El dasatinib parece asociarse con una adecuada respuesta hematológica en quienes coexiste una mastocitosis sistémica y una neoplasia hematológica. Los nuevos inhibidores de la tirosina quinasa representan una alternativa para optimizar el pronóstico de estos enfermos.
Institución del autor
University of Minnesota, Mineápolis, EE.UU.
Kapil Bhalla*
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, EE.UU.*
Palabras clave
inhibidores de la tirosina quinasa, dasatinib, mastocitosis sistémica, leucemia aguda
Bibliografía del caso clínico
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Artículos publicados por el autor
Wang Y, Fiskus W, Chong DG, Buckley KM, Natarajan K, Rao R, Joshi A, Koul S, Chen J, Savoie A, Ustun C, Jillella A, Levine RL, Bhalla K. Co-treatment with panobinostat and JAK2 inhibitor TG101209 attenuates JAK2-V617F levels and signaling and exerts synergistic cytotoxic effects against human myeloproliferative neoplasm cells Blood 114(114):33-33, 2009
Tanna Saloni, Ustun C. Immunosuppressive treatment in patient with pure red cell aplasia associated with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia; harm or benefit? International Journal of Hematology 90:597-600, 2009
Ustun C, Deremer D, Jillella A, Bhalla K. Investigational drugs targeting flt3 for leukemia Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 18:1445-1456, 2009
Fiskus W, Wang Y, Sreekumar A, Buckley K, Shi H, Jillella A, Ustun C, et al. Combined epigenetic therapy with the histone methyltransferase EZH2 inhibitor 3-deazaneplanocin A and the histone deacetylase inhibitor panobinostat against human AML cells Blood 114:2733-2743, 2009
Subbannan K, Ustun C, Natarajan K, et al. Spleen related complications and implications of splenectomy in patients with hemoglobin SC disease International Journal of Hematology 83:258-260, 2009
Ustun C, Corless CL, Savage N, Fiskus W, Manaloor E, Heinrich MC, Lewis G, Ramalingam P, Kepten I, Jillella A, Bhalla K. Chemotherapy and dasatinib induce long-term hematologic and molecular remission in systemic mastocytosis with acute myeloid leukemia with KIT(D816V) Leukemia Research 33:735-741, 2009
Reid-Nicholson M, Nayak A, McDonald K, Crawford J, Jillella A, Ramalingham P. Plasmablastic lymphoma: CNS involvement, coexistence of other malignancies, possible viral etiology, and dismal outcome Annals of Hematology 88:351-358, 2009
Ustun C, Jillella AP, Salama ME. Dasatinib induces complete cytogenetic response and loss of F359C in an imatinib resistant chronic myelocytic leukemia patient American Journal of Hematology 84:386-387, 2009
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