La comunicación de este caso confirma que en los pacientes con mieloma recurrente, la respuesta al agente único bortezomib se asocia a una estimulación espectacular del anabolismo óseo.
Institución del autor
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, EE.UU.
Federica Cavallo* Larry Suva** Michael Burns*** Guido Tricot**** Shmuel Yaccoby**
MD, University of Torino, Turín, Italia*
PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, EE.UU.**
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, EE.UU.***
MD, PhD, University of Utah, Salt Lake, EE.UU.****
Palabras clave
mieloma múltiple, bortezomib, anabolismo óseo
Bibliografía del caso clínico
1. Anderson H, Scarffe JH, Lambert M, et al. VAD chemotherapy-toxicity and efficacy-in patients with multiple myeloma and other lymphoid malignancies. Hematol Oncol 5(3):213-22, 1987.
2. Fassas A, Gojo I, Rapoport A, et al. Pulmonary toxicity syndrome following CDEP (cyclophosphamide, dexamethasone, etoposide, cisplatin) chemotherapy. Bone Marrow Transplant 28(4):399-403, 2001.
3. Zangari M, Cavallo F, Suva L, et al. Prospective evaluation of the bone anabolic effect of bortezomib in relapsed multiple myeloma. Blood 110:798a, 2007.
Artículos publicados por el autor
Zangari M, Yaccoby S, Cavallo F, Esseltine D, Tricot G. Response to bortezomib and activation of osteoblasts in multiple myeloma Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma 7(7):109-114, 2007
Zangari M, Elice F, Fink L, Tricot G. Thrombosis in multiple myeloma Expert Review in Anticancer Therapy 7(7):307-315, 2007
Zangari M, Elice F, Fink L, Tricot G. Hemostatic dysfunction in paraproteinemias and amyloidosis Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 33(33):339-349, 2007
Zangari M, Esseltine D, Cavallo F, Neuwirth R, Elice F, Burns MJ, Yaccoby S, Richardson P, Sonneveld P, Tricot G. Predictive value of alkaline phosphatase for response and time to progression in bortezomib-treated multiple myeloma patients American Journal Hematology 82(82):831-833, 2007
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