 Feb 1; 25 (1) : 188.

Autor/es:Zhang, Xing-Qi (a)
Huang, Ze-Ning (b)

institución:(a) Department of Gastric Surgery, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, No.29 Xinquan Road, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, 350001, China.
(b) Department of General Surgery, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12885-025-13545-x

Journal of nanobiotechnology
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Journal of nanobiotechnology

Navigating a challenging path: precision disease treatment with tailored oral nano-armor-probiotics.

Navigating a challenging path: precision disease treatment with tailored oral nano-armor-probiotics.

Fuente:Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Extracto: Ultimately, this review aspires to guide the advancement of nano-armored probiotic therapies, driving progress in precision medicine and paving the way for groundbreaking treatment modalities.

Claves:Gut to brain, Nanoparticles, Oral administration, Precision therapy, Probiotics

Cita:J Nanobiotechnology 2025 Feb 1; 23 (1) : 72.

Autor/es:Chen, Anmei (a)
Gong, Ying (b)

institución:(a) School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610041, China.
(b) Department of Haematology, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, School of Medicine of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, No. 32, West Section 2, First Ring Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu, 610000, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12951-025-03141-3

BMC medical education
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
BMC medical education

Feasibility and acceptability of a virtual learning module for navigating angry conversations in clinical encounters.

Feasibility and acceptability of a virtual learning module for navigating angry conversations in clinical encounters.

Fuente:Bmc Medical Education

Tipo de trabajo:Estudio clínico

Extracto: Students found the training to be acceptable, providing them with tangible skills. There should be a consideration as to how to incorporate VL, with a mix of face-to-face practice for added realism. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical trial number not applicable.

Claves:Angry conversations, Clinical conversations, Feasibility and acceptability, Virtual learning

Cita:BMC Med Educ 2025 Feb 1; 25 (1) : 167.

Autor/es:Shilling, Valerie (a)
Starkings, Rachel (b)

institución:(a) SHORE-C, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton and Hove, England. V.M.Shilling@sussex.ac.uk.
(b) SHORE-C, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton and Hove, England.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12909-025-06726-6

Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025

Lipidomics-based investigation of its impact on the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis: a Mendelian randomization study.

Lipidomics-based investigation of its impact on the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis: a Mendelian randomization study.


Extracto: In conclusion, our study comprehensively illustrates a causal relationship between lipid metabolites and the risk of coronary atherosclerosis. Furthermore, cholesterol levels, sterol ester (27:1/18:2) levels, triacylglycerol (52:4) levels, triacylglycerol (52:5) levels, diacylglycerol (18:1_18.2) levels, and triacylglycerol (53:4) levels are positively correlated with the risk of coronary atherosclerosis. These six lipid metabolites have the potential as new predictors of the risk of atherosclerosis, providing new insights into the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Claves:Atherosclerosis, Incidence of a disease, Intermediate analysis, Lipid metabolism, Mendelian randomization

Cita:Hereditas 2025 Feb 1; 162 (1) : 13.

Autor/es:Wang, Qun (a)
Cao, Yuan (b)

institución:(a) Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for TCM Viscera-State Theory and Applications, Ministry of Education of China, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 79 Chongshan Road, Huanggu District, Shenyang, 110847, Liaoning Province, China.
(b) Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for TCM Viscera-State Theory and Applications, Ministry of Education of China, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 79 Chongshan Road, Huanggu District, Shenyang, 110847, Liaoning Province, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41065-025-00367-x

Current obesity reports
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Current obesity reports

Time Restricted Eating: A Valuable Alternative to Calorie Restriction for Addressing Obesity?

Time Restricted Eating: A Valuable Alternative to Calorie Restriction for Addressing Obesity?

Fuente:Current Obesity Reports

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión

Extracto: According to its molecular effects, TRE can be an interesting alternative to caloric restriction in the treatment of obesity, but the considerable variability across clinical trials regarding population, intervention, and follow-up duration makes it difficult to reach definitive conclusions.

Claves:Appetite, Biological clock, Circadian rhythm, Obesity, Time restricted eating

Cita:Curr Obes Rep 2025 Feb 3; 14 (1) : 17.

