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Reducing caesarean section rates in Robson groups 1 and 3: a quality improvement initiative in a private Brazilian hospital.
Reducing caesarean section rates in Robson groups 1 and 3: a quality improvement initiative in a private Brazilian hospital.
Fuente:Bmj Open Quality
There were no significant changes in adverse maternal
and perinatal outcomes nor in maternal satisfaction (primary outcomes), in
Robson-1 and 3 groups managed by internal HCPs.In summary, an intrapartum care QI
initiative was associated with a safe reduction of CS rates in Robson-1 and 3
women managed by on-duty HCPs in a private Brazilian hospital.
Claves:Cesarean delivery, Evidence-Based Practice, Maternal Health Services, Obstetrics and gynecology, Quality improvement
Cita:BMJ Open Qual 2025 Mar 4; 14 (1)
Autor/es:Kondo, Mario Macoto (a) Leme, Vera Denise de Toledo (b)
institución:(a) Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (b) Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Epidemiological disease burden and annual, nationwide health insurance treatment cost of female infertility based on real-world health insurance claims data in Hungary.
Epidemiological disease burden and annual, nationwide health insurance treatment cost of female infertility based on real-world health insurance claims data in Hungary.
Fuente:Bmc Health Services Research
Reproductive health education, prevention, and medical screening
play inevitable roles in the early stages of reproductive life to reduce the risk
of infertility and decrease treatment costs.
institución:(a) Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute for Health Insurance, University of Pécs, 7621 Vörösmarty Utca 3, Pécs, Hungary. dalma.kovacs@etk.pte.hu. (b) National Laboratory On Human Reproduction, University of Pécs, 7624 Ifjúság Utca 20, Pécs, Hungary. dalma.kovacs@etk.pte.hu.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Prevalence and awareness of female sexual and reproductive health and rights and intimate partner violence in the Fako Division, Cameroon.
Prevalence and awareness of female sexual and reproductive health and rights and intimate partner violence in the Fako Division, Cameroon.
Fuente:Reproductive Health
This study showed that though both males and females
have a high awareness level of IPV and SRHR, the prevalence of IPV and SRHR
violation amongst females is still very high. Male-directed education aimed at
promoting behaviour change that fosters respect of women's rights, changes
harmful social norms and engages men as champions of female SRHR and ending IPV
will likely decrease the prevalence of IPV and female SRHR violation.
institución:(a) Department of Public Health and Hygiene, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon. nnachere123@gmail.com. (b) Department of Public Health and Hygiene, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Using a deterministic matching computer routine to identify hospital episodes in a Brazilian de-identified administrative database for the analysis of obstetrics hospitalisations.
Using a deterministic matching computer routine to identify hospital episodes in a Brazilian de-identified administrative database for the analysis of obstetrics hospitalisations.
Fuente:International Journal of Population Data Science
The deterministic matching computer
routine proved valuable for identifying records that refer to the same hospital
episode, which improved the assessment of severe cases.
Claves:computer applications software, health administrative data, hospitalization, obstetrics, record linkage
Cita:Int J Popul Data Sci 2025; 10 (1) : 2467.
Autor/es:Coeli, Claudia Medina (a) Domingues, Rosa Maria Soares Madeira (b)
institución:(a) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva - Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil. (b) Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas - Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Sleep Characteristics and Long-Term Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Women With Gestational Diabetes.
Sleep Characteristics and Long-Term Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Women With Gestational Diabetes.
Fuente:Jama Network Open
Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes
In this cohort study of women with a history of GD, shorter sleep duration and
both occasional and regular snoring were significantly associated with an
increased risk of T2D. These findings suggest that improving sleep health may be
important to reduce T2D incidence in this high-risk population.
Cita:JAMA Netw Open 2025 Mar 3; 8 (3) : e250142.
