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Lectura recomendada:
[Concordance between Tramadol and Dextromethorphan Parent/Metabolite Ratios: The Influence of CYP2D6 and Non-CYP2D6 Pathways on Biotransformation]
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42:24-29
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[Respiratory Infections in Infants: Interaction of Parental Allergy, Child Care and Siblings-The PIAMA Study]
Pediatrics, 108:943-948
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[Olanzapine-Associated Severe Hyperglycemia, Ketonuria, and Acidosis: Case Report and Review of Literature]
Pharmacotherapy, 21(11):1448-1454
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[Predictions and associations of fatigue syndromes and mood disorders that occur after infectious mononucleosis]
The Lancet, 358:1946-1954
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[Biopsia selectiva del ganglio centinela en el melanoma mediante localizaci¢n con linfogammagraf¡a preoperatoria y sonda de detecci¢n gamma intraoperatoria]
Medicina Clínica, (Barcelona):117-486
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[Thromboembolic Complications after Electrical Cardioversion in Patients with Atrial Flutter]
American Journal of Medicine, 111:433-438
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[A Comparison of the Survival of Shipped and Locally Transplanted Cadaveric Renal Allografts]
New England Journal of Medicine, 345(17):1237-1242
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[Can Differences in Management Processes Explain Different Outcomes Between Stroke Unit and Stroke-Team Care?]
The Lancet, 358:1586-1592
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[The Thin-Cap Atheroma: A Type of Vulnerable Plaque - The Major Precursor Lesion to Acute Coronary Syndromes]
Current Opinion in Cardiology, 16:285-292
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[Potential Influence of Timing of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Evaluation in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome]
Pharmacotherapy, 21(9):1055-1060