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Asóciese a SIIC en Internet para utilizar sin límites tanto siicsalud como la totalidad de los servicios bibliográficos de la institución.
Lectura recomendada:
Prevalence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Surgeons and Interventionalists. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
JAMA Surgery, 153(2)
Lectura recomendada:
Optimal Dose of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Venlafaxine, and Mirtazapine in Major Depression: a Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis
The Lancet Psychiatry, 6(7):604-609
Lectura recomendada:
Takeaway Meal Consumption and Risk Markers for Coronary Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity in Children Aged 9-10 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 103(5):431-436
Lectura recomendada:
A Plant-Based Dietary Intervention Improves Beta-Cell Function and Insulin Resistance in Overweight Adults: A 16-Week Randomized Clinical Trial
Nutrients, 10(2):1-11
Lectura recomendada:
Sugar Intake from Sweet Food and Beverages, Common Mental Disorder and Depression: Prospective Findings from the Whitehall II study
Scientific Reports, 7:1-10
Lectura recomendada:
Day-to-Day Blood Pressure Variability and Risk of Dementia in a General Japanese Elderly Population: The Hisayama Study
Circulation, 136(6):516-525
Lectura recomendada:
Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the global population with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The Lancet. Global Health, 6(2):193-202
Lectura recomendada:
Ambient air pollution in relation to diabetes and glucose-homoeostasis markers in China: a cross-sectional study with findings from the 33 Communities Chinese Health Study
The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(2):64-73
Lectura recomendada:
C-reactive protein testing in general practice safely reduces antibiotic use for COPD flare-ups
Con respecto a la incidencia de la enfermedad.
La enfermedad de Kawasaki afecta predominantemente a niños pequeños y tiene consecuencias potenciales para toda la vida. Si bien no se conoce la causa parece estar involucrado un agente ambiental que ocasiona un proceso inflamatorio en individuos genéticamente predispuestos.
Lectura recomendada:
Lifetime cardiovascular management of patients with previous Kawasaki disease
Lectura recomendada:
Impact of ICS/LABA and LABA/LAMA FDCs on Functional and Clinical Outcomes in COPD: A Network Meta-Analysis
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 59(101855)