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BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Selección SIIC: 20 Febrero, 2025
BMC pregnancy and childbirth

A comparison of international clinical practice guidelines for postpartum venous thromboembolism prophylaxis.

A comparison of international clinical practice guidelines for postpartum venous thromboembolism prophylaxis.

Fuente:Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth

Tipo de trabajo:Guía de recomendaciones

Extracto: There are considerable differences in the rates of women receiving postpartum pharmacological venous thromboembolism prophylaxis when recommendations from different international guidelines are applied. These differences reflect the wide variation in guideline recommendations for the use of LMWH following birth.

Claves:Heparin, Low-molecular-weight, Postpartum, Practice guideline, Pregnancy, Thromboembolism

Cita:BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2025 Feb 12; 25 (1) : 150.

Autor/es:Ephraums, Sarah (a)
Dasgupta, Amrita (b)

institución:(a) Northern Sydney (Arabanoo) Precinct, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
(b) Northern Sydney (Arabanoo) Precinct, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12884-025-07246-3

Lipids in health and disease
Selección SIIC: 20 Febrero, 2025
Lipids in health and disease

Association between atherogenic index of plasma and infertility: a cross-sectional study based on U.S. women.

Association between atherogenic index of plasma and infertility: a cross-sectional study based on U.S. women.

Fuente:Lipids in Health and Disease

Extracto: Incorporating an assessment of AIP into the clinical evaluation could potentially refine the accuracy of risk estimation for infertility patients.

Claves:Atherogenic index of plasma, Cross-sectional study, Infertility, NHANES, Reproduction

Cita:Lipids Health Dis 2025 Feb 14; 24 (1) : 51.

Autor/es:Bao, Zihong (a)
Zhang, Yanmei (b)

institución:(a) Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming University Medical College, Kunming, Yunnan, 650032, China.
(b) Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming University Medical College, Kunming, Yunnan, 650032, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12944-025-02469-x

Reproductive health
Selección SIIC: 20 Febrero, 2025
Reproductive health

Parent-adolescent sexual and reproductive health information communication in Ghana.

Parent-adolescent sexual and reproductive health information communication in Ghana.

Fuente:Reproductive Health

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión sistemática

Extracto: The study has provided information on the components of a culturally sensitive SRH information communication intervention. The contextual information gathered, which explained the systematic review findings, will be helpful in the adaptation of SRH information communication intervention.

Claves:Adolescent, Communication, Information, Intervention, Lower- and middle-income countries, Parent, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Systematic review

Cita:Reprod Health 2025 Feb 19; 22 (1) : 25.

Autor/es:Agyei, Frank Bediako (a)
Kaura, Doreen K (b)

institución:(a) Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa. frankagyei89@gmail.com.
(b) Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12978-025-01961-y

Journal of intellectual & developmental disability

Selección SIIC: 20 Febrero, 2025

Journal of intellectual & developmental disability

Tacit knowledge in medical consultations for patients with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: An exploratory qualitative study.

Tacit knowledge in medical consultations for patients with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: An exploratory qualitative study.

Fuente:Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability

Extracto: This study underscores the important role of TK in consultations for patients with PIMD. Parents' TK help to shape medical-decisions, urging physicians to validate parents' TK while relating this TK to other types of medical knowledge.

Claves:PIMD, Tacit knowledge, intellectual disability physician, interdisciplinary consultation, medical care, parents

Cita:J Intellect Dev Disabil 2025 Mar; 50 (1) : 106-115.

Autor/es:Zaal-Schuller, Ilse Harmina (a)
Kruithof, K (b)

institución:(a) Department of Ethics, Law & Humanities, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
(b) Department of Pediatrics, Amsterdam UMC, Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/13668250.2024.2402380

Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere

Selección SIIC: 20 Febrero, 2025

Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere

[Statement on the efficacy and immunological safety of EHV vaccines in horses].

[Statement on the efficacy and immunological safety of EHV vaccines in horses].

Fuente:Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/nutztiere

Extracto: So, vaccination is only one component: A comprehensive prevention strategy additionally includes transparent outbreak communication, general hygiene measures, avoiding shared housing in insufficiently ventilated stables, especially at competition events, separating animals of different origin wherever possible and, above all, isolating horses that are already sick or at particular risk of infection.

Cita:Tierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere 2025 Feb; 53 (1) : 39-48.

