sanderson9.jpg Kristy Sanderson
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mental Health/ Public Health, Brisbane, Australia
Columnista Experta de SIIC Kristy Sanderson en colaboración con

Primera edición en siicsalud: 27 de enero, 2004
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/20007  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalSalud Mental

Especialidades relacionadas:
Fisiatría,Medicina Interna,

  • Sanderson, K., Andrews, G., Corry, J., & Lapsley, H. Reducing the burden of affective disorders: is evidence-based health care affordable, Journal of Affective Disorders :

  • Issakidis, C., Sanderson, K., Corry, J., Andrews, G., & Lapsley, H. Modelling efficiency of current and optimal treatment for anxiety disorders, Psychological Medicine :

  • Andrews, G., Sanderson, K., Corry, J., Issakidis, C., & Lapsley, H. The cost-effectiveness of current and optimal treatment for schizophrenia: evidence based medicine is affordable., British Journal of Psychiatry :

  • Sanderson, K., & Andrews, G. The SF-12 in Australia: cross-validation of item selection., Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 26:343-5, 2002

  • Sanderson, K., & Andrews, G. Mental disorders and burden of disease: how was disability estimated and is it valid, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 35(35):, 2001

  • Sanderson, K., Andrews, G., & Jelsma, W (2001). Disability measurement in the anxiety disorders: comparison of 3 brief measures, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 15:333-344, 2001

  • Andrews, G., Sanderson, K., Corry, J., & Lapsley, H. (2000). Using epidemiological data to model efficiency in reducing the burden of depression, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 3:175-186, 2000

  • Lim D., Sanderson, K., & Andrews, G (2000). Lost productivity among full-time workers with mental disorders, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 3(3):, 2000

  • Kristy Sanderson


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