Otros artículos de Ana Lourdes Oropesa Jiménez
Soler Rodríguez F, García Cambero JP, Oropesa Jiménez AL, Pérez López M. Lead exposition by gunshot ingestión in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa). Vet Hum Toxicol 46:133-134, 2004.
Oropesa Jiménez AL, García Cambero JP, Gómez Gordo L, Roncero Cordero V, Soler Rodríguez F. Gill modifications in the freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio after subchronic exposure to simazine. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74:785-792, 2005.
Soler Rodríguez F, Martín A, García Cambero JP, Oropesa AL, Pérez López M. Datura stramonium poisoning in horses: a risk factor for colic. The Veterinary Record 158:132-133, 2006.
Pérez López M, Cid F, Oropesa AL, Fidalgo LE, López Beceiro A, Soler Rodríguez F. Heavy metal and arsenic content in seabirds affected by the prestige oil spill on the galician coast (NW Spain). Science of the Total Environment 359(1-3):209-220, 2006.
Oropesa AL, Pérez López M, Hernández D, García JP, Fidalgo LE, López Beceiro A, Soler F. Acetylcholinesterase activity in seabirds affected by the Prestige oil spill on the Galician coast (NW Spain). Science of the Total Environment 372(2-3):18,532-538, 2006.
Oropesa AL, García JP, Soler F. Effect of long-term exposure to simazine on brain and muscle acetylcholinesterase activity of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Environmental Toxicology 23(3):285-293, 2008.
Beltrán FJ, Aguinaco A, García Araya JF, Oropesa AL. Ozone and photocatalytic processes to remove the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole from water. Water Research 42:3799-3808, 2008.
Beltrán FJ, Alvarez PM, Pocostales P, Oropesa AL. Diclofenac removal from water with ozone and activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials 163:768-776, 2009.
Oropesa AL, García JP, Soler F. Glutathione and malondialdehyde levels in common carp after exposure to simazine. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 27:30-38, 2009.
Oropesa AL, García JP, Gómez L, Roncero V, Soler F. Effect of long-term exposure to simazine on histopathology, haematological and biochemical parameters in Cyprinus carpio. Environmental Toxicology 24(2):187-199, 2009.
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Autora invitada
24 de abril, 2009
Descripción aprobada
3 de junio, 2009
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27 de julio, 2023