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Asóciese a SIIC en Internet para utilizar sin límites tanto siicsalud como la totalidad de los servicios bibliográficos de la institución.
Lectura recomendada:
[Present Concepts of Coronary Atherosclerosis-thrombosis, Therapeutic Implications and Perspectives]
Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux, 90(6):47-47
Lectura recomendada:
[Prediction of Indications for Valve Replacement Among Asymptomatic or Minimally Symptomatic Patients with Chronic Aortic Regurgitation and Normal Left Ventricular Performance]
Circulation, 97:534-534
Lectura recomendada:
[Time to Positivity of a Rapid Bedside Assay for Cardiac-Specific Troponin T Predicts Prognosis in Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 11A Substudy]
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 31(2):330-330
Lectura recomendada:
[Comparison of the Long Term Prognostic Value of Peak Oxygen Pulse and Peak Oxygen Uptake in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure]
Heart, 78:576-576
Lectura recomendada:
[Increased Platelet Reactivity and Circulating Monocyte-Platelet Aggregates in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease]
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 31(2):358-358
Lectura recomendada:
[Chlamydia pneumoniae Antibody Response in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and their Follow-up]
American Heart Journal, 135:20-20
Lectura recomendada:
[Detection of Ovarian Cancer Cells: Comparison of a Telomerase Assay and Cytologic Examination]
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 90(3):242-242
Lectura recomendada:
[Prospective Study of Calcium Channel Blocker Use, Cardiovascular Disease, and Total Mortality Among Hypertensive Women]
Circulation, 97:1548-1548