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Lectura recomendada:
[Preoperative Chemotherapy for Stage IIIB Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma: Long-Term Results from a Single Institution]
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 15(12):3487-3487
Lectura recomendada:
[Cisplatin, Ifosfamide, and Prolonged Oral Etoposide in the Treatment of Patients with Extensive Small Cell Lung Carcinoma]
Cancer, 82(2):308-308
Lectura recomendada:
[Plasma Glutathione S-Transferase Alpha 1-1: A More Sensitive Marker for Hepatocellular Damage than Serum Alanine Aminotransferase in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy]
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 178(1):165-165
Lectura recomendada:
[Hormone Replacement Therapy and Body Size: How Much Does Lifestyle Explain?]
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 178:73-73
Lectura recomendada:
[Clobetasol Dipropionate 0.05% Versus Testosterone Propionate 2% Topical Application for Severe Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus]
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 178:84-84
Lectura recomendada:
Š [Recombinant Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH; Puregon) is More Efficient than Urinary FSH (Metrodin) in Women with Clomiphene Citrate-Resistant, Normogonadotropic, Chronic Anovulation: A Prospective, Multicenter, Assesor-Blind, Randomized, Clinical T
Fertility and Sterility, 69(1):25-25
Lectura recomendada:
[Controlled Comparison of Electrophysiological Sleep in Families of Probands with Unipolar Depression]
The American Journal of Psychiatry, 155(2):199-199
Lectura recomendada:
[Transplantation in Children. A Longitudinal Assessment of Mother's Stress, Coping and Perceptions of Family Functioning]
Psychosomatics, 38(5):486-486
Lectura recomendada:
[Cognitive Impairment in Euthimic Bipolar Patients with and without Prior Alcohol Dependence]
Archives of General Psychiatry, 55(1):46-46