Autor/es:Yin, Xin (a) Bao, Wei (b)
institución:(a) Global Centre for Asian Women's Health, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore. (b) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Conflicto:Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Bao reported receiving a research grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Dr Chavarro reported receiving grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) paid to the institution during the conduct of the study and grants from the NIH, US Food and Drug Administration, and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paid...
to the institution outside the submitted work. Dr Tobias reported receiving research grants from the American Diabetes Association. No other disclosures were reported.
institución:(a) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. (b) Department of Spinal Surgery, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.
Conflicto:The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
BVBlue as a diagnostic instrument for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis
BVBlue as a diagnostic instrument for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis
Fuente:Bmc Women's Health
Tipo de trabajo:Revisión sistemática
Our systematic review revealed
that BVBlue is a promising diagnostic tool for BV because of its accuracy and
speed. Nevertheless, additional research is essential, particularly in
elucidating the bacterial epidemiology of BV in certain countries, to validate
its diagnostic credibility thoroughly.
institución:(a) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta, Indonesia. igorwiguna@yahoo.com. (b) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Association of urinary tract endometriosis with physical and mental health: a cross-sectional study.
Association of urinary tract endometriosis with physical and mental health: a cross-sectional study.
Fuente:Bmc Women's Health
Our study explores the quality of life in UTE patients and identifies influencing
factors. Individualized and targeted care should be added to clinical practice to
prevent negative outcomes for UTE patients.
institución:(a) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. (b) Outpatient Department, First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Cancer imaging the official publication of the International Cancer Imaging Society
Selección SIIC: 7 Marzo, 2025
Cancer imaging the official publication of the International Cancer Imaging Society
Head-to-head comparison of (18)F-FDG and (68)Ga-FAPI PET/CT in common gynecological malignancies.
Head-to-head comparison of (18)F-FDG and (68)Ga-FAPI PET/CT in common gynecological malignancies.
Fuente:Cancer Imaging The Official Publication of The International Cancer Imaging Society
(68)Ga-FAPI PET/CT demonstrated higher tracer uptake and
was superior to (18)F-FDG PET/CT in detecting primary and metastatic lesions in
patients with common gynecological malignancies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ChiCTR,
ChiCTR2100044131. Registered 10 October 2022, https://www.chictr.org.cn ,
institución:(a) Department of Nuclear Medicine, Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, Sichuan, 646000, PR China. (b) Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Luzhou, Sichuan, 646000, PR China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Cancer imaging the official publication of the International Cancer Imaging Society
Selección SIIC: 7 Marzo, 2025
Cancer imaging the official publication of the International Cancer Imaging Society
Tumor ADC value predicts outcome and yields refined prognostication in uterine cervical cancer.
Tumor ADC value predicts outcome and yields refined prognostication in uterine cervical cancer.
Fuente:Cancer Imaging The Official Publication of The International Cancer Imaging Society
High myometrium(ADC)/tumor(ADCmean) was the strongest ADC predictor of
poor DSS and a marker of high-risk phenotype independent of FIGO stage.
Claves:ADC, Cervical cancer, DWI
Cita:Cancer Imaging 2025 Feb 28; 25 (1) : 23.
Autor/es:Lura, Njål (a) Wagner-Larsen, Kari S (b)
institución:(a) Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre, Department of Radiology, Haukeland University Hospital, Jonas Lies Vei 65, 5021, Bergen, Norway. njal.gjerde.lura@helse-bergen.no. (b) Section for Radiology, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. njal.gjerde.lura@helse-bergen.no.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
OBSCN undergoes extensive alternative splicing during human cardiac and skeletal muscle development.
OBSCN undergoes extensive alternative splicing during human cardiac and skeletal muscle development.
