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The Effect of Online Infant Care Education and Postpartum Counseling Based on Meleis's Transition Theory on Mothers' Self-Esteem and Infant Health: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
The Effect of Online Infant Care Education and Postpartum Counseling Based on Meleis's Transition Theory on Mothers' Self-Esteem and Infant Health: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Fuente:Nursing & Health Sciences
Tipo de trabajo:Estudio aleatorizado y controlado
Registration: NCT05812833.
Claves:baby care, baby health, counseling, education, mother self‐esteem
institución:(a) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Midwifery, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Istanbul, Turkey. (b) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Midwifery, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Istanbul, Turkey.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Colorectal disease the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Colorectal disease the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
Sexual dysfunction after colorectal and anal cancer-treatment in nurse-led sexological clinics.
Sexual dysfunction after colorectal and anal cancer-treatment in nurse-led sexological clinics.
Fuente:Colorectal Disease The Official Journal of The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes
At nurse-led clinics, specialized nurses can
effectively identify and treat sexual problems in patients with sexual
dysfunction following colorectal/anal cancer. Organic dysfunctions were
prevalent, and psychological problems characterized most patients. This
highlights that treatment needs to be multidisciplinary and that patients benefit
from specialized care.
Claves:anal cancer, colorectal cancer, late sequelae, sexological treatment, sexual dysfunction, sexuality
Cita:Colorectal Dis 2025 Feb; 27 (2) : e70018.
Autor/es:Mikkelsen, Anette Højer (a) Thyø, Anne (b)
institución:(a) Sexological Center, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark. (b) Danish Cancer Society, National Research Center for Survivorship and Late Adverse Effects Following Pelvic Organ Cancer, Aarhus and Aalborg University Hospitals, Aarhus & Aalborg, Denmark.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Context modulates evidence accumulation in split-second handball penalty decisions.
Context modulates evidence accumulation in split-second handball penalty decisions.
Fuente:Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
Our study is the first to show that contextual information
modulates evidence accumulation on extremely short timescales in highly
time-constrained penalty decisions.
Claves:Anticipation, Cognitive modeling, Contextual information, Sport
Cita:Cogn Res Princ Implic 2025 Feb 4; 10 (1) : 2.
institución:(a) Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport, Institute of Sport Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Seidelstraße 20, 07749, Jena, Germany. henrietta.weinberg@uni-jena.de. (b) Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport, Institute of Sport Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Seidelstraße 20, 07749, Jena, Germany.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Beyond minutiae: inferring missing details from global structure in fingerprints.
Beyond minutiae: inferring missing details from global structure in fingerprints.
Fuente:Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
This research
provides insight into how perceptual expertise supports accurate visual
discrimination in a high-stakes, real-world task with broader implications for
theoretical models of visual cognition.
Cita:Cogn Res Princ Implic 2025 Feb 4; 10 (1) : 3.
Autor/es:Searston, Rachel A (a) Thompson, Matthew B (b)
institución:(a) School of Psychology, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. rachel.searston@adelaide.edu.au. (b) School of Psychology, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
The development and validation testing of a comprehensive frailty assessment in women with breast cancer.
The development and validation testing of a comprehensive frailty assessment in women with breast cancer.
Fuente:Bmc Women's Health
Tipo de trabajo:Revisión
The instrument exhibited acceptable
psychometric properties, proving it to be a valuable tool for evaluating frailty
in women with breast cancer. Further assessments of its reliability, validity,
and generality from health providers' views in different contexts and cultures
are recommended.
institución:(a) Department of Nursing, MacKay Medical College, New Taipei City, Taiwan. r910862@yahoo.com.tw. (b) Comprehensive Breast Health Center, Department of Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Evaluation of causal relationships between genetic liability to inflammatory bowel disease and autism spectrum disorder by Mendelian randomization analysis.
Evaluation of causal relationships between genetic liability to inflammatory bowel disease and autism spectrum disorder by Mendelian randomization analysis.
Fuente:Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
Tipo de trabajo:Metanálisis
Our findings indicate genetic predisposition to ASD might
not increase the risk of IBD, whereas genetic liability to IBD is associated with
an increased risk of ASD. Further investigations using more powerful datasets are
institución:(a) Department of Gastroenterology, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital (Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences), Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China. (b) Department of Gastroenterology, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital (Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences), Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China.
Conflicto:The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Stress and health journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress
Selección SIIC: 6 Febrero, 2025
Stress and health journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress
Exploring the Intricacies of Social Mobility Trajectories and Perceived Stress in Post-Reform China.
Exploring the Intricacies of Social Mobility Trajectories and Perceived Stress in Post-Reform China.
