Sukhminder Bajwa describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo THE GROWING NEED OF NUTRACEUTICALS IN MENOPAUSE Various suitable and economical alternatives such as neutraceuticals to HRT have been tried in the prevention of menopausal symptomatology, osteoporosis and cardio-vascular diseases. However, a further wider research is mandatory in possibly establishing the role of neutraceuticals in prevention of menopausal symptomatology. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Bibliographic references Referencias bibliográficas Bajwa SK, Bajwa SS, Singh A. Nutritional facts and menopausal symptomatology: The role of nutraceuticals. J Med Nutr Nutraceut 1:42-9, 2012. Other articles written by the author Sukhminder Bajwa Otros artículos de Sukhminder Bajwa Bajwa SK, Bajwa SJ. Delivering obstetrical critical care in developing nations. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2:32-9, 2012. SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
The article is strictly related to the following sections of siicsalud El artículo se relaciona estrictamente con las siguientes secciones de siicsalud
Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo Nutritional Facts and Menopausal Symptomatology: The Role of Nutraceuticals Author / Autor Sukhminder Bajwa1 1 Dr., Gian Sagar Medical College And Hospital, Ram Nagar, Banur, Punjab, India, Patiala, India, Associate Professor Article URL: / URL del artículo: URL of Abstract page in Medline: / URL del abstract en Medline:;year=2012;volume=1;issue=1;spage=42;epage=49;aulast=Bajwa siic DB: / siic DB: |
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