Fuente:Skeletal Muscle
We conclude that the splicing of
OBSCN is extensively regulated during the human skeletal/cardiac muscle
development. We developed an interactive visualization tool that can be used by
clinicians and researchers to study the inclusion of specific OBSCN exons in pre-
and postnatal cardiac and skeletal muscles and access the statistics for the
differential inclusion of the exons across the studied sample groups. The OBSCN
exon inclusion map related to the human cardiac and skeletal muscle development
is available at http://psivis.it.helsinki.fi:3838/OBSCN_PSIVIS/ . These findings
are essential for an accurate pre- and postnatal clinical interpretation of the
OBSCN exonic variants.
institución:(a) Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland. ali.oghabian@helsinki.fi. (b) Research Program for Clinical and Molecular Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, 00014, Helsinki, Finland. ali.oghabian@helsinki.fi.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetricia revista da Federacao Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia
Selección SIIC: 7 Marzo, 2025
Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetricia revista da Federacao Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia
Anemia levels in the preconception period and the first trimester of pregnancy: a national, multicentric and cross-sectional study.
Anemia levels in the preconception period and the first trimester of pregnancy: a national, multicentric and cross-sectional study.
Fuente:Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetricia Revista Da Federacao Brasileira Das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia
Anemia is a public health problem. Anemia has been determined to be
an important problem both in the preconception period and early periods of
pregnancy. It is necessary to revise the programs and interventions to reduce the
prevalence of anemia and redesign them in line with current conditions.
Claves:Anemia, iron-deficiency, Preconception care, Pregnancy complications, hematologic, Pregnancy trimester, first
Cita:Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 2025; 47
Autor/es:Jafarzade, Aytaj (a) Mi Hmanli, Veli (b)
institución:(a) Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Liv Ankara Hospital Ankara Turkey Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Liv Ankara Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. (b) Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Cemil Taşçıoğlu City Hospital Istanbul Turkey Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Cemil Taşçıoğlu City Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
The Journal of rural health official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association
Selección SIIC: 7 Marzo, 2025
The Journal of rural health official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association
Rural maternal health interventions
Rural maternal health interventions
Fuente:The Journal of Rural Health Official Journal of The American Rural Health Association and The National Rural Health Care Association
Tipo de trabajo:Revisión
Our review shares lessons that future interventions and
policies can build upon to improve peripartum care for individuals living in
rural communities. Further work is needed to address intersectional disparities
in rural maternal health and ensure equitable implementation.
Claves:community partnerships, maternal health, postpartum, rural health disparities
Cita:J Rural Health 2025 Jan; 41 (1) : e70007.
Autor/es:Gordon, Rachel D'Amico (a) Kishi, Alyson (b)
institución:(a) Department of Internal Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, USA. (b) Department of Internal Medicine, Center for Health Outcomes in Medicine Scholarship and Service, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, USA.
Conflicto:The authors have no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.
Robotics-assisted surgery in gynecology: A single-center experience with the Hugo™ RAS system in India.
Robotics-assisted surgery in gynecology: A single-center experience with the Hugo™ RAS system in India.
Fuente:Women's Health (london, England)
Based on initial experience, the Hugo™ RAS
system provides favorable results for gynecological patients, with benefits
including efficient docking time, short surgery duration, minimal blood loss,
short hospital stay, few postoperative complications, and low pain perception.
Future studies comparing the Hugo™ RAS system with other robotic surgical
platforms in gynecological procedures are essential.
institución:(a) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India. (b) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India.
Conflicto:The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Exploring Turkish women's gynecological examination perceptions based on their metaphors: a qualitative study.
Exploring Turkish women's gynecological examination perceptions based on their metaphors: a qualitative study.
Fuente:Bmc Women's Health
The metaphors used for
the gynecological examination expressions suggested that women's experiences were
negative. Such metaphors may reflect physical and emotional discomfort
experienced during the examination. Health professionals' understanding of these
negative perceptions and their empathy may facilitate positive experiences for
women and the detection and treatment of health problems.
institución:(a) Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey. seval.cambaz@cbu.edu.tr. (b) Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Gynecological endocrinology the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology
Selección SIIC: 27 Febrero, 2025
Gynecological endocrinology the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology
Early gestational diabetes mellitus risk predictor using neural network with NearMiss.