Autor/es:So, vaccination is only one component: A comprehensive prevention strategy additionally includes transparent outbreak communication, general hygiene measures, avoiding shared housing in insufficiently ventilated stables, especially at competition events, separating animals of different origin wherever possible and, above all, isolating horses that are already sick or at particular risk of infection.

institución:So, vaccination is only one component: A comprehensive prevention strategy additionally includes transparent outbreak communication, general hygiene measures, avoiding shared housing in insufficiently ventilated stables, especially at competition events, separating animals of different origin wherever possible and, above all, isolating horses that are already sick or at particular risk of infection.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Alemania

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/a-2518-1976

American journal of human genetics
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
American journal of human genetics

Prenatal gene editing for neurodevelopmental diseases: Ethical considerations.

Prenatal gene editing for neurodevelopmental diseases: Ethical considerations.

Fuente:American Journal of Human Genetics

Extracto: In considering these alongside current criteria for postnatal gene therapies for NDDs, we discuss a path forward for prenatal gene editing interventions of NDDs.

Claves:ethics, fetal therapy, prenatal gene editing

Cita:Am J Hum Genet 2025 Feb 6; 112 (2) : 201-214.

Autor/es:Major, Rami M (a)
Juengst, Eric T (b)

institución:(a) Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. Electronic address: ramim@live.unc.edu.
(b) Department of Social Medicine and Center for Bioethics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2025.01.003

Applied health economics and health policy
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
Applied health economics and health policy

Health Economic Evaluations of Obesity Interventions: Expert Views on How We Can Identify, Interpret, Analyse and Translate Effects.

Health Economic Evaluations of Obesity Interventions: Expert Views on How We Can Identify, Interpret, Analyse and Translate Effects.

Fuente:Applied Health Economics and Health Policy

Extracto: The creation of a core outcomes set for obesity would standardise measures for economic evaluations, thereby facilitating more robust cross-country comparisons of intervention effects and improving the evidence base and overall quality of future obesity research.

Cita:Appl Health Econ Health Policy 2025 Mar; 23 (2) : 161-169.

Autor/es:Jabakhanji, Samira B (a)
Valentelyte, Gintare (b)

institución:(a) Centre for Preventive Medicine and Digital Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
(b) School of Population Health, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Nueva Zelanda

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40258-025-00946-z

European journal of pediatrics
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
European journal of pediatrics

Surgical risk stratification and outcome analysis of Tenckhoff catheter implantations in paediatric patients: a single-centre experience.

Surgical risk stratification and outcome analysis of Tenckhoff catheter implantations in paediatric patients: a single-centre experience.

Fuente:European Journal of Pediatrics

Extracto: Infants, male patients with kidney disease, prolonged use of catheter, and those with a GFR of 15-29 ml/kg/1.73 m(2) were at increased risk. The presence of peritonitis, inguinal hernia, and gastric tubes were adverse prognostic factors. WHAT IS KNOWN: • Omentectomy can serve as a protective factor and correlates with a lower incidence of catheter malfunction. • The insertion of gastric tubes is commonly associated with complications but has lower risk of complications if inserted prior to the initiation of peritoneal dialysis. WHAT IS NEW: • Males have been found to have a 2.14 hazard ratio for revision in both acute and chronic peritoneal dialysis groups. • The incidence of revisions seems to be greater in the first 36 months, while the incidence of peritonitis rises by 7% for each additional year of age.

Claves:Children, High-risk patients, Peritoneal dialysis, Surgical outcome, Tenckhoff catheter

Cita:Eur J Pediatr 2025 Feb 4; 184 (2) : 172.

Autor/es:Aftzoglou, Michail (a)
Dadouli, Katerina (b)

institución:(a) Department of Paediatric Surgery, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), 20246, Hamburg, Germany. michail.aftzoglou@gmail.com.
(b) Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, 41222, Larissa, Greece.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Alemania

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00431-025-06006-x

Supportive care in cancer official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer

Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025

Supportive care in cancer official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer

The effect of non-pharmacological interventions on cognitive function in cancer

The effect of non-pharmacological interventions on cognitive function in cancer

Fuente:Supportive Care in Cancer Official Journal of The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión sistemática

Extracto: Overall, non-pharmacological interventions demonstrated efficacy for improving cognition in cancer. There were limited intervention characteristics within domains which were consistently related to efficacy. Three key recommendations are provided for future research: (1) adopt harmonisation and reporting guidelines; (2) develop definitional guidelines of cognitive domains for CRCI research; and (3) assess intervention and participant characteristics associated with positive versus null/negative findings.

