Crónicas de autores

Luis Alberto Velásquez Cumplido *

Autor invitado por SIIC


En nuestro trabajo determinamos que Neisseria gonorrhoeae puede modular la apoptosis de las células epiteliales de trompa de Falopio inducida por la liberación del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa sólo en aquellas células que presentan gonococos asociados. Este mecanismo participaría en el daño de la mucosa tubaria inducido durante la salpingitis o inflamación de las trompas de Falopio.

*Luis Alberto Velásquez Cumplido
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su trabajo
Infection and Immunity,
74(6):3643-3650 Jun, 2006

Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases, integra el acervo bibliográfico
de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Institución principal de la investigación
*Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile
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Referencias bibliográficas
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Otros artículos de Luis Alberto Velásquez Cumplido

Velásquez LA, Aguilera JG, Croxatto HB. Possible role of platelet activating factor (PAF) in embryonic signalling during oviductal transport in the hamster. Biol Reprod 1995; 52:1302-1306.
Croxatto HB, Ortiz ME, Villalón M, Cárdenas H, Imarai M, Hermoso M, Velásquez LA, Orihuela P. Basic aspects of oviduct function. In: C Countifaris and L Mastroiani (eds.) New horizons in reproductive medicine, Casterton, UK. Parthenon Publ, 1996; pp. 233-239.
Velásquez LA, Croxatto HB. Regulacion del transporte ovular. En: L Ortega y L Dankers (eds.) Congreso extraordinario de obstetricia y ginecología. Lima, Perú; 1997.
Velásquez LA, Ojeda SR, Croxatto HB. Platelet activating factor expression in the hamster oviduct; localization to the endosalpinx. J Reprod and Fertil 1997; 109:349-354.
Villalón M, Velásquez LA, Croxatto HB. Oocyte and embryo transport. In E Knobil and JD Neill (eds.) Encyclopedia of reproduction. San Diego, Ca. Academic Press, 1999; pp. 459-468.
Fernández R, Nelson P, Delgado J, Aguilera J, Massay R, Velásquez L, Imarai M, Croxatto H, Cardenas H. Increased adhesiveness and internalizaion of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and changes in the expression of epithelial gonococcal receptors in the Fallopian tube of copper T and Norplant users. Human Reprod 2001; 16(3):463-468
Ríos M, Suany O, Velásquez L, Maisey K, Croxato HB. Three new estrogen regulated messenger ribonucleated acid fragment disclosed by DDRT-PCR in the rat oviduct. Biol Res 2001; 34:15-21.
Velásquez LA, Maisey K, Fernández R, Valdés D, Cárdenas H, Delgado J, Aguilera J, Croxatto HB. Platelet-activating factor receptor and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase expression in the endosalpinx of the human Fallopian tube: localization compatible with a paracrine role of embryo-derived PAF, in the control of embryo transport to the uterus. Human Reproduction 2001; 16:463-468.
Arraztoa J, Rocha A, Varela L, Velásquez L, Toro V, Cárdenas H, Imarai M. IgA in the lumen of the human oviduct is not related to the menstrual cycle but increases during local inflammation. Fertility and Sterility 2002; 77(3):633-634.
Maisey K, Nardocci G, Imarai M, Cárdenas H, Croxatto HB, Heckels J, Christodoulides M, Velásquez L. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and receptors by human Fallopian tubes in organ culture following challenge with Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Infection and Immunity 2003; 71(3):527-532.
Cortés PP, Orihuela PA, Zúñiga LM, Velásquez LA, Croxatto HB. Sperm binding to oviductal epithelial cells in the rat: Role of sialic acid residues on the epithelial surface and sialic acid binding sites on the sperm surface. Biology of Reproduction 2004; 71:1261-1269.
Imarai M, Varela Nallar L, Figueroa Gaete C, González P, Valdés D, Velásquez L, Cárdenas H, Maisey K. Fas ligand in the uterus of the non-pregnant mouse induces apoptosis of CD4+ T cells. J Reprod Immunol 2005; 66(1):13-32.
Morales P, Reyes P, Vargas M, Henríquez S, Ríos M, Imarai M, Cárdenas H, Croxatto HB, Orihuela P, Vargas R, Fuhrer J, Heckels J, Christodoulides M, Velásquez LA. Infection of human Fallopian tube epithelial cells with Neisseria gonorrhoeae protects cells from tumour necrosis facto TNF-a induced apoptosis. Infection and Immunity 2006; 74(6):3643-3650.
Quezada M, Henríquez S, Vargas M, Cárdenas H, Tapia A, Ríos M, Salvatierra AM, Orihuela P, Croxatto HB, Velásquez L. Proenkephalin and GABA A receptor a subunit expression, localization and dynamic changes in human secretory endometrium. Fertility and Sterility (in press).

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Autor invitado
12 de julio, 2006
Descripción aprobada
29 de septiembre, 2006
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021

Acerca del trabajo completo

Luis Alberto Velásquez Cumplido1
1, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile

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Infection and Immunity

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