Otros artículos de Mª Carmen Requena
1. Requena C., Turrero A., Ortíz T. Long term effects of a time extended, refresher training stimulation programme for healthy older persons. Developmental Psycholgy (in press).
2. Plaza M., Requena C., López V. y Rosario I. La relación entre el tiempo no estructurado, el ocio y las funciones cognitivas en personas mayores. European Journalof Education and Psychology (in press.)
3. Requena, C., & López, V. (2014). Measurable benefits on brain activity from the practice of educational leisure. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 6. Impact Factor JCR 2.8 Category Q1 Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00040
4. Ortiz, T., Poch, J., Santos, J. M., Martínez, A. M., Ortiz-Terán, L., Requena, C., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2013). Occipital cortex activation by long-term repetitive tactile stimulation is necessary for object recognition in blinds: A case report. Neurocase: 1-10. Impact factor JCR 1,05 Category Neurology Q2.
5. Ortiz, T., Poch, J., Santos, J. M., Requena, C., Martínez, A. M., Ortiz-Terán, L., ... & Pascual-Leone, A. (2011) Recruitment of occipital cortex during sensory substitution training linked to subjective experience of seeing in people with blindness. PloS one 6.8: e23264. Impact Factor JCR 4,09. Category Q1 Neurology Citas Web of Science: 4, citas Google Scholar 22.
6. Ortiz, T., Poch-Broto, J., Requena, C., Santos, J. M., Martínez, A., & Barcia-Albacar, J. A. "Brain neuroplasticity in occipital areas in blind teenagers]." Revista de neurologia 50 (2010): S19. Impact factor JCR 1,22. Category Q3 Clinical Neurology. SNIP 0.443. Index H27. DOI10.1037/A0015415, 2 citas Google Scholar.
7. Requena C., López-Fernández, V., & Ortiz-Alonso, T. (2009). Satisfacción con la vida en relación con la funcionalidad de las personas mayores activas.Actas Esp Psiquiatri, 37(2), 61-67. Impact factor JCR: 0.52, Category Q3 Psychiatry. 2 citas Web of Science, 10 citas Google Scholar. Rmax 393,70
8. Requena C., & Gonzalez, M. Z. (2008). Effects of intergenerational interaction on aging. Educational Gerontology, 34(4), 292-305. Impact factor JCR: 0.34, Category Q3 Education & Educational Research. 5 citas Web of Science, 27 citas Google Scholar.
9. Requena, C., Maestu, F., Campo, P., Fernandez, A., & Ortiz, T. (2006). Effects of cholinergic drugs and cognitive training on dementia: 2-year follow-up.Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 22(4), 339-345. Impact factor JCR: 2.41, Category Q2 in Geriatrics & Gerontology. 16 citas Web of Science, 28 citas Google Scholar. R MAX the first of 115. Revisado en Chocrame Review of Cgnitive Stimulation. Artículo citado en Trials Journal, Nature Rewiews Neurology. DOI 10.1159/000095600
10. Requena, C., López Ibor, M. I., Maestú, F., Campo, P., López Ibor, J. J., & Ortiz, T. (2004). Effects of cholinergic drugs and cognitive training on dementia.Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 18 (1), 50-54. Impact factor JCR: 2.493, Category Q2 in Geriatrics & Gerontology. 28 citas Web of Science, 32 citas SJR, 3 citas Google Scholar 3 times. Rmax 3 de 99. DOI 10.1159/000077735.
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Autor invitado
4 de junio, 2010
Descripción aprobada
10 de noviembre, 2015
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021