Early gestational diabetes mellitus risk predictor using neural network with NearMiss.
Fuente:Gynecological Endocrinology The Official Journal of The International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology
In this study, we proposed an innovative interpretable early GDM
risk prediction model based on MLP. This model is designed to offer assistance in
estimating the risk of GDM in early pregnancy, enabling proactive prevention and
timely intervention.
institución:(a) Department of Information Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, School of Medicine, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. (b) Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, School of Medicine, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
Improving Maternal Mental Health and Weight Control With a Mindfulness Blended Care Approach: Insights From a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Improving Maternal Mental Health and Weight Control With a Mindfulness Blended Care Approach: Insights From a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Fuente:Journal of Medical Internet Research
Tipo de trabajo:Estudio aleatorizado y controlado
Adding a
minimal amount of PC to the digital eMBI increased mindfulness and decreased
birth-related anxiety, symptoms of depression, and anxiety in at-risk pregnant
women. Favorable effects on gestational weight gain were found in the respective
IGs, the strongest effect being within the PC group. This blended digital health
approach amplifies the effectiveness of the digital intervention. TRIAL
REGISTRATION: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00017210;
Claves:anxiety, coaching, depression, digital intervention, effectiveness, ehealth, electronic, maternal mental health, mindfulness-based intervention, peripartum mental health, personal coaching, postpartum, pregnancy, randomized controlled clinical trial, treatment, weight gain, women
institución:(a) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. (b) Department of Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.
Association between serum neurofilament light chains and Life's Essential 8: A cross-sectional analysis.
Association between serum neurofilament light chains and Life's Essential 8: A cross-sectional analysis.
Fuente:Plos One
The analysis indicated a
non-linear relationship between LE8 scores and sNfL levels. Associations were
noted a positive association between LE8 and sNfL. These results suggest that
lifestyle modifications and optimization of metabolic markers could potentially
correlate with reduced sNfL levels; further investigation is necessary to confirm
a causal relationship.
Cita:PLoS One 2025; 20 (2) : e0306315.
Autor/es:Wang, Tao (a) Yan, Li-Ming (b)
institución:(a) Department of Neurology, The Affiliated Hospital of Yan'an University, Yan'an, Shaanxi, China. (b) Department of Gynecology, The Affiliated Hospital of Yan'an University, Yan'an, Shaanxi, China.
Histomorphology of placentae of women with sickle cell disease during pregnancy - A case control study.
Histomorphology of placentae of women with sickle cell disease during pregnancy - A case control study.
Fuente:Plos One
SCD placentae may result in a substantial increase in syncytial knot
formation, possibly because of hypermaturation of the chorionic villi,
significant increase in foetal capillaries potentially due to the hypoxic nature
of the SCD placentae, syncytial denuded areas as a result of alteration of the
placental syncytium and reduced intervillous spaces which may be due to villous
congestion. These findings suggest the need for heightened monitoring of
placental function and fetal well-being in pregnancies complicated by SCD to
reduce adverse perinatal outcomes.
Cita:PLoS One 2025; 20 (2) : e0319011.
Autor/es:Mumuni, Mohammed (a) Adutwum-Ofosu, Kevin Kofi (b)
institución:(a) Department of Anatomy, University of Ghana Medical School, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Korle Bu Campus, Accra, Ghana. (b) Department of Anatomy, University of Ghana Medical School, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Korle Bu Campus, Accra, Ghana.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
The alteration of uterine microbiota participated in the activation of the decidual inflammatory response in early spontaneous abortion.
The alteration of uterine microbiota participated in the activation of the decidual inflammatory response in early spontaneous abortion.
Fuente:Plos One
Changes in the
uterine microbiome are likely related to inflammatory response and lead to early
pregnancy loss.
Cita:PLoS One 2025; 20 (2) : e0317595.
Autor/es:Liu, Ping (a) Chen, Ge (b)
institución:(a) Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. (b) Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children, Sichuan University, Ministry of Education, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación