Se presenta un caso poco frecuente de tuberculosis genital aislada, con la necesidad de diagnóstico diferencial con otros procesos mórbidos testiculares de causa inflamatoria o neoplásica.
Kafil Akhtar
Columnista Experto de SIIC
Institución del autor
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Anshu Jain* Shamshad Ahmad** Veena Maheshwari**   
MD, Senior Resident, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India*
MD, Professor, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India**

Palabras clave
tuberculosis, orquitis

Clasificación en siicsalud
Artículos originales > Expertos del Mundo >
página  http://siicsa.ddns.net/dato/casiic.php/114201

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Primera edición
25 de octubre, 2010
Segunda edición, ampliada y corregida
7 de junio, 2021

Bibliografía del caso clínico

1. Tsili AC, Tsampoulas C, Giannakis D, et al. Tuberculous epididymo- orchitis: MRI findings. The British Journal of Radiology 81:166-169, 2008.
2. Shah H, Shah K, Dixit R, Shah KV. Isolated tuberculous epididymo- orchitis. Indian J Tuberc 51:159-162, 2004.
3. Dulkar G, Sahan S, Sevgili S, Tokgonul N, Kurt B. A pulmonary tuberculosis case with prostate, epididymis and testes involvement. Turkish Respiratory Journal 5(2):113-116, 2004.
4. Maheshwari V, Alam K, Khan AH. Tuberculous orchitis presenting as tumour. JAMS 10(4):51-52, 1999.
5. Viswaroop BS, Kekre N, Gopalakrishnan G. Isolated tuberculous epididymitis: A review of forty cases. J Postgrad Med 51:109-111, 2005.
6. Senzaki H, Watanabe H, Ishiguro Y. A case of very rare tuberculosis of the testis. Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi 92(4):534-537, 2001.
7. Garbyal RS, Gupta P, Kumar S, Anshu K. Diagnosis of isolated tuberculous orchitis by fine- needle aspiration cytology. Diagnostic Cytopathology 34(10):698-700, 2006.
Artículos publicados por el autor (selección)
Akhtar K, Khan N, Zaheer S, Sherwani R, Abrar S. Pindborg tumor in an adolescent - An atypical presentation Oman Medical Journal 25(25):47-48, 2010

Akhtar K, Zaheer S, Shamshad Ahmad S, Mansoor T. Gall bladder tuberculosis - A rare entity Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health 2(2):77-78, 2009

Akhtar K, Zaheer S, Shamshad Ahmad S, Hasan J. Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 52(52):71-73, 2009

Shah S, Rahman K, Siddiqui F, Akhtar K, Zaheer S, Sherwani R. Bone lesions: Role of sediment cytology Diagnostic Cytopathology 37(37):397-401, 2009

Zaheer S, Beg F,Akhtar K, Sherwani R. Splintered tubercular granuloma. A consistent cytological finding in drug defaulters American Journal of Clinical Pathology 130(130):648-653, 2008

Akhtar K, Sherwani R, Rahman K, Hasan J, Shahid M. HemoCue photometer: a better alternative of hemoglobin estimation in blood donors? Indian Journal of Hematology and Bblood Transfusion 24(24):170-174, 2008

Akhtar K, Sherwani R, Ahmad Sofi L, Sharma A, Singh P. Hook's effect- a rare presentation in HBsAg screening. Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 25(25):27-29, 2008

Akhtar K, Sherwani R, Khan L, Zaheer S, Khan N. Prevalence of HIV in donors in Aligarh. A five year study Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 22(22):2-3, 2006

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