Autor/es:Parrotta, Maria Eugenia (a)
Colangeli, Luca (b)

institución:(a) Department of Systems Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
(b) Department of Systems Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13679-025-00609-z

AMA journal of ethics
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
AMA journal of ethics

Using Policy and Law to Help Reduce Endometriosis Diagnostic Delay.

Using Policy and Law to Help Reduce Endometriosis Diagnostic Delay.

Fuente:Ama Journal of Ethics

Extracto: This article suggests why diagnostic criteria should be clarified and why endometriosis screening should be incentivized among members of the public, clinicians, and health care organizations.

Cita:AMA J Ethics 2025 Feb 1; 27 (2) : E104-109.

Autor/es:Penzer, Annika J (a)
Schweikart, Scott J (b)

institución:(a) Fourth-year undergraduate student at Stanford University in Stanford, California.
(b) Senior policy analyst at the American Medical Association in Chicago, Illinois, where he is also a contributing editor for the AMA Journal of Ethics.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/amajethics.2025.104

Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025

Treating Patients in Non-Labor and Delivery OB/GYN Examinations and Procedures.

Treating Patients in Non-Labor and Delivery OB/GYN Examinations and Procedures.

Fuente:Ama Journal of Ethics

Extracto: This essay explores the ethical issues physicians face during clinical practice when performing non-labor and delivery OB/GYN examinations and procedures.

Cita:AMA J Ethics 2025 Feb 1; 27 (2) : E110-116.

Autor/es:Comer, Amber R (a)
Rappaport, Meredith (b)

institución:(a) Director of ethics policy and secretary of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs at the American Medical Association in Chicago, Illinois.
(b) Bioethics research associate at the American Medical Association in Chicago, Illinois.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/amajethics.2025.110

Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025

Key Roles of Epistemic Humility in OB/GYN Care of Patients in Acute Non-Labor and Delivery Pain Care.

Key Roles of Epistemic Humility in OB/GYN Care of Patients in Acute Non-Labor and Delivery Pain Care.

Fuente:Ama Journal of Ethics

Extracto: OB/GYN practitioners are encouraged to cultivate the virtue of epistemic humility and consider the role of patient satisfaction scores in evaluating care.

Cita:AMA J Ethics 2025 Feb 1; 27 (2) : E117-128.

Autor/es:OB/GYN practitioners are encouraged to cultivate the virtue of epistemic humility and consider the role of patient satisfaction scores in evaluating care.

institución:OB/GYN practitioners are encouraged to cultivate the virtue of epistemic humility and consider the role of patient satisfaction scores in evaluating care.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/amajethics.2025.117

Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025

Which Values Should Guide Evidence-Based Practice?

Which Values Should Guide Evidence-Based Practice?

Fuente:Ama Journal of Ethics

Extracto: his article draws on opinions in the AMA Code of Medical Ethics and applies them to evidence-based practice.

Cita:AMA J Ethics 2025 Jan 1; 27 (1) : 21-26.

Autor/es:his article draws on opinions in the AMA Code of Medical Ethics and applies them to evidence-based practice.

institución:his article draws on opinions in the AMA Code of Medical Ethics and applies them to evidence-based practice.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/amajethics.2025.21

Scientific reports
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Scientific reports

Potato starch quality in relation to the treatments and long-term storage of tubers.

Potato starch quality in relation to the treatments and long-term storage of tubers.

Fuente:Scientific Reports

Extracto: It is recommended to use products for potato seed treatment in the production technology of potato for consumption and for starch production.

Cita:Sci Rep 2025 Feb 3; 15 (1) : 4144.

Autor/es:Brążkiewicz, Katarzyna (a)
Pobereżny, Jarosław (b)

institución:(a) Institute of Agri-Foodstuff Commodity, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, 7 Kaliskiego St, 85-796, Bydgoszcz, Poland. katarzyna.retmanska@pbs.edu.pl.
(b) Institute of Agri-Foodstuff Commodity, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, 7 Kaliskiego St, 85-796, Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-025-85657-0

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