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While most of the selected texts belong to original articles,
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A Genetic Test to Identify People at High Risk of Heart Failure.
A Genetic Test to Identify People at High Risk of Heart Failure.
Fuente:International Journal of Molecular Sciences
results highlight the critical role of genetic factors in the development of
heart failure and demonstrate this test's potential as a significant tool for
clinical HF risk prediction.
institución:(a) Centre for Diabetes Research, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia. (b) Stroke Research Centre, Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia.
Changes in Sexual Functioning in Women with Severe Obesity After Bariatric Surgery: Impact of Postoperative Adherence to Mediterranean Diet.
Changes in Sexual Functioning in Women with Severe Obesity After Bariatric Surgery: Impact of Postoperative Adherence to Mediterranean Diet.
Bariatric surgery significantly improves female sexual
function, with the Mediterranean diet enhancing these benefits during the
postoperative period. Future studies must investigate additional variables such
as psychological factors, physical activity, and other lifestyle changes that may
also influence sexual function.
Claves:Mediterranean diet, adherence, bariatric surgery, female sexual function index, lubrication, metabolic syndrome, orgasm, satisfaction, severe obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus
institución:(a) San Juan de Dios Foundation, 28036 Madrid, Spain. (b) Health Sciences Department, San Juan de Dios School of Nursing and Physical Therapy, Comillas Pontifical University, 28036 Madrid, Spain.
High Rates of Abnormal Glucose Metabolism Detected by 75 g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Major Psychiatric Patients with Normal HbA1c and Fasting Glucose Levels.
High Rates of Abnormal Glucose Metabolism Detected by 75 g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Major Psychiatric Patients with Normal HbA1c and Fasting Glucose Levels.
Conclusions: The results suggest that relatively
high proportions of patients with a major psychiatric disorder remain undetected
by routine indices for abnormal glucose metabolism, indicating the importance of
OGTT even if the patients showed non-diabetic levels in blood glucose or HbA1c.
Claves:75 g oral glucose tolerance test, bipolar disorder, diabetes, glucose metabolism, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia
Cita:Nutrients 2025 Feb 8; 17 (4)
Autor/es:Yoshida, Sumiko (a) Aizawa, Emiko (b)
institución:(a) Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry Hospital, Tokyo 187-8551, Japan. (b) Mood Disorder Center for Advanced Therapy, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry Hospital, Tokyo 187-8551, Japan.
Nonlinear association between glycated hemoglobin levels and mortality in elderly patients with non-diabetic chronic kidney disease: a national health and nutrition examination survey analysis.
Nonlinear association between glycated hemoglobin levels and mortality in elderly patients with non-diabetic chronic kidney disease: a national health and nutrition examination survey analysis.
Fuente:Frontiers in Endocrinology
Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes
This cohort study suggests that both low and high HbA1c levels are
associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality in elderly patients with
non-diabetic CKD.
institución:(a) Department of Clinical Laboratory, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou, China. (b) Department of Clinical Laboratory, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou, China.
Conflicto:The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Epimaps of the SARS-CoV-2 Receptor-Binding Domain Mutational Landscape: Insights into Protein Stability, Epitope Prediction, and Antibody Binding.
Epimaps of the SARS-CoV-2 Receptor-Binding Domain Mutational Landscape: Insights into Protein Stability, Epitope Prediction, and Antibody Binding.
Future antibody development could focus on broadly neutralising antibodies,
engineering antibodies with enhanced binding affinity, and targeting spike
protein regions beyond the RBD.
institución:(a) Department of Food and Nutrition, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Republic of Korea. (b) Department of Food and Nutrition, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Republic of Korea.
Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of the Pancreas: A Comparison in Patients with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes.
Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of the Pancreas: A Comparison in Patients with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes.
Fuente:Tomography (ann Arbor, Mich.)
Patients with T1D
had reduced pancreas size, increased pancreatic T1 and ADC values, and decreased
pancreatic juice flow on cine-dynamic MRCP, whereas patients with T2D had
increased pancreatic fat content.
Claves:diabetes mellitus, magnetic resonance imaging, pancreas
Cita:Tomography 2025 Feb 7; 11 (2)
Autor/es:Higashi, Mayumi (a) Tanabe, Masahiro (b)
institución:(a) Department of Radiology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi 755-8505, Japan. (b) Department of Radiology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi 755-8505, Japan.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Nutritional status and quality of life of patients with advanced gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms in Spain: the NUTRIGETNE (GETNE-S2109) study.
Nutritional status and quality of life of patients with advanced gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms in Spain: the NUTRIGETNE (GETNE-S2109) study.
Fuente:The Oncologist
Certain factors
such as the presence of diabetes may require closer monitoring due to a higher
risk of malnutrition.
institución:(a) Endocrinology and Nutrition Department, Endocrinology, Nutrition and Diet Therapy Research Unit, University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe, Valencia, 46026, Spain. (b) Departamento de Medicina, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, 46010, Spain.