Claves:Cancer, Cancer-related cognitive impairment, Cognition, Cognitive rehabilitation, Exercise, Intervention, Non-pharmacological

Cita:Support Care Cancer 2025 Feb 4; 33 (2) : 151.

Autor/es:Haywood, Darren (a)
Henneghan, Ashley M (b)

institución:(a) Human Performance Research Centre, INSIGHT Research Institute, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Driver Avenue, Moore Park, Sydney, NSW, 2021, Australia. darren.haywood@uts.edu.au.
(b) Department of Mental Health, St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia. darren.haywood@uts.edu.au.

Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics approval: Not Applicable. Consent to participate: Not Applicable. Consent for publication: Not Applicable. Competing interests: This project was completed within a MASCC Cognition Fellowship. NHH is an Associate Editor of the Supportive Care in Cancer journal. DH is a MASCC Cognition Fellow; NHH is Chair of MASCC Fatigue and MASCC Exercise Oncology; NHH is a MASCC Terry Langbaum... masnoticias.gif

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Alemania

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00520-025-09212-3

Scientific reports
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
Scientific reports

Clinical benefits of the 5th intercostal incision in uniportal VATS for female patients.

Clinical benefits of the 5th intercostal incision in uniportal VATS for female patients.

Fuente:Scientific Reports

Extracto: These findings support the 5th intercostal incision as a preferred approach in this patient population, aligning with precision surgery principles to optimize outcomes.

Claves:5th intercostal incision, Breast tissue preservation, Postoperative pain, Uniportal VATS

Cita:Sci Rep 2025 Feb 4; 15 (1) : 4158.

Autor/es:Wang, Dalin (a)
Luo, Zhilin (b)

institución:(a) Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China.
(b) Department of Thoracic Surgery, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China. 650335@hospital.cqmu.edu.cn.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-025-88797-5

The journal of headache and pain
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
The journal of headache and pain

Intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with spontaneous onset of orthostatic headache.

Intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with spontaneous onset of orthostatic headache.

Fuente:The Journal of Headache and Pain

Extracto: When appropriately selected, patients with a clinical picture highly suggestive of SIH, who have a negative diagnostic work-up, may benefit from consideration of invasive ICP monitoring. Moreover, a significant minority of patients with orthostatic headache may paradoxically have a high CSF pressure state, which can be detected using ICP monitoring. MEETING PRESENTATIONS: Portions of this work were presented in abstract and oral presentation form at the Twenty-eighth Anglo-Dutch Migraine Association meeting (08/06/2018), the Tenth Meeting of the International Society for Hydrocephalus and Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders (20/10/2018; Bologna, Italy), the Society of British Neurological Surgeons 2018 Autumn Meeting (19/09/2018; London, United Kingdom), and the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies 2023 congress (27/09/2023; Barcelona, Spain). This work is also part of the doctoral thesis of one of the authors (LD).

Claves:Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics disorders, Intracranial pressure monitoring, Orthostatic headache, Spontaneous intracranial hypotension

Cita:J Headache Pain 2025 Feb 4; 26 (1) : 27.

Autor/es:D'Antona, Linda (a)
Cheema, Sanjay (b)

institución:(a) National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Victor Horsley Department of Neurosurgery, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG, UK. linda.d'antona@nhs.net.
(b) UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Headache and Facial Pain Group, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK.

Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics approval and consent to participate: This study has been approved by the North-East Newcastle and North Tyneside 2 Research Ethics Committee and the Health Research Authority (20/NE/0127). Due to its retrospective nature, written consent to take part in this study was waived. All patients provided written consent to undergo the ICP monitoring procedure as part of their standard... masnoticias.gif

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s10194-024-01928-7

BMC public health
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
BMC public health

Global birth prevalence of major congenital anomalies

Global birth prevalence of major congenital anomalies

Fuente:Bmc Public Health

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión sistemática

Extracto: This systematic review summarizes birth prevalence of eight major congenital anomalies. The burdens of these anomalies had variations in the world. Information of this study could help with better understanding of epidemiology and etiology of these anomalies.

Claves:Congenital anomalies, Global birth prevalence, Meta-analysis, Systematic review

Cita:BMC Public Health 2025 Feb 4; 25 (1) : 449.

