Crónicas de autores

Katia Borgia Barbosa Pagano *

Autora invitada por SIIC


Estudo retrospectivo multicêntrico latino-americano de avaliação de mutações do (evaluación de mutaciones del) BCR-aBL em pacientes com leucemia mielóide crônica resistentes ao (resistentes al) imatinibe. O presente trabalho demonstrou o (El presente trabajo demostró el) impacto negativo das mutações na sobrevida global e livre de progressão.

*Katia Borgia Barbosa Pagano
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su trabajo
Cancer Investigation,
33:451-458, 2016

Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases, integra el acervo bibliográfico
de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Institución principal de la investigación
*University of Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, Brasil
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Referencias bibliográficas
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Otros artículos de Katia Borgia Barbosa Pagano

Lima AS, De Mello MR, Fernandes E, Bezerra MF, Oliveira MM, Duarte BK, De Assis RA, Souto FR, Ramos CF, Machado CG, Pagnano K, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients with acute myeloid leukemia: evaluation of genetic and molecular findings in a real-life setting. Blood 126(15):1863-5, 2015.
Pagnano KB, Bendit I, Boquimpani C, et al. Latin American Leukemia Net (LALNET). BCR-ABL mutations in chronic myeloid leukemia treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors and impact on survival. Cancer Invest 33(9):451-8, 2015.
Sanz MA, Montesinos P, Kim HT, Ruiz-Argüelles GJ, Undurraga MS, Uriarte MR, Martínez L, Jacomo RH, Gutiérrez-Aguirre H, Melo RA, Bittencourt R, Pasquini R, Pagnano K, Fagundes EM et al. IC-APL and PETHEMA and HOVON Groups. All-trans retinoic acid with daunorubicin or idarubicin for risk-adapted treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia: a matched-pair analysis of the PETHEMA LPA-2005 and IC-APL studies. Ann Hematol 94(8):1347-56, 2015.
Ribeiro BF, Vergílio BR, Miranda EC, Almeida MH, Delamain MT, Da Silveira RA, De Souza CA, Albuquerque DM, Dos Santos A, Duarte VO, Oliveira-Duarte GB, Lorand-Metze I, Pagnano KB. BCR-ABL1 transcript levels at 3 and 6 months are better for identifying chronic myeloid leukemia patients with poor outcome in response to second-line second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors after imatinib failure: A report from a single institution. Acta Haematologica 134:248-254, 2015.
Lucena-Araujo AR, Kim HT, Jacomo RH, Melo RA, Bittencourt R, Pasquini R, Pagnano K, et al. Prognostic impact of KMT2E transcript levels on outcome of patients with acute promyelocytic leukaemia treated with all-trans retinoic acid and anthracycline-based chemotherapy: an International Consortium on Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia study. British Journal of Haematology (print) 166:540-549, 2014.
Lucena-Araujo AR, Kim HT, Jacomo RH, Melo RA, Bittencourt R, Pasquini R, Pagnano K, Fagundes EM et al. Internal tandem duplication of the FLT3 gene confers poor overall survival in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with all-trans retinoic acid and anthracycline-based chemotherapy: an International Consortium on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia study. Ann Hematol 93(12):2001-10, 2014.
Silveira RA, Fachel AA, Moreira YB, De Souza CA, Costa FF, Verjovski-Almeida S, Pagnano KBB. Protein-coding genes and long noncoding RNAs are differentially expressed in dasatinib-treated chronic myeloid leukemia patients with resistance to imatinib. Hematology (Luxembourg. Print) 19:31-41, 2014.
De Almeida MH, Pagnano KBB, Vigorito AC, Lorand-Metze I, De Souza Carmino A. Adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy for chronic myeloid leukemia: A Brazilian single-center cohort. Acta Haematologica 130:16-22, 2013.
Rego EM, Kim HT, Ruiz-Argüelles GJ, Undurraga MS, Uriarte Mdel R, Jacomo RH, Gutiérrez-Aguirre H, Melo RA, Bittencourt R, Pasquini R, Pagnano K, et al. Improving acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) outcome in developing countries through networking, results of the International Consortium on APL. Blood (Philadelphia, online) 1:1-41, 2013.
White HE, Hedges J, Bendit I, Branford S, Colomer D, Hochhaus A, Hughes T, Kamel-Reid S, Kim DW, Modur V, Müller MC, Pagnano KB, Pane F, Radich J, Cross NC, Labourier E. Establishment and validation of analytical reference panels for the standardization of quantitative BCR-ABL1 measurements on the international scale. Clin Chem 59(6):938-48, 2013.

Para comunicarse con Katia Borgia Barbosa Pagano mencionar a SIIC como referencia:

Autora invitada
1 de junio, 2016
Descripción aprobada
16 de junio, 2016
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021

Acerca del trabajo completo

Título original en castellano

Israel Bendit1, Carla Boquimpani2, Carmino Antonio De Souza3, Eliana Miranda4, Ilana Zalcberg5, Irene Larripa6, Luciana Nardinelli7, Raquel Bengió8
1 Médico, Universidade de São Paulo
2 Médica, Hemorio
3 Médico, Professor Titular
4, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
5 Médica, Instituto Nacional Do Câncer
6, Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas, Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires
8 Médica, Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas, Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires

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