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Lectura recomendada:
Safety of Lornoxicam in the Treatment of Postoperative Pain: A Post-Marketing Study of Analgesic Regimens Containing Lornoxicam Compared with Standard Analgesic Treatment in 3752 Day-Case Surgery Patients
Clinical Drug Investigation, 30(10):687-697
Lectura recomendada:
Outcomes Following Single-Treatment Gamma Knife Surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia with a Minimum 3-Year Follow-up
Journal of Neurosurgery, 112(4):766-771
Lectura recomendada:
Effectiveness and Tolerability f High-Dose (23 mg/d) versus Standard-Dose (10mg/d)Donepezil in Moderate to Severe Alzheimer's Disease: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind Study
Clinical Therapeutics, 32(7):1234-1251
Lectura recomendada:
Chocolate Intake and Incidence of Heart Failure: A Population-Based Prospective Study of Middle-Aged and Elderly Women
Circulation. Heart failure, 3(5):612-616
Lectura recomendada:
The Successful Use of Pamidronate in a 11-Year-Old Girl with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Response to Treatment Demonstrated by Serial Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomographic Scans
Bone, 46(4):885-888
Lectura recomendada:
Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs Assessment of Type 2 Diabetes Patients Initiating Exenatide BID of Glargine: A Retrospective Database Analysis
Journal of Medical Economics, 14(1):16-27
Lectura recomendada:
Parotid Lipoblastoma in a Child: Rare Presentation as Huge Infratemporal Mass with Cervical Extension
Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 43(1):84-87
Lectura recomendada:
Do Paediatric Drug Formulations of Artemisinin Combination Therapies Improve the Treatment of Children with Malaria? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 10(2):125-132
Lectura recomendada:
Use of Electronic Support for Implementing GLobal Cardiovascular Risk Management
High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention, 17(1):37-47
Lectura recomendada:
Inflammatory Markers, Lipoprotein Components and Risk of Major Cardiovascular Events in 65.005 Men and Women in the Apolipoprotein MOrtality RISk Study (AMORIS)
Atherosclerosis, 213(1):299-305