Autor/es:Xie, Xiaolong (a)
Pei, Jiao (b)

institución:(a) Department of Pediatric Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, No.37, Guoxue Alley, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.
(b) Departmentof Clinical Research, Sichuan Clinical Research Center for Cancer, Sichuan Cancer Hospital & Institute, Sichuan Cancer Center, Affiliated Cancer Hospital of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12889-025-21642-6

BMC palliative care
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
BMC palliative care

Ethics and end-of-life in pediatric and neonatal ICUs

Ethics and end-of-life in pediatric and neonatal ICUs

Fuente:Bmc Palliative Care

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión sistemática

Extracto: This review has shown that papers containing guidelines and recommendations on end-of-life decision-making in the NICU and PICU promote similar stances. The ethical principle of beneficence is at the core of the decision-making process, and all decisions are made focusing on the child's best interests.

Claves:Decision-making, End-of-life, Ethics, NICU, PICU

Cita:BMC Palliat Care 2025 Feb 4; 24 (1) : 36.

Autor/es:Špoljar, Diana (a)
Janković, Sunčana (b)

institución:(a) Community Health Centre Zagreb - Centre, Zagreb, Croatia. dianaspoljar@gmail.com.
(b) Department for Pediatrics, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12904-024-01636-8

BMC ophthalmology
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
BMC ophthalmology

Keratoconus with two consecutive re-emergences

Keratoconus with two consecutive re-emergences

Fuente:Bmc Ophthalmology

Tipo de trabajo:Caso clínico

Extracto: Keratoconus is a complex disorder with a multifaceted etiology and pathogenesis, including genetic, environmental, biomechanical, and cellular factors. Its treatment usually requires multiple considerations, including the choice of surgical methods, anti-inflammatory therapy, and correction of eye rubbing habits to guide patients for subsequent treatment interventions.

Claves:Chronic allergic conjunctivitis, Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, Eye-rubbing, Keratoconus, Recurrent keratoconus

Cita:BMC Ophthalmol 2025 Feb 4; 25 (1) : 59.

Autor/es:Zhang, Peicheng (a)
Wu, Yanchao (b)

institución:(a) Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Hebei Provincial Clinical Medical Research Center for Ocular Diseases, Hebei Eye Hospital, Xiangdu District, 399 Quanbei East Street, OphthalmologyXingtai, 054001, China. 43807430@qq.com.
(b) Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Hebei Provincial Clinical Medical Research Center for Ocular Diseases, Hebei Eye Hospital, Xiangdu District, 399 Quanbei East Street, OphthalmologyXingtai, 054001, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12886-025-03877-4

BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
BMC pregnancy and childbirth

Patient experience and burden of haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn

Patient experience and burden of haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn

Fuente:Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión sistemática

Extracto: The current SR provides a clear summary of the available evidence for the patient experience and economic burden of HDFN. While the limited evidence indicates that HDFN does confer a significant burden on patients, the review identifies the need for further well-powered and representative observational studies using well-defined outcome measures to aid a greater understanding of the burden and experience of HDFN. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The protocol for this systematic review was registered in PROSPERO CRD42022328444.

Claves:Economic burden, Haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn, Patient burden, Systematic review

Cita:BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2025 Feb 4; 25 (1) : 114.

Autor/es:Maurice, P (a)
McCallion, J (b)

institución:(a) National Center for Perinatal Hemobiology - Fetal Medicine Department - Armand Trousseau Hospital, AP-HP. Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
(b) Janssen-Cilag EMEA, Wycombe, UK.

Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics approval and consent to participate: Not applicable. Consent for publication: Not applicable. Competing interests: PM and JMJ received payment from Janssen Pharmaceuticals for other works but not for this publication. JM, AB, MF, JL, WN, WK and JN are employees of Janssen Pharmaceuticals. EJH, CRM and SAM were employees of Mtech Access whilst the project was undertaken and... masnoticias.gif

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12884-025-07208-9

Biology direct
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
Biology direct

Ultrastructural studies distinguish skin diversities among Galápagos iguanas.

Ultrastructural studies distinguish skin diversities among Galápagos iguanas.

Fuente:Biology Direct

Extracto: These findings offer insights into the adaptive strategies of these iguanas.

Claves:Amblyrhynchus cristatus, Conolophus marthae, Conolophus subcristatus, Chromatophore, Depigmentation, Iridophore, Melanophore, Piebaldism, Reptiles, Skin color

Cita:Biol Direct 2025 Feb 4; 20 (1) : 16.

