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Tim Coleman
Columnista Experto de SIIC

University of Nottingham

Artículos publicados por Tim Coleman
Recepción del artículo
8 de Abril, 2010
Primera edición
13 de Junio, 2004
Segunda edición, ampliada y corregida
7 de Junio, 2021

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Further work investigating both the safety and the effectiveness of NRT use in pregnancy for smoking cessation is required. It is regrettable that the two recent trials were both stopped early and not allowed to recruit their target sample sizes, because more information would certainly help clinicians and researchers. Two placebo-controlled trials of NRT in pregnancy are currently underway.13;14 The Nottingham-based SNAP trial has recruited over 810 women and findings on efficacy and safety of NRT should be available in the summer of 2010, whilst the Parisian SNIPP trial should recruit approximately 700 women to a trial which has safety, rather than effectiveness as the primary outcome measure with findings expected in 2011. Consideration of Pauly's work suggests that to adequately assess the safety of NRT, infant and perhaps child outcomes need monitoring after delivery, rather than focussing on immediate birth outcomes.
The recommendations which one can derive from literature remain essentially unchanged; where possible women should be encouraged to stop smoking before conception. However, if women fail to achieve cessation whilst pregnant using behavioural support only, then women may make an informed choice for to try stopping NRT under the guidance of a health professional. It should be noted that the two placebo-controlled trials (i.e. studies with the most robust designs) have both reported more favourable safety outcomes amongst women using NRT compared to those using placebo. Using current evidence, therefore, it is probably safer to use NRT than to continue to smoke during pregnancy and health professionals could recommend its use on these grounds.

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Enviar correspondencia a:
Tim Coleman, University of Nottingham Queen's Medical Centre Medical School, Division of Primary Care, Nottingham, Reino Unido
Bibliografía del artículo
1. Smoking and the young. A report of a working party of the Royal College of Physicians. London, RCP, 1992.
2. Charlton A. Children and smoking: the family circle. British Medical Bulletin 52:90-107, 1996.
3. Bolling K. Infant Feeding Survey 2005: Early Results., The National Health Service Information Centre for Health and Social Care, 2006.
4. Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Sutton PD, Ventura SJ, Menacker F, Kirmeyer S. Births: final data for 2004. US Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Centre for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System. National Vital Statistics Reports, 2006.
5. Coleman T. Recommendations for the use of pharmacological smoking cessation strategies in pregnant women. CNS Drugs 21(12):983-993, 2007.
6. Pauly JR, Slotkin TA, Pauly JR, Slotkin TA. Maternal tobacco smoking, nicotine replacement and neurobehavioural development. Acta Paediatrica 97(10):1331-1337, 2008.
7. Dempsey D, Jacob III P, Benowitz NL. Accelerated metabolism of nicotine and cotinine in pregnant smokers. Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics 301(2):594-598, 2002.
8. Pollak KI, Oncken CA, Lipkus IM, Lyna P, Swamy GK, Pletsch PK et al. Nicotine replacement and behavioral therapy for smoking cessation in pregnancy. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 33(4):297-305, 2007.
9. Oncken C, Dornelas E, Greene J, Sankey H, Glasmann A, Feinn R et al. Nicotine gum for pregnant smokers: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology 112(4):859-867, 2008.
10. Pollak KI, Oncken CA, Lipkus IM, Lyna P, Swamy GK, Pletsch PK et al. Nicotine replacement and behavioral therapy for smoking cessation in pregnancy. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 33(4):297-305, 2007.
11. Oncken C, Dornelas E, Greene J, Sankey H, Glasmann A, Feinn R et al. Nicotine gum for pregnant smokers: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology 112(4):859-867, 2008.
12. Strandberg-Larsen K, Tinggaard M, Nybo Andersen AM, Olsen J, Gronbaek M, et al. Use of nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy and stillbirth: a cohort study. BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 115(11):1405-1410, 2008.
13. Coleman T, Thornton J, Britton J, Lewis S, Watts K, Coughtrie MW et al. Protocol for the smoking, nicotine and pregnancy (SNAP) trial: double-blind, placebo-randomised, controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy. BMC Health Services Research 7:2, 207.
14. Berlin I. Study of Nicotine Patch in Pregnancy (SNIPP)., Updated: 20/8/2008, Accessed 7/4/2009.

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