Conflicto:M.d.O.-G. declares advisory role for Ipsen, Novartis, AAA, and Pfizer; received economic support for congresses Ipsen, Advanz, and AAA; and act as speaker on behalf of Ipsen, Advanz, AAA, and Novartis. R.G.C. has provided scientific advice and/or received honoraria or funding for continuous medical education from AAA, Advanz Pharma, Amgen, Astellas, Bayer, BMS, Boerhringer, Esteve, Hutchmed, Ipsen, Midatech Pharma, MSD,...
Novartis, PharmaMar, Servier, Takeda, and has received research support from Pfizer, BMS, and MSD. M.M. received Economic support for congress Ipsen and AAA and act as speaker on behalf of AAA. J.F.M.T. has provided scientific advice and/or received honoraria or funding for continuous medical education or research from Lilly, Novo-Nordisk, Pfizer, Sanofi-Adventis, Bristoil-Myers Squibb, Astra-Zeneca, AMGEN, Glaxo-Smith-Kline, Merck-Sharp-Dohme, Novartis, Menarini, Janssen, Abbott, Kabi-Fresenius, Nutricia, Ordesa, Vegenat, and Ascensia. J.H. has provided scientific advice and/or received honoraria from EISAI, Ipsen, Adacap, Novartis, Lilly, Bayer, Angelini, and LEO Pharma. J.M.C. reports consulting or advisory role from IPSEN, Pfizer, Sanofi, Janssen, Adacap, Eisai, BMS, and Adium; and funding research from IPSEN, Pfizer, and Roche outside the submitted work. J.C. declares to have a scientific consultancy role (speaker and advisory roles) for Novartis, Pfizer, Ipsen, Exelixis, Bayer, Eisai, Advanced Accelerator Applications, Amgen, Sanofi, Lilly, Hudchmed, ITM, Merck Serono, Roche, Esteve, and Advanz; and received research grants from Novartis, Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Advanced Accelerator Applications, Eisai, Amgen, ITM, Gilead, Roche, Ipsen/Exelixis, and Bayer. B.A.P. has received honoraria or funding from AAA, Advanz Pharma, BMS, Esteve, ADACAP, Fresenius, MSD, Novartis, Servier, and has received research support from NET España (patient advocacy group). All the remaining coauthors had nothing to declare as potential conflict of interest. Previous presentations: The preliminary results were presented at the annual congresses of ECE 2023, ESPEN 2023, ENETS 2023, and ENETS 2024.
Postoperative Empyema Due to Leclercia adecarboxylata Following Mesothelioma Surgery
Postoperative Empyema Due to Leclercia adecarboxylata Following Mesothelioma Surgery
Fuente:Pathogens (basel, Switzerland)
Tipo de trabajo:Caso clínico
This case underscores the need to consider L.
adecarboxylata in immunocompromised patients presenting with unusual infections.
Early detection through advanced diagnostic techniques and personalized
antibiotic therapy can improve clinical outcomes and help prevent antimicrobial
resistance. Increased clinical awareness and further research into the resistance
patterns and treatment approaches for L. adecarboxylata are essential to enhance
patient care.
Claves:Leclercia adecarboxylata, antibiotic sensitivity tests, case reports, empyema, immunocompromised host
Cita:Pathogens 2025 Jan 30; 14 (2)
Autor/es:Montenegro, John Fernando (a) Diaz-Diaz, Miguel Ángel (b)
institución:(a) Grupo de Investigación en Salud Integral (GISI), Departamento Facultad de Salud, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Cali 5183000, Colombia. (b) Programa de Especialización en Medicina Interna, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Cali 5183000, Colombia.
Association of Altered Baseline Hematological Parameters with Adverse Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes.
Association of Altered Baseline Hematological Parameters with Adverse Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes.
Fuente:Pathogens (basel, Switzerland)
The altered baseline hematological parameters are clearly
associated with the poor TB treatment outcomes, showing potential for clinical
prediction to enhance management of at-risk cases.
institución:(a) National Institutes of Health-NIRT-International Center for Excellence in Research, Chennai 600 031, India. (b) ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai 600 031, India.
Molecular and Clinical Characterization of Invasive Streptococcus pyogenes Isolates: Insights from Two Northern-Italy Centers.
Molecular and Clinical Characterization of Invasive Streptococcus pyogenes Isolates: Insights from Two Northern-Italy Centers.
Fuente:Pathogens (basel, Switzerland)
These findings contribute to the
identification of risk factors for severe outcomes and underscore the need for
targeted prevention and treatment strategies in vulnerable populations.
Claves:Streptococcus pyogenes, invasive group A Streptococcus (iGAS), whole genome sequencing (WGS)
Cita:Pathogens 2025 Feb 5; 14 (2)
Autor/es:Bonomo, Carmelo (a) Mannino, Eva (b)
institución:(a) Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences (BIOMETEC), University of Catania, 95124 Catania, Italy. (b) Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
Fuente:Acta Clinica Croatica
Thus, serum levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, non-HDL-C and RC can be used
for stratification of T2DM patients with comorbid thyroid dysfunction into the
category of increased risk of MVC development.
