Otros artículos de Iciar Astiasarán
1. ECHARTE, M., ANSORENA, D. y ASTIASARÁN, I. (2001). Fatty acid modifications and cholesterol oxidation in pork loin during frying at different temperatures. Journal of Food Protection 64(7), 1062-1066.
2. ECHARTE M, ZULET MA, ASTIASARAN I. (2001). Oxidation process affecting fatty acids and cholesterol in fried and roasted salmon. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49(11), 5662-7.
3. CONCHILLO, A., ANSORENA, D. y ASTIASARÁN, I. (2003). The combined effect of cooking (grilling and roasting) and chilling storage (with and without air) on the lipid and cholesterol oxidation in chicken breast. Journal of Food Protection 66(5), 840-846.
4. ASTIASARÁN, I., ANSORENA, D., CONCHILLO, A. y ECHARTE, M. (2003). Óxidos de colesterol: riesgos sanitarios y factores que condicionan su formación en alimentos. Nutrición Clínica 23(3), 9-14.
5. ECHARTE, A., ANSORENA, D. y ASTIASARÁN, I. (2003). Consequences of microwave heating and frying on the lipid fraction of chicken and beef patties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 5941-5945.
6. CONCHILLO, A., ANSORENA, D. y ASTIASARÁN, I. (aceptada). The effect of cooking methods and storage on the fatty acid profile of chicken breast. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology.
7. Candela, M., Astiasarán, I. & Bello, J. (1996). Effect of frying on the fatty acid profile of some meat dishes. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 9, 277-282.
8. Candela, M., Astiasarán, I. & Bello, J. (1997). Effects of frying and warmholding on fatty acids and choleserol of sole (Solea solea), codfish (Gadus morrhua) and hake (Merluccius merluccius). Food Chemistry, 58(3), 227-231.
9. Aquerreta, Y., Astiasarán, I., Mohino, A. & Bello, J. (2002). Composition of pâtés elaborated with mackerel flesh (Scomber scombrus) and tuna liver (Thunnus thynnus): comparison with commercial fish pâtés. Food Chemistry. 77(2), 147-153
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referencia: Dpto. de Bromatología. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Navarra. 31080. Pamplona, Navarra, España
Autora invitada
16 de marzo, 2004
Descripción aprobada
24 de marzo, 2004
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021