Columnista Experto de SIIC Joan Monés Xiol
en colaboración con
Fecha de aprobación: 20 de febrero, 2008
Primera edición en siicsalud:
3 de junio, 2008
Sección Artículos originales,
Expertos de Iberoamérica,
Especialidad principal:
Especialidades relacionadas:
Medicina Interna,
Bruguera M, Torres M, Campins M, bayas JM, Segura A, Barrio JL, Esteban R, Gatell JM, Martinez M, Monés J, Planas A, Serra C, Tural C, Villalbi C. Risk of tranmission of HIV or Hepatitis B or C viruses from an infected physician. Preventive mesures., Medicina Clinica (Barc) 129(129):309-313, 2007
Berindoague R, Targarona E, Pala X, Balague C, Martinez C, Hernandez P, Agusti A, Sallent E, Monés J, Trias M. Unusual upper gastrointestinal diseases associated with achalasia: lataposcopic approch., Surgical Endoscopy 21(21):719-723, 2007
Gisbert JP, Luna M, Gómez B, Herrerías JM, Monés J, Castro Fernández M, Sánchez Pobre P, Cosme A, Olivares D, Pajares JM. Recurrence of Helicobacter pylori infection after several eradication therapies: long-term follow-up of 1.000 patients., Alimentary Pharmacology Therapy 23(23):713-719, 2006
Monés J. Role of Helicobacter pylori in gastric cancer folloving partial gastrectomy for bening ulcer., Revista Española Enfermedades Digestivas 97(97):676-772, 2005
Monés J. Diagnostic value of potent acid inhibition in gastro-esophageal reflux disease., Drugs 65(65):35-42, 2005
Monés J, Gisbert JP, Borda F, Domíngue Muñoz E. Indications, diagnostic test and Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy. Recomendations by the 2nd. Spanish Consensus Conference., Revista Española Enfermedades Digestivas 97(97):348-374, 2005
Webb SM, Monés J. Twenty-two years' survival of metastatic gastrinoma evidenced recently by somatostatin-receptior-specific scintigraphy., European Journal of Gastroenterology 14(14):333-336, 2002
Monés J, Adan A, Segu JL, lopez JS, Artes M, Guerrero T. Quality of life in functional dyspepsia, Digestive Disease Science 47(47):20-26, 2002
Monés J, Adan A. Lopez JS, Artes M. Validation of the Spanish version of the Glasgow Dyspepsia Severity Score., Revista Española Enfermedades Digestivas 93(93):164-175, 2001
Monés J, Guilera M, Artes M, Lopez JS, Guerrero T, Fillat O. Criteria Used by general practitioners in prescribing prokinetics or antisecretory drugs in patients with functional dyspepsia., Revista Española Enfermedades Digestivas 93(93):281-292, 2001
Monés J, Rodrigo L, Sancho F, Martin L, Boixeda D, Artes MT, Garcia Casas C. Helicobacter pylori eradication versus one-year maintenance therapy: effect on relapse and gastritis outcome., Revista Española Enfermedades Digestivas 93(93):372-389, 2001
Monés J, Clavé P, Mearin F. Esopageal pH monitoring: are you sure that the electrode is properly placed?, American Journal Gastroenterology 96(96):975-978, 2001
Joan Monés Xiol
Dirección profesional:
Sant Antonio M. Claret 167 - 08025, Barcelona, España