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¿Cuál es el mecanismo de acción del losartán?
El losartán es un antihipertensivo que se ha asociado tanto con reducida proporción de efectos adversos como con menor número de complicaciones cardiovasculares a largo plazo.
Lectura recomendada:
Effects of Losartan in Women with Hypertension and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Results from the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study
Hypertension, 51(4):1103-1108
Lectura recomendada:
Topical Review: Temporomandibular Disorders in an Integral Otic Symptom Model
International Journal of Audiology, 47(4):215
¿Cuál es la localización de los receptores endocannabinoides tipo 2 (CB2)?
El sistema endocannabinoide es un sistema fisiológico recientemente descrito, implicado en la homeostasis. Parece desempeñar un papel importante en la regulación de riesgos cardiovasculares asociados con exceso de peso, insulinorresistencia y dislipidemia.
Lectura recomendada:
The Endocannabinoid System: Novel Pathway for Cardiometabolic Risk-Factor Reduction
Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (JAAPA), (Esp. 2):7-10
Lectura recomendada:
Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) Heritable in Children, and if so, Why does it Matter?
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 92(12):1058-1061
Lectura recomendada:
Contraceptive Use and Associations with Intimate Partner Violence among a Population-Based Sample of New Zealand Women
ANZJOG, 48(1):83-89
Lectura recomendada:
Comparison of 1- and 2-Week Pantoprazole-Based Triple Therapies in Clarithromycin-Sensitive and Resistant Cases
European Journal of Internal Medicine, 18(6):496-500
Lectura recomendada:
Left Bundle Branch Block and Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in Hypertensive Patients with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: The Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study
Journal of Hypertension, 26(6):1244-1249
Lectura recomendada:
The Sensitivity of Clinical Diagnostic Methods in the Diagnosis of Diabetic Neuropathy
The Journal of International Medical Research, 36(1):63-70
Lectura recomendada:
The Effect of Trimebutine on the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness in the Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine, 44(3):273-280
Lectura recomendada:
Hypertriglyceridemia Is Linked to Reduced Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Women with Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Hypertension in Pregnancy, 26(4):423-431
Señale la opción correcta:
El síndrome metabólico y sus componentes se asocian con sobrepeso y obesidad. La mayor prevalencia asociada con el agrupamiento de los factores de riesgo se ha observado especialmente en las mujeres.
Lectura recomendada:
Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Secondary School Adolescents in Beijing, China
Acta Paediatrica, 97(3):348-353
Lectura recomendada:
Erectile Dysfunction Prospectively Associated with Cardiovascular Disease in the Dutch General Population: Results from the Krimpen Study
International Journal of Impotence Research, 20(1):92-99
Lectura recomendada:
Factors Affecting Erectile Function after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: Results from 1620 Consecutive Patients
British Journal of Urology International, 101(7):833-836