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Lectura recomendada:
Perceived Factors Influencing Nurses' Use of Evidence-Informed Protocols for Remote Cancer Treatment-Related Symptom Management: A Mixed Methods Study
European journal of oncology nursing, 19(3):268-277
Lectura recomendada:
Long-Term (1 Year) Safety and Efficacy of Methylphenidate Modified-Release Long-Acting Formulation (MPH-LA) in Adults With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A 26-Week, Flexible Dose, Open-Label Extension to a 40-Week, Double-Blind, Randomised,
CNS Drugs, 28(10):951-962
Lectura recomendada:
Emerging Regulators of the Inflammatory Process in Osteoarthritis
Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 11(1):35-44
¿Qué consecuencia tiene la osteoartritis a largo plazo?
En el Framingham Study Community Cohort se observó que las forma radiográfica y sintomática de la osteoartritis de cadera afectaron a 19.6% y 4.2% de la población, respectivamente.
Lectura recomendada:
Epidemiology of Osteoarthritis: State of the Evidence
Current Opinion in Rheumatology, 27(3):276-283
Lectura recomendada:
Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Different Antiplatelet Agents for Prevention of Major Cardiovascular Events and Leg Amputations in Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis
Plos One, 10(8)
Lectura recomendada:
Complete Versus Culprit-Only Revascularization in Patients With Multi-Vessel Disease Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials
International Journal of Cardiology, 186:98-103
Lectura recomendada:
Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Analyzed for EGFR: Adherence to Guidelines, Prevalence and Outcome
Anticancer Research, 35(7):3979-3986
¿Qué fármaco es usado frecuentemente para el tratamiento de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal?
La colitis ulcerosa y la enfermedad de Crohn son dos de las principales formas de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, y se caracterizan por inflamación restringida a la mucosa del colon y el recto o bien por la inflamación transmural de cualquier parte del tracto gastrointestinal, respectivamente.
Lectura recomendada:
Gastrointestinal Release Behaviour of Modified-Release Drug Products: Dynamic Dissolution Testing of Mesalazine Formulations
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 484(1-2):103-108
¿Cual de los siguientes síntomas conforma dicho síndrome?
Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen una de las principales comorbilidades en los pacientes con enfermedades mentales graves. El síndrome metabólico es considerado un precursor de éstas y su detección es clave.
Lectura recomendada:
Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in People With Schizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorders, Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
World Psychiatry, 14(3):339-347
Lectura recomendada:
Effects of Sildenafil on Invasive Haemodynamics and Exercise Capacity in Heart Failure Patients With Preserved Ejection Fraction and Pulmonary Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Trial
European Heart Journal, 36(38):2565-2573
Lectura recomendada:
Falling Mortality When Adjusted for Comorbidity in Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Relevance of Multi-Disciplinary Care
Frontline Gastroenterology, 5(4):243-248
Lectura recomendada:
Varenicline and Risk of Psychiatric Conditions, Suicidal Behaviour, Criminal Offending, and Transport Accidents and Offences: Population Based Cohort Study
BMJ, 350(2388)
Lectura recomendada:
Efectos Adversos Musculoesqueléticos por el Uso de Fluoroquinolonas en Niños: Un Metaanálisis
Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría, 108(6):524-531
Lectura recomendada:
Transforming Public Health Education in India Through Networking and Collaborations: Oportunities and Challenges
Indian Journal of Public Health, 57(3):155-160
Lectura recomendada:
Rosuvastatin Improves Endothelial Function in Patients With Inflammatory Joint Diseases, Longitudinal Associations With Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis: Results From the RORA-AS Statin Intervention Study
Arthritis Research & Therapy,
Lectura recomendada:
Being Overweight or Obese is Associated With Inhibition Control in Children From Six to Ten Years of Age
Acta Paediatrica, 104(6):619-625
¿Qué beneficios demostró el LCZ696 al compararlo con enalapril?
El estudio PARADIGM-HF demostró la superioridad del LCZ696 (fusión de sacubitril con valsartán), en comparación con el enalapril, para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca con disfunción ventricular.
Lectura recomendada:
Efficacy and Safety of LCZ696 (Sacubitril-Valsartan) Accordin to Age: Insights From PARADIGM-HF
European Heart Journal, 36(38):2576-2584
Lectura recomendada:
Oral Antihypertensive Therapy for Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Systematic Review
BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 121(10):1210-1218
Lectura recomendada:
Direct Oral Anticoagulants for the Prevention of Stroke in Patients Witn Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: Understanding Differences and Similarities
Drugs, 75(14):1627-1644