Mohammad Zarenezhad describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo Bulking agents in treatment of bladder exstrophy-epispadias BULKING AGENTS IN TREATMENT OF BLADDER EXSTROPHY-EPISPADIAS Using bulking agents is a good alternative to sling the pelvic floor not only cosmetically but also for ease of patients and operation, however, this is a pilot study and further larger trials needed to prove the exact efficacy and role of these materials in bladder exstrophy complex surgery The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación Hosseini SM, Zarenezhad M, Falahi S, Ahmadi AA, Sabet B, Rasekhi AR, Farzaneh Alipour., shiraz, fars, Iran Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Bibliographic references Referencias bibliográficas 1. Bhatnagar V. Bladder exstrophy: An overview of the surgical management. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 16:81-7, 2011. 2. Hosseini SM, Sabet B, Zarenezhad M. Abdominal wall closure in bladder exstrophy complex repair by rectus flap. Ann Afr Med 10:243-5, 2011. 3. Zangone MA, Olmedo T, Olea M. Transurethral bulking agent injection in female stress urinaryincontinence: long term results using Opsys. Pelviperineology 31:92-95, 2012. 4. Bemelmans BLH, Chapple CR. Are slings now the gold standard treatment for the management of female urinary stress incontinence and if so which technique? Curr Opin Urol 13:303-7, 2013. 5. Smith DN, Appell RA, Winters JC, Rackley RR. Collagen injection therapy for female intrinsic sphincteric deficiency. J Urol 157:1275-8, 1997. 6. Nelson CP, Dunn RL, Wei JT. Contemporary epidemiology of bladder exstrophy in the United States. J Urol 173:1728-31, 2005. SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo Role of Bulking Agents in Bladder Exstrophy-Epispadias Complexes Author / Autor Mohammad Zarenezhad1, Seyyed Mohammad Vahid Hosseini2, Babak Sabet3, Ali Amir Ahmadi4, Ahmad Reza Rasekhi5, Farzaneh Alipour6, Masoud Ghadipasha7, Saeeid Gholamzadeh8 8 Dr, Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran,iran Access to the original source African Journal of Paediatric Surgery Ajps siic DB: / siic DB: |
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