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Lectura recomendada:
Effect of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy vs Pneumatic Dilation on Symptom Severity and Treatment Outcomes Among Treatment-Naive Patients With Achalasia: A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA, 322(2):134-144
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Proton-pump Inhibitor Use Is Associated With a Broad Spectrum of Neurological Adverse Events Including Impaired Hearing, Vision, and Memory
Scientific Reports, 9(1):1-10
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Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Reduces Hospital Costs and Improve Clinical Outcomes in Liver Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 24(4):918-932
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Interventions and Operations 5 Years After Bariatric Surgery in a Cohort From the US National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network Bariatric Study
JAMA Surgery,
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3-month Versus 6-month Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients with High-risk Stage II and III Colorectal Cancer: 3-year Follow-up of the SCOT Non-inferiority RCT
Health Technology Assessment, 23(64):1-88
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Safety and Efficacy Outcomes of Double vs. Triple Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Non
European Heart Journal, 40(46):3757-3767