Otros artículos de Bertha Ibarra
1- Perea FJ, Magaña MT, Cobián JG, Sánchez-López JY, Chávez ML, Zamudio G, Esparza MA, López-Guido B Ibarra B. Molecular spectrum of beta-thalassemia in the Mexican population. Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases 33(2): 150-152,2004.
2.- Magaña MT, Perea FJ, Ongay Z, Ibarra B. 3´ Haplotypes of the -globin gene in s-chromosomes of Mexican individuals. Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases 34(1):48-52, 2005.
3.- Nava P, Ibarra B, Magaña MT, Perea FJ. Prevalence of -3.7 and anti3.7 alleles in sickle cell trait and -thalassemia patients in Mexico. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 36(2):255-8, 2006.
4.- Nava María Paulina, Perea F. Javier, Martín Trejo Jorge, Aguilar Luna J. Carlos, Barros-Núñez J. Patricio, Chávez Ma. de la Luz, Magaña María Teresa, Ibarra Bertha. Molecular characterization of the - - SEA alpha thalassemia allele in Mexican patients with HbH Disease.Rev. Invest. Clin. Mex. 58 (4): 313-317, 2006.
5.- Magaña MT, Perea FJ, González JR, Ibarra B. Genetic relationship of a Mexican Afromestizo population through the analysis of the 3' haplotype of the beta globin gene in beta(A) chromosomes. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2007: 39(2): 169-177.
6.- Aguilar-López LB, Delgado-Lamas JL, Rubio-Jurado B, Perea FJ, Ibarra B. Thalidomide therapy in a patient with thalassemia major. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2008;41(1):136-7.
7.- Morales KR, Magaña MT, Ibarra B, Perea FJ. Diversity of the 5' -globin haplotype of four -thalassemia mutations in the mexican population. Hemoglobin 2009;33(1):66-71.
8.- Cobián JG, Sánchez-López JY, Magaña MT, Chávez ML, Perea FJ, Ibarra B. Types and frequencies of hemoglobin disorders in the Pacific coast of four states of Mexico. Rev Invest Clin 61(5):399404,2009.
9.- Guzmán LF, Perea FJ, Magaña MT, Morales-González KR, Chávez-Velazco ML, Ibarra B. Hemoglobin S in Mexican Mestizos: Frequency and analysis of 5´ -globin haplotype. Hemoglobin 34 (6): 509-515, 2010.
10.- Casas-Castañeda M, Ibarra B, Rizo-de la Torre LC, Sánchez-López JY, Magaña-Torres MT. 5’ and 3’ b globin haplotypes in purepechas and tarahumaras, two mexican indigenous groups. Am J Hum Biol. 27(5):697-703,2015.
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21 de enero, 2010
Descripción aprobada
26 de octubre, 2015
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021