Las artrogriposis distales son un grupo de malformaciones autosómicas dominantes que se presentan en uno de cada 3 000 nacidos vivos y se caracterizan por la presentación de contracturas musculares congénitas en una o dos más áreas del cuerpo.
Harry Pachajoa
Columnista Experta de SIIC
Institución del autor
Universidad ICESI, CALI, Colombia

Palabras clave
Freemam-sheldon, artrogriposis distal

Clasificación en siicsalud
Artículos originales > Expertos de iberoamérica >

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Primera edición
4 de mayo, 2015
Segunda edición, ampliada y corregida
7 de junio, 2021

Bibliografía del caso clínico
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3. Tajsharghi H, Kimber E, Kroksmark AK, Jerre R, Tulinius M, Oldfors A. Embryonic myosin heavy-chain mutations cause distal arthrogryposis and developmental myosin myopathy that persists postnatally. Arch Neurol 65(8):1083-90, 2008.
4. Kimber E, Tajsharghi H, Kroksmark AK, Oldfors A, Tulinius M. Distal arthrogryposis: clinical and genetic findings. Acta Paediatr 101(8):877-87, 2012.
5. Shrimpton AE, Hoo JJ. A TNNI2 mutation in a family with distal arthrogryposis type 2B. Eur J Med Genet 49(2):201-6, 2006.
6. Ferrari D, Bettuzzi C, Donzelli O. Freeman-Sheldon syndrome. A case report and review of the literature. Chir Organi Mov 92(2):127-31, 2008.
7. Li X, Jiang M, Han W, Zhao N, Liu W, Sui Y, et al. A novel TNNI2 mutation causes Freeman-Sheldon syndrome in a Chinese family with an affected adult with only facial contractures. Gene 527(2):630-5, 2013.
8. Attia A, Suleman M, Nwasser AAAA. Freeman-Sheldon syndrome with respiratory failure: A case report. Respiratory Medicine CME 1(4):274-7, 2008.
9. Sadrimanesh R, Hassani A, Vahdati SA, Chaghari H, Sadr-Eshkevari P, Rashad A. Freeman-Sheldon syndrome: combined surgical and non-surgical approach. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 41(5):397-402, 2013.
10. Madi-Jebara S, El-Hajj C, Jawish D, Ayoub E, Kharrat K, Antakly MC. Anesthetic management of a patient with Freeman-Sheldon syndrome: case report. J Clin Anesth 19(6):460-2, 2007.
11. Patel K, Gursale A, Chavan D, Sawant P. Anaesthesia challenges in Freeman-Sheldon syndrome. Indian J Anaesth 57(6):632-3, 2013.
12. Malkawi H, Tarawneh M. The whistling face syndrome, or craniocarpotarsal dysplasia. Report of two cases in a father and son and review of the literature. J Pediatr Orthop 3(3):364-9, 1983.

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