Fuente:Stress and Health Journal of The International Society For The Investigation of Stress
These insights hold significant
implications for public health interventions, underscoring the necessity of a
more nuanced theoretical framework for understanding the stress experiences of
Chinese residents amidst societal transformation.
Claves:growth mixture model, latent trajectory, perceived stress, social mobility
Cita:Stress Health 2025 Feb; 41 (1) : e70010.
Autor/es:Lan, Yaxin (a) Jin, Lei (b)
institución:(a) Department of Social Work, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. (b) Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Cancer Survivorship and the Significance of an Integrated Diachronic Life Course Perspective.
Cancer Survivorship and the Significance of an Integrated Diachronic Life Course Perspective.
Fuente:Sociology of Health & Illness
Cancer survivorship exemplifies what can be described as an
integrated diachronic life course perspective, which serves as a conceptual
framework to enhance our understanding of health development across the life
course and guide health-care practice, systems and policy to meet the
increasingly complex health-care needs of current and future generations.
Claves:cancer survivorship, holistic care, integrated care, life course theory, patient navigation, shared care
Cita:Sociol Health Illn 2025 Feb; 47 (2) : e70012.
Autor/es:cancer survivorship, holistic care, integrated care, life course theory, patient navigation, shared care
institución:(a) College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. (b) Adelaide Health Simulation, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Willingness to donate eyes and associated factors among adults in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia: a mixed-methods approach.
Willingness to donate eyes and associated factors among adults in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia: a mixed-methods approach.
Fuente:Bmj Open Ophthalmology
Tipo de trabajo:Revisión
The study found that 47.2% (95% CI 44.7, 50.0) participants were
willing to donate their eyes. Significant factors influencing willingness
included being male (adjusted OdR (AOR)=1.55; 95% CI 1.18, 2.03), being a
Christian (AOR=2.08; 95% CI 1.42, 3.04), having a family or friends awaiting for
corneal transplantation (AOR=1.78; 95% CI: 1.18, 2.68), completing higher
education (AOR=2.63; 95% CI 1.88, 3.69), completing secondary education
(AOR=1.77; 95% CI 1.03, 3.04), having a favourable attitude towards eye donation
(AOR=4.97; 95% CI 3.70, 6.66) and being aware of eye donation (AOR=3.12; 95% CI
2.23, 4.36). Qualitative analysis indentified barriers such as lack of
information, poor attitudes and religious restrictions.Overall, willingness to
donate eyes was moderate compared to previous studies. The findings emphasise the
need for community education to improve public attitudes and awareness about eye
donation to enhance willingness to donate eyes.
institución:(a) Department of Optometry, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia. (b) Department of Optometry, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Neonatal unit admission and offspring mental health trajectories across childhood and adolescence
Neonatal unit admission and offspring mental health trajectories across childhood and adolescence
Fuente:Bmj Paediatrics Open
Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes
Children admitted to NNUs at birth are
more likely to experience emotional difficulties and peer problems during
childhood. These differences are apparent from early childhood continuing into
adolescence and strengthen the case for a calm NNU environment with parental
visits and mental health support, and early interventions for children admitted
to NNUs.
institución:(a) Center for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy. (b) Department of Physiology and Pharmacology "Vittorio Erspamer", Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Symptom-based depression subtypes: brain dynamic specificity and its association with gene expression profiles.
Symptom-based depression subtypes: brain dynamic specificity and its association with gene expression profiles.
Fuente:Translational Psychiatry
These findings highlight that distinct symptom clusters in MDD have
specific neural correlates, providing insights into depression's heterogeneous
diagnosis and precision medicine opportunities.
Cita:Transl Psychiatry 2025 Jan 28; 15 (1) : 33.
Autor/es:Liang, Qunjun (a) Zhou, Zhifeng (b)
institución:(a) Guangdong Key Laboratory for Biomedical Measurements and Ultrasound Imaging, National-Regional Key Technology Engineering Laboratory for Medical Ultrasound, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University Medical School, Shenzhen, 518060, People's Republic of China. (b) Department of Radiology, Shenzhen Nanshan People's Hospital, Taoyuan AVE 89, Nanshan district, Shenzhen, 518000, People's Republic of China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
A cross sectional investigation of the development of rhythmic preferences with motor and perceptual tests.
A cross sectional investigation of the development of rhythmic preferences with motor and perceptual tests.
Fuente:Scientific Reports
brief, the preferred period appears only in young adults, with no support for the
idea of a slowing down of an internal oscillation that would be reflected by both
motor and perceptual rhythmic preferences.
Cita:Sci Rep 2025 Jan 28; 15 (1) : 3479.
Autor/es:Rioux, Pier-Alexandre (a) Grondin, Simon (b)
Practitioners' perspective: a mixed-methods study on dealing with suicidality from the perspective of oncological healthcare professionals.
