Schwäbisch Hall, De: Ureteral endometriosis represents a relatively rare pathologic condition affecting women in reproductive age. The symptoms are mostly non-specific, a fact which demands a high clinical suspicion. The rarity of this entity and the lack of relevant guidelines makes the management of such patients challenging.


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Fuente científica:
Indian Journal of Urology
Palabras clave
endometriosis ureteral, revisión sistemática, hidroureteronefrosis
Key Words
ureteral endometriosis, systematic review, hydroureteronephrosis
Palla VV, Palla Viktoria-varvara, Karaolanis Georgios, Katafigiotis Ioannis, Anastasiou Ioannis
Dirigir correspondencia a:
VV Palla, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Diakonie-Klinikum Schwäbisch Hall gGmbH, Schwäbisch Hall Alemania
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