Para lograr la curación ósea, han sido sugeridos distintos materiales, sustitutos óseos o membranas de barrera para ser utilizados durante la cirugía perirradicular. La mezcla de cemento de calcio enriquecido puede aplicarse como relleno radicular o sustituto óseo. Se presenta un caso en el que se utilizó este material para el abordaje quirúrgico por endodoncia de una lesión periapical extensa.
Institución del autor
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Teherán, Irán
Palabras clave
regeneración ósea, mezcla de cemento de calcio enriquecido, cirugía perirradicular
Bibliografía del caso clínico
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4- Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Ehsani S. Periradicular regeneration after endodontic surgery with calcium-enriched mixture cement in dogs. J Endod 2010;36:837-41.
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Artículos publicados por el autor
Asgari S, Janahmadi M, Khalilkhani H. Comparison of neurotoxicity of root canal sealers on spontaneous bioelectrical activity in identified Helix neurones using an intracellular recording technique Int Endod J. 12:891-7, 2003
Stowe S, Parirokh M, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ. The benefits of using low accelerating voltage to assess endodontic instruments by scanning electron microscopy Aust Endod J 30(30):5-10, 2004
Parirokh M, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Stowe S, Kakoei S A scanning electron microscope study of plaque accumulation on silk and PVDF suture materials in oral mucosa. Int Endod J 37(37):776-81, 2004
Asgary S, Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Brink F. A comparative study of white mineral trioxide aggregate and white Portland cements using X-ray microanalysis. Aust Endod J 30(30):89-92, 2004
Asgary S, Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Brink F. Chemical differences between white and gray mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod. 31(31):101-3, 2005
Parirokh M, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Stowe S, Eslami B, Eskandarizade A, Shabahang S A comparative study of white and grey mineral trioxide aggregate as pulp capping agents in dog's teeth. Dent Traumatol. 21(21):150-4, 2005
Parirokh M, Asgary S, Eghbal MJ. An energy-dispersive X-ray analysis and SEM study of debris remaining on endodontic instruments after ultrasonic cleaning and autoclave sterilization Aust Endod J. 31(31):53-8, 2005
Asgary S, Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Stowe S, Brink F. A qualitative X-ray analysis of white and grey mineral trioxide aggregate using compositional imaging J Mater Sci Mater Med. 17(17):187-91, 2006
Asgary S, Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Ghoddusi J, Eskandarizadeh A. SEM evaluation of neodentinal bridging after direct pulp protection with mineral trioxide aggregate Aust Endod J. 32(32):26-30, 2006
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M. Sealing ability of a novel endodontic cement as a root-end filling material. J Biomed Mater Res A. 87(87):706-9, 2008
Asgary S, Shahabi S, Jafarzadeh T, Amini S, Kheirieh S. The properties of a new endodontic material. J Endod. 34(34):990-3, 2007
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Ghanavati F, Rahimi H. A comparative study of histologic response to different pulp capping materials and a novel endodontic cement Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 106(106):609-14, 2008
Asgary S, Kamrani FA. Antibacterial effects of five different root canal sealing materials J Oral Sci. 50(50):469-74, 2008
Asgary S, Ehsani S. Permanent molar pulpotomy with a new endodontic cement: A case series J Conserv Dent 12(12):31-6, 2009
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Ghoddusi J, Kheirieh S, Brink F. Comparison of mineral trioxide aggregate's composition with Portland cements and a new endodontic cement J Endod. 35(35):243-50, 2008
Eghbal MJ, Asgary S, Baglue RA, Parirokh M, Ghoddusi J. MTA pulpotomy of human permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis Aust Endod J. 35(35):4-8, 2009
Samiee M, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Abbas FM, Asgary S. Repair of furcal perforation using a new endodontic cement Clin Oral Investig. 14(14):653-8, 2010
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Parirokh M, Ghoddusi J. Effect of two storage solutions on surface topography of two root-end fillings Aust Endod J. 35(35):147-52, 2009
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Ehsani S. Periradicular regeneration after endodontic surgery with calcium-enriched mixture cement in dogs J Endod. 36(36):837-41, 2010
Nosrat A, Asgary S. Apexogenesis treatment with a new endodontic cement: a case report J Endod. 36(36):912-4, 2010
Tabarsi B, Parirokh M, Eghbal MJ, Haghdoost AA, Torabzadeh H, Asgary S. A comparative study of dental pulp response to several pulpotomy agents Int Endod J. 43(43):565-71, 2010
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ. A Clinical Trial of Pulpotomy vs. Root Canal Therapy of Mature Molars J Dent Res. 89(89):1080-5, 2010
Nosrat A, Asgary S. Apexogenesis of a symptomatic molar with calcium enriched mixture Int Endod J. 43(43):940-4, 2010
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ. The effect of pulpotomy using a calcium-enriched mixture cement versus one-visit root canal therapy on postoperative pain relief in irreversible pulpitis: a randomized clinical trial Odontology. 98(98):126-33, 2010
Asgary S. Furcal perforation repair using calcium enriched mixture cement J Conserv Dent. 13(13):156-8, 2010
Asgary S, Nosrat A, Seifi A. Management of Inflammatory External Root Resorption by Using Calcium-enriched Mixture Cement: A Case Report J Endod. 37(37):411-3, 2011
Nosrat A, Seifi A, Asgary S. Regenerative endodontic treatment (revascularization) for necrotic immature permanent molars: a review and report of two cases with a new biomaterial J Endod. 37(37):562-7, 2011
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