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Los cereales consumidos en el desayuno ejercen efectos beneficiosos sobre la memoria y el estado de ánimo. Por su parte, la cafeína posee un perfil de acción diferente. Esta sustancia mejora la codificación de estímulos nuevos e incrementa el estado de alerta cuando las personas están cansadas.
smith9.gif Autor:
Andrew p. Smith
Columnista Experto de SIIC
Artículos publicados por Andrew p. Smith
Recepción del artículo
28 de Agosto, 2000
8 de Febrero, 2001
Primera edición
13 de Febrero, 2001
Segunda edición, ampliada y corregida
7 de Junio, 2021

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Extensión:  +/-5 páginas impresas en papel A4
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Clasificación en siicsalud
Artículos originales > Expertos del Mundo >

Principal: Nutrición
Relacionadas: Farmacología, Medicina Familiar, Medicina Interna, Salud Pública

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Bibliografía del artículo
1. Smith AP. «Effects of caffeine on human beavior», Food and Chemical Toxicology, in press. 2. Smith PF, Smith AP, Miners J, McNeil J, Proudfoot A. «Report from the expert working group on the safety aspects of dietary caffeine», Australian and New Zealand Food Association 2000.3. Smith AP, Rusted JM, Eaton-Williams P, Savory M Leathwood P. «Effects of caffeine given before and after lunch on sustained attention», Neuropsychobiology 1990, 23:160-163.4. Smith AP, Phillips W. «Effects of low doses of caffeine in coffee on human performance and mood1», Association Scientifique Internationale de Cafe: 15th International Scientific Colloquium on coffee, 1993, 2:461-469.5. Smith AP, Brockman P, Flynn R, Maben A, Thomas M. «An investigation of the effects of coffee on alertness and performance during the day and night», Neuropsychobiology 1993, 2:217-233. 6. Smith AP, Thomas M, Perry K, Whitney H. «Caffeine and the common cold», Journal of Psychopharmacology 1993, 11(4):319-324.7. Smith AP, Kendrick AM, Maben AL. «Effects of breakfast and caffeine on performance and mood in the late morning and after lunch», Neuropsychobiology 1993, 26:198-204.8. Smith AP, Maben A, Brockman P. «The effects of evening meals and caffeine on performance, mood and caridovascular functioning», Appetite 22:39-55.9. Smith AP, Sturgess W, Gallagher J. «Effects of a low dose of caffeine given in different drinks on mood and performance», Human Psychopharmacology 1999, 14:473-482.10. Smith AP, Brice CF. «The Behavioral Effects of Caffeine». In: Caffeinated Beverages: Health Benefits, Physiological Effects and Chemistry. T.H.Parliament, Chi-Tang Ho & P.Schieberle (eds). American Chemical Society: Washington, 2000.11. Smith AP. «Breakfast, performance and mood». In: Food, mood and performance. Sydney: The Kellogg Nutrition Symposium, 1999, 11-17.12. Smith AP, Kendrick AM, Maben AL, Salmon J. «Effects of breakfast and caffeine on performance, mood and cardiovascular functioning», Appetite 1994, 22:39-55. 13. Smith AP. «Breakfast and mental health», International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 1998, 49:397-402.14. Smith AP. «Breakfast cereal consumption and subjective reports of health», International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 1999, 50:445-449.15. Smith AP, in press. «Breakfast cereal consumption and subjective reports of health by young adults», International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences.16. Smith AP, Rees G. «Stress, breakfast cereal consumption and susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections», Nutritional Neuroscience 2000, 3:339-343.17. Smith AP, Clark R, Gallagher J. «Breakfast cereal and caffeinated coffee: Effects on working memory, attention, mood and cardiovascular function», Physiology & Behavior 1999, 67:9-17.18. Brice CF, Smith AP, submitted. «The Effects of Caffeine on Simulated Driving and Cognitive Performance», Human Psychopharmacology.19. Smith AP. «Caffeine dependence: an alternative view», Nature Medicine 1996, 2(5):494. 20. Rubin GJ, Smith AP. «Caffeine withdrawal and headaches», Nutritional Neuroscience 1999, 2:123-126.21. Smith AP. «Caffeine, caffeine withdrawal and performance efficiency». In:Caffeine and Behavior: Current views and research trends. B.S.Gupta & Uma Gupta (eds). CRC Press. Pp.161-178.
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