Practitioners' perspective: a mixed-methods study on dealing with suicidality from the perspective of oncological healthcare professionals.
Fuente:Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
Tipo de trabajo:Guía
study highlights difficulties with active suicide exploration and differences
among HCPs. Integrating these findings into education and training could improve
HCPs' skills and reduce disparities, supporting successful suicide prevention.
institución:(a) Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Untere Zahlbacher Str. 8, 55131, Mainz, Germany. Tamara.Schwinn@unimedizin-mainz.de. (b) Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Untere Zahlbacher Str. 8, 55131, Mainz, Germany.
Conflicto:Declarations. Ethical approval: The study contents and procedures were approved by the ethics committee of the Rhineland-Palatinate Chamber of Physicians (No. 2023–16975). Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in...
in this paper. This work is part of the dissertation of the first author.
institución:(a) School of Medical, Indigenous and Health Sciences, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong NSW, Wollongong, 2522, Australia. (b) School of Medical, Indigenous and Health Sciences, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong NSW, Wollongong, 2522, Australia.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
The dark side of the association between internet use and older adults' subjective wellbeing: the role of subjective social class.
The dark side of the association between internet use and older adults' subjective wellbeing: the role of subjective social class.
Fuente:Bmc Geriatrics
These findings contribute to our
understanding of the psychological mechanisms underlying internet use and older
adults' subjective wellbeing. Furthermore, they provide implications for
considering the relative dark of internet use on subjective wellbeing for older
adults with lower subjective social class.
Claves:Hope, Internet use, Subjective social class, Subjective wellbeing
Cita:BMC Geriatr 2025 Jan 28; 25 (1) : 63.
Autor/es:Zhang, Denghao (a) Shi, Jiaming (b)
institución:(a) School of Marxism, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China. (b) School of Public Administration, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, 611130, China. shijiaming1996@zju.edu.cn.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
The association between personality traits and transphobia among university students: a cross-sectional study in northwestern Iran.
The association between personality traits and transphobia among university students: a cross-sectional study in northwestern Iran.
Fuente:Bmc Psychiatry
Tipo de trabajo:Estudio clínico
Personality traits may significantly influence
attitudes toward transgender individuals, suggesting that interventions designed
to reduce transphobia should consider these foundational personality
characteristics. CLINICAL TRIAL NUMBER: Not applicable.
Claves:BFI-44, Gender dysphoria, Genderism and transphobia, Personality trait
Cita:BMC Psychiatry 2025 Jan 28; 25 (1) : 80.
Autor/es:Shafiee-Kandjani, Ali Reza (a) Shalchi, Behzad (b)
institución:(a) Research Center of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. (b) Research Center of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. shalchi.B@gmail.com.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
The interaction network and potential clinical effectiveness of dimensional psychopathology phenotyping based on EMR: a Bayesian network approach.
The interaction network and potential clinical effectiveness of dimensional psychopathology phenotyping based on EMR: a Bayesian network approach.
Fuente:Bmc Psychiatry
Furthermore, CS, SPS and AS were associated with the length of stay and 30-days
readmission, making them effective for predicting prognosis of psychiatric
Claves:Bayesian network, Electronic medical records (EMR), Nature Language Process (NLP), Research Domain of Criteria (RDoC), interaction network
Cita:BMC Psychiatry 2025 Jan 28; 25 (1) : 81.
Autor/es:Qiu, Jianqing (a) Zhu, Ting (b)
institución:(a) West China Biomedical Big Data Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. (b) West China Biomedical Big Data Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación
Self-assessed health of adult Australian sport club participants during and after COVID-19 restrictions: a longitudinal study.
Self-assessed health of adult Australian sport club participants during and after COVID-19 restrictions: a longitudinal study.
Fuente:Bmc Public Health
Changes in club sport participation impact general and
physical health of adults; continuation or return were associated with better
physical and general health than drop-out. There was little evidence of an
association between participation in sport and mental health, which is
inconsistent with previously reported cross-sectional results; this may be due to
a combination of factors, including confounding with the broader effects of the
pandemic. In conclusion, it is clear that retention in participation in sport is
not just important for sports management policy and strategies; it is also
important for the health of individuals.
Claves:Adult, COVID-19, Health, Retention, Sport
Cita:BMC Public Health 2025 Jan 28; 25 (1) : 353.
Autor/es:Eime, Rochelle (a) Harvey, Jack (b)
institución:(a) Physical Activity and Sport Insights, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Federation University, Ballarat, Australia. r.eime@federation.edu.au. (b) Physical Activity and Sport Insights, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Federation University, Ballarat, Australia.
Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación