Crónicas de autores

Edimar Bocchi *

Autor invitado por SIIC

O trabalho é um avanço no tratamento de insuficiência cardíaca em pacientes caquéticos e dependentes de dobutamina


O uso de HG em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada e caquexia determinou estabilidade clínica sem a necessidade de drogas inotrópicas permitindo introdução de drogas não previamente toleradas.

*Edimar Bocchi
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su trabajo
International Journal of Cardiology,
110(3):313-317 Jun, 2006

Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases, integra el acervo bibliográfico
de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Institución principal de la investigación
*Heart Failure Clinics of the Clinical Cardiology Department, Heart Institute of the São Paulo Univer, São Paulo, Brasil
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Referencias bibliográficas
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Otros artículos de Edimar Bocchi

Bocchi EA, Ahualli L, Amuchastegui M, Boullon F, Cerutti B, Colque R, Fernandez D, Fiorelli A, Olaya P, Vulcado N, Perrone SV. Recommendations for use of everolimus after heart transplantation: results from a Latin-American consensus meeting. Transplant Proc 2006; 38(3):937-42.
Bacal F, Pires PV, Moreira LF, Silva CP, Filho JR, Costa UM, Rosario-Neto MA, Avila VM, Cruz FD, Guimaraes GV, Issa VS, Ferreira SA, Stolf N, Ramires JA, Bocchi E. Normalization of right ventricular performance and remodeling evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging at late follow-up of heart transplantation: relationship between function, exercise capacity and pulmonary vascular resistance. J Heart Lung Transplant 2005; 24(12):2031-6.
Chizzola PR, Goncalves de Freitas HF, Marinho NV, Mansur JA, Meneghetti JC, Bocchi EA. The effect of beta-adrenergic receptor antagonism in cardiac sympathetic neuronal remodeling in patients with heart failure. Int J Cardiol 2006; 106(1):29-34.
Fiorelli AI, Stolf NA, Honorato R, Bocchi E, Bacal F, Uip D, Strabelli T, Issa V, Amato VA, Fiorelli LR, Oliveira SA. Later evolution after cardiac transplantation in Chagas' disease. Transplant Proc 2005; 37(6):2793-8.
Bocchi E, Moura L, Guimaraes G, Conceicao Souza GE, Ramires JA. Beneficial effects of high doses of growth hormone in the introduction and optimization of medical treatment in decompensated congestive heart failure. Int J Cardiol 2006; 110(3):313-7.
Rodrigues AC, Frimm CC, Bacal F, Andreolli V, Tsutsui JM, Bocchi EA, Mathias W Jr, Lage SG. Coronary flow reserve impairment predicts cardiac events in heart transplant patients with preserved left ventricular function. Int J Cardiol 2005; 103(2):201-6.
Mocelin AO, Issa VS, Bacal F, Guimaraes GV, Cunha E, Bocchi EA. The influence of aetiology on inflammatory and neurohumoral activation in patients with severe heart failure: a prospective study comparing Chagas' heart disease and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Eur J Heart Fail 2005; 7(5):869-73.
Bacal F, Silva CP, Bocchi EA, Pires PV, Moreira LF, Issa VS, Moreira SA, Das Dores Cruz F, Strabelli T, Stolf NA, Ramires JA. Mychophenolate mofetil increased Chagas' disease reactivation in heart transplanted patients: comparison between two different protocols. Am J Transplant 2005; 5(8):2017-21.
Curiati JA, Bocchi E, Freire JO, Arantes AC, Braga M, Garcia Y, Guimaraes G, Fo WJ. Meditation reduces sympathetic activation and improves the quality of life in elderly patients with optimally treated heart failure: a prospective randomized study. J Altern Complement Med 2005; 11(3):465-72.

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Autor invitado
25 de julio, 2006
Descripción aprobada
5 de octubre, 2006
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021

Acerca del trabajo completo

Edimar Bocchi1, Ligia Moura2, Guilherme Guimarães3, Germano Conceição4, Jose Ramires5
1, Heart Failure Clinics of the Clinical Cardiology Department, Heart Institute of the São Paulo Univer, São Paulo, Brasil

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International Journal of Cardiology

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