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Las extensas pruebas de difracción de fibras de pelo no mostraron cambios en los patrones correlacionados con la presencia de cualquiera de los cánceres de piel, hígado, pulmón u ovario, a pesar del hecho de que todos se asocian con mayor actividad de factor de crecimiento vascular endotelial.
james9.jpg Autor:
Veronica James
Columnista Experto de SIIC

Australian National University

Artículos publicados por Veronica James
Recepción del artículo
2 de Mayo, 2007
11 de Junio, 2007
Primera edición
6 de Diciembre, 2007
Segunda edición, ampliada y corregida
7 de Junio, 2021

La publicación de cambios en la difracción de fibras del pelo asociados con el cáncer de mama ha dejado interrogantes sin respuesta. Para que este cambio tenga algún valor como herramienta de diagnóstico, no puede estar relacionado con ningún otro trastorno. Es necesario eliminar la confusión entre el cambio real y los cambios espurios asociados con el trastorno. No se han respondido los principales interrogantes científicos de por qué y cómo ocurre este cambio en áreas alejadas del sitio del cáncer. Esta comunicación pone en evidencia algunos de nuestros avances en estas áreas que, si bien son negativos, sirven para eliminar los caminos que parecían más prometedores. Por esta razón, el artículo proporciona progresos sumamente importantes en esta área.

Palabras clave
pelo, difracción de la fibra, cáncer de mama, VEGF

Artículo completo

Extensión:  +/-6.08 páginas impresas en papel A4
Exclusivo para suscriptores/assinantes

The publication of the changes in the fibre diffraction of hair associated with breast cancer has left unanswered questions. For this change to be of any value as a diagnostic tool, it can relate to no other pathological condition. Confusion between the real change and spurious changes associated with disorder has to be eliminated. Major scientific questions as to why and how this change occurs in areas remote from the cancer site have not been answered. This report reveals some of our advances in these areas, which, although negative, serve to eliminate the avenues that appeared most promising. For this reason, the paper provides extremely important advances in this area.

Key words
hair, fibre diffraction, breast cancer, VEGF

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Clasificación en siicsalud
Artículos originales > Expertos del Mundo >

Principal: Oncología
Relacionadas: Diagnóstico por Imágenes, Medicina Interna, Obstetricia y Ginecología

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Extensión: 6.08 páginas impresas en papel A4

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Enviar correspondencia a:
Veronica James, Australian National University Research School of Chemistry, ACT 0200, Canberra, Australia
Patrocinio y reconocimiento:
La autora agradece el apoyo económico del Access to Major Research Facilities Program, que recibe fondos de la Commonwealth of Australia. También agradece el generoso apoyo para el uso del BioCAT y las instalaciones de ChemMatCARS, (APS), Argonne National Laboratory y la ayuda provista por el personal de esas instalaciones. La Advanced Photon Source es financiada por el US Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences and Office of Science mediante contrato Nº W-31-109-ENG-38 W-31-109-Eng-38. BioCAT es el Centro de Investigación RR-08630 financiado por los National Institutes of Health.
Bibliografía del artículo
1. James VJ, Delbridge L, McLennan SV, Yue DK. Changes in the molecular structure of hair in insulin dependent diabetes. Biophysica Biochimica Research Communications 233:76-80, 1997.
2. James V, Kearsley J, Irving T, Amemiya Y, Cookson D. Using hair to screen for breast cancer. Nature 398:33-34, 1999.
3. James VJ. Fibre diffraction from a single hair can provide an early non-invasive test for colon cancer. Medical Science Monitor 9(8):MT79-84, 2003.
4. James VJ, Richardson JC, Robertson TA, Papadimitriou JM, Dutton NS, Maley MAL, Berstein LM, Lantseva OE, Martins RN. Fibre diffraction of hair can provide a screening test for Alzheimer's disease: a human and animal model study. Medical Science Monitor 11(2):CR53-57, 2005.
5. Amenitsch H, et al. Synchrotron x-ray study at Trieste: no correlation between breast cancer and hair structure. Synchrotron Radiat News 12:32-34.
6. Chu B, Fang D, Hsiao BS. Hair test results at the advanced polymer beamline (X27C) at the NSLS. Synchrotron Radiat News 12:36, 1999.
7. Schoer K, DeRisis D, Kastrow K, Busch E, Volkow N, Capel M. Hair test results at the NSLS. Synchrotron Radiat News 12:34-35, 1999. My answer followed these three papers in the same edition.
8. Howell A, Grossman JG, Cheung KC, Kanbi L, Evans DG, Hasnain SS. Can hair be used to screen for breast cancer? J J Med Genet 37:297-298, 2000.
9. Meyer P, Goergl R, Botz J W, Fratzl P. Breast cancer screening using small-angle X-ray scattering analysis of human hair. J Natl Cancer Inst 92(13):1092-1093, 2000.
10. Briki F, Busson B, Salicru B, Esteve F, Doucet J. Breast Cancer Diagnosis using hair. Nature 400:236, 1999.
11. Laaziri K, Sutton M, Ghadirian P, Scott AS, Paradis AJ, Tonin PN, Foulkes WD. Is there a correlation between the structure of hair and breast cancer or BRCA1/2 mutations? Phys Med Biol 47:1623-1632, 2002.
12. James VJ. Changes in the diffraction pattern of hair resulting from mechanical damage can occlude the changes that relate to breast cancer. Phys Med Biol 48:L37-L41, 2003.
13. James VJ. The traps and pitfalls inherent in the correlation of the molecular structure of hair with breast cancer. Phys Med Biol 48:L5-L9, 2003.
14. James VJ. False-positives in studies of changes in fibre diffraction of hair from patients with breast cancer may not be false. J Nat Cancer Instit 95(2):170-171, 2003.
15. James V. The importance of good images in using hair to screen for breast cancer. J Med Genet 38:e16, 2001.
16. Meyer P, James VJ. Experimental confirmation of a distinctive diffraction pattern in the hair from women with breast cancer. J Nat Cancer Instit 93(11):873-875, 2001.
17. Lyman DJ, Murray-Wijelath J. Fourier transform infrared attenuared total reflection analysis of human hair: Comparison of hair from breast cancer patients with hair from healthy subjects. Appl Spectroscopy 59:26-32, 2005.
18. Wilk K, James V, Amemiya Y. Intermediate filament structure of human hair. Biophysica Biochimica Acta 1245:392-396, 1995.
19. James VJ, Delbridge L, McLennan SV, Yue DK. Use of X-ray diffraction in the study of human diabetic and ageing collagen. Diabetes 40:391-394, 1991.
20. Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest 107(4):409-417, 2001.
21. Du Cross DL. Fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor in hair development. J Invest Dermatol 101(1 suppl):106S-113S, 1993.
22. James V, Corino G, Robertson T, Dutton N, Halas D, Boyd A, Bentel J, Papadimitriou J. Early diagnosis of breast cancer by hair diffraction. International Journal of Cancer 114:969-972, 2005.

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