Autor/es:Scimeca, Manuel (a)
Bonfiglio, Rita (b)

institución:(a) Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, 00133, Italy. manuel.scimeca@uniroma2.it.
(b) Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, 00133, Italy.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13062-025-00602-5

Journal of translational medicine
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
Journal of translational medicine

"Lost in translation?" Animal research in the era of precision medicine.

"Lost in translation?" Animal research in the era of precision medicine.

Fuente:Journal of Translational Medicine

Extracto: In this context, replacement emerges as the key principle-an imperative that should be prioritized over all other considerations.

Claves:3R, Animal ethics, Evidence-based medicine, Murine models, Precision medicine

Cita:J Transl Med 2025 Feb 4; 23 (1) : 152.

Autor/es:Frühwein, Hamideh (a)
Paul, Norbert W (b)

institución:(a) Institute for History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, University Medical Center, Am Pulverturm 13, 55131, Mainz, Germany. h.mahdiani@uni-mainz.de.
(b) Institute for History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, University Medical Center, Am Pulverturm 13, 55131, Mainz, Germany.

Conflicto:Declarations. Ethics approval: Not applicable. Consent to participate: Not applicable. Consent for publication: Not applicable. Conflict of interest: Both authors certify that they have no affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript. What the article reports: The article critiques the dominant... masnoticias.gif

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12967-025-06084-3

Addiction science & clinical practice
Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025
Addiction science & clinical practice

Perspectives of substance use disorder counselors on the benefits and drawbacks of medications for opioid use disorder.

Perspectives of substance use disorder counselors on the benefits and drawbacks of medications for opioid use disorder.

Fuente:Addiction Science & Clinical Practice

Extracto: As the availability and variety of MOUD treatment options continue to expand, it is important that SUD counselors are equipped with evidence-based recommendations for OUD care. We identified misalignments with the MOUD-prescribing evidence base and stigmatizing language toward MOUD within counselors' responses, highlighting the potential to refine training materials for MOUD and mitigate stigmatizing beliefs.

Claves:MOUD, Medications for opioid use disorder, Opioid use disorder, Stigma, Substance use disorder counselors

Cita:Addict Sci Clin Pract 2025 Feb 4; 20 (1) : 7.

Autor/es:Cardamone, Nicholas C (a)
Stewart, Rebecca E (b)

institución:(a) Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. nicholas.cardamone@va.gov.
(b) Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13722-025-00537-2

Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025

De-biasing microbiome sequencing data: bacterial morphology-based correction of extraction bias and correlates of chimera formation.

De-biasing microbiome sequencing data: bacterial morphology-based correction of extraction bias and correlates of chimera formation.


Extracto: Our results indicate that higher DNA density increases chimera formation during PCR amplification. Furthermore, we show that computational correction of extraction bias based on bacterial cell morphology would be feasible using appropriate positive controls, thus constituting an important step toward overcoming protocol biases in microbiome analysis. Video Abstract.

Claves:16S rRNA gene sequencing, Bacterial mock community, Bias correction, Cell lysis, Chimera formation, Contamination, Extraction bias, Kitome, Positive control

Cita:Microbiome 2025 Feb 4; 13 (1) : 38.

Autor/es:Rauer, Luise (a)
De Tomassi, Amedeo (b)

institución:(a) Institute of Environmental Medicine and Integrative Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany. luise.rauer@tum.de.
(b) Chair of Environmental Medicine, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. luise.rauer@tum.de.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40168-024-01998-4

Selección SIIC: 13 Febrero, 2025

Enhancing microbial predator-prey detection with network and trait-based analyses.

Enhancing microbial predator-prey detection with network and trait-based analyses.


Extracto: Our results support the idea of using network analyses for inferring predator-prey interactions, but at the same time call for cautionary consideration of the results, by combining them with trait-based approaches to increase confidence in the prediction of biological interactions. Video Abstract.

Claves:Biocrusts, Cross-kingdom network analyses, Experimental validation, Microbial communities, Microbial ecology, Predator–prey interactions, Trait-based ecology

Cita:Microbiome 2025 Feb 4; 13 (1) : 37.

Autor/es:Martínez Rendón, Cristina (a)
Braun, Christina (b)

institución:(a) Terrestrial Ecology, Institute of Zoology, University of Cologne, Zülpicher Str. 47B, 50674, Cologne, Germany.
(b) Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Dornburger Str. 159, 07743, Jena, Germany.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40168-025-02035-8

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