Autor/es:Marushchak, Mariya (a) Krynytska, Inna (b)
institución:(a) Department of Functional and Laboratory Diagnostics, I Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine. (b) Department of Functional and Laboratory Diagnostics, I Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Fuente:Acta Clinica Croatica
Renal RI could be helpful as a marker
for diagnosing diabetic nephropathy in the early preclinical course of the
disease in normoalbuminuric children with T1D.
Claves:Children, Doppler renal resistive index, Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Cita:Acta Clin Croat 2024 Apr; 63 (1) : 36-44.
Autor/es:Trutin, Ivana (a) Stipančić, Gordana (b)
institución:(a) Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia. (b) Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia.
Altered association between cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels in the early stage of type 2 diabetic ketoacidosis.
Altered association between cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels in the early stage of type 2 diabetic ketoacidosis.
Fuente:Frontiers in Endocrinology
In the early stage of DKA, a phenomenon of altered association
between cortisol-ACTH occurs and is especially prominent in DKA patients with
infection. This altered association between cortisol-ACTH disappears after DKA
correction, and the severity of DKA is an independent influencing factor on the
cortisol level in early-stage DKA.
institución:(a) Department of Endocrinology, The Affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital of Qingdao University, Yantai, China. (b) Department of Endocrinology, The Affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital of Qingdao University, Yantai, China.
Conflicto:The authors declare that none the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Correlation between liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance indicators: a cross-sectional study from NHANES 2017-2020.
Correlation between liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance indicators: a cross-sectional study from NHANES 2017-2020.
Fuente:Frontiers in Endocrinology
This study confirms that a significant association between various IR and LF in
NAFLD patients, and the developed nomogram provides a practical tool for early
risk assessment. These findings underscore the clinical value of incorporating IR
indices into routine practice to identify high-risk patients, enabling timely
interventions to prevent fibrosis progression and improve outcomes.
institución:(a) Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Guizhou Aerospace Hospital, Zunyi, China. (b) Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Guizhou Aerospace Hospital, Zunyi, China.
Conflicto:The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Association between triglyceride-glucose index and its composite obesity indexes and cardio-renal disease: analysis of the NHANES 2013-2018 cycle.
Association between triglyceride-glucose index and its composite obesity indexes and cardio-renal disease: analysis of the NHANES 2013-2018 cycle.
Fuente:Frontiers in Endocrinology
The TyG-WHtR and TyG-WC are associated with an increased risk
of cardiac and renal disease, indicating enhanced diagnostic accuracy. These
metrics provide an effective tool for identifying early cardiorenal disease and
improving risk stratification.
institución:(a) Department of Oncology, Huainan Xinhua Medical Group Xinhua Hospital, Huainan, Anhui, China. (b) Department of Radiotherapy, The People's Hospital of Liaoning Province, Shenyang, Liaoning, China.
Conflicto:The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Cortisol Circadian Rhythm and Sarcopenia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Cortisol Circadian Rhythm and Sarcopenia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Fuente:Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
The cortisol circadian rhythm is associated with
sarcopenia in patients with T2DM. Patients with higher levels of nighttime
cortisol, rather than morning or afternoon cortisol, have a higher risk of
sarcopenia. This result offers a new strategy for the further research of
institución:(a) Department of Endocrinology, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University, Jining Medical University, Jining, China. (b) Department of Clinical Nutrition, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University, Jining Medical University, Jining, China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Health expectations an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy
Selección SIIC: 20 Febrero, 2025
Health expectations an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy
Taking a Pause: Co-Designing a Reflection Tool for Meaning Creation in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes.
Taking a Pause: Co-Designing a Reflection Tool for Meaning Creation in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes.
Fuente:Health Expectations An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy
designed self-reflection tool helped patients with T2D by encouraging them to
adopt a more positive mindset and supporting them in addressing challenges
related to their diabetes management. The study suggests that there is promising
potential for the self-reflection tool to evolve into a reflection-sharing tool
that can be shared with other patients. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION:
Participants with T2D took part in the designed interviews, and their experiences
and comments meaningfully contributed to enriching the co-design of the
self-reflection tool. The suggested potential for this tool to be expanded into a
reflection-sharing tool is also significant.
Claves:meaning‐creation, reflection‐sharing, self‐management, self‐reflection, type 2 diabetes
Cita:Health Expect 2025 Feb; 28 (1) : e70182.
Autor/es:meaning‐creation, reflection‐sharing, self‐management, self‐reflection, type 2 diabetes
institución:meaning‐creation, reflection‐sharing, self‐management, self‐reflection, type 2 diabetes
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
It is
proposed that the hypoglycemic symptom, as a set of experiences with the capacity
to destabilize the individual, should be considered in order to: (a) Evaluate how
each one is affected through affective-semiotic fields of meaning directly linked
to the perception of oneself as a subject, (b) Reduce the uncertainty associated
with the body's vulnerability and contingency and, (c) Foster a greater personal
empowerment with respect to the disease.
Claves:Affect, Case studies, Cultural psychology, Hypoglycemia, Semiotic mediation, Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Autor/es:Cleves-Valencia, Juan José (a) Roncancio-Moreno, Mónica (b)
institución:(a) Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, Colombia. (b) Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, Colombia. monica.roncancio@correounivalle.edu.co.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación