Crónicas de autores

Jordi Petriz *

Autor invitado por SIIC

El trabajo contribuye a facilitar orientaciones básicas para la identificación de células de la side population


Las células madre de la side population están presentes en la mayoría de los tejidos estudiados y se caracterizan por su gran plasticidad y un elevado potencial de regeneración. Actualmente no se conocen marcadores específicos para estas células y sólo pueden ser detectadas y aisladas mediante ensayos funcionales basados en citometría de flujo y cell sorting.

*Jordi Petriz
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su trabajo
Cellular Oncology,
28(1-2):37-53, 2006

Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases, integra el acervo bibliográfico
de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Institución principal de la investigación
*Instituto de Investigación del Hospital Valle de Hebrón, Barcelona, España, Barcelona, España
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Referencias bibliográficas
1. Goodell MA, Brose K, Paradis G, Conner AS, Mulligan RC. Isolation and functional properties of murine hematopoietic stem cells that are replicating in vivo. J Exp Med 1996; 183(4):1797-806.2. Goodell MA, Rosenzweig M, Kim H, Marks DF, DeMaria M, Paradis G, Grupp SA, Sieff CA, Mulligan RC, Johnson RP. Dye efflux studies suggest that hematopoietic stem cells expressing low or undetectable levels of CD34 antigen exist in multiple species. Nat Med 1997; 3(12):1337-45.3. Zhou S, Schuetz JD, Bunting KD, Colapietro AM, Sampath J, Morris JJ, Lagutina I, Grosveld GC, Osawa M, Nakauchi H, Sorrentino BP. The ABC transporter Bcrp1/ABCG2 is expressed in a wide variety of stem cells and is a molecular determinant of the side-population phenotype. Nat Med 2001; 7(9):1028-34.4. Asakura A, Seale P, Girgis-Gabardo A, Rudnicki MA. Myogenic specification of side population cells in skeletal muscle. J Cell Biol 2002; 159(1):123-34.5. Jackson KA, Majka SM, Wang H, Pocius J, Hartley CJ, Majesky MW, Entman ML, Michael LH, Hirschi KK, Goodell MA. Regeneration of ischemic cardiac muscle and vascular endothelium by adult stem cells. J Clin Invest 2001; 107(11):1395-402.6. Murayama A, Matsuzaki Y, Kawaguchi A, Shimazaki T, Okano H. Flow cytometric analysis of neural stem cells in the developing and adult mouse brain. J Neurosci Res 2002; 69(6):837-47.7. Uchida N, Fujisaki T, Eaves AC, Eaves CJ. Transplantable hematopoietic stem cells in human fetal liver have a CD34(+) side population (SP) phenotype. J Clin Invest 2001; 108(7):1071-7.8. Lechner A, Leech CA, Abraham EJ, Nolan AL, Habener JF. Nestin-positive progenitor cells derived from adult human pancreatic islets of Langerhans contain side population (SP) cells defined by expression of the ABCG2 (BCRP1) ATP-Binding cassette transporter. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002; 293(2):670-4.9. Montanaro F, Liadaki K, Volinski J, Flint A, Kunkel LM. Skeletal muscle engraftment potential of adult mouse skin side population cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003; 100(16):9336-41.10. Storms RW, Goodell MA, Fisher A, Mulligan RC, Smith C. Hoechst dye efflux reveals a novel CD7(+)CD34(-) lymphoid progenitor in human umbilical cord blood. Blood 2000; 96(6):2125-33.11. Blau HM, Brazelton TR, Weimann JM. The evolving concept of a stem cell: Entity or function Cell 2001; 105(7):829-41.12. Telford WG, Frolova EG. Discrimination of the Hoechst side population in mouse bone marrow with violet and near-ultraviolet laser diodes. Cytometry 2004; 57A(1):45-52.13. Goodell MA, Brose K, Paradis G, Conner AS, Mulligan RC. Isolation and functional properties of murine hematopoietic stem cells that are replicating in vivo. J Exp Med 1996; 183(4):1797-806.
Otros artículos de Jordi Petriz

Sales Pardo I, Avendaño A, Barquinero J, Domingo JC, Marin P, Petriz J. The Hoechstlow fluorescent profile of the side population: clonogenicity vs. dye retention. Blood (in press).Barquinero J, Pellicer M, Petriz J. Therapeutic applications of stem-cells. Med Clin (Barc) 2005; 124(13):504-11.Garcia Escarp M, Martinez MV, Barquinero J, Sales Pardo I, Domingo JC, Marin P, Petriz J. A rare fraction of human hematopoietic stem cells with large telomeres. Cell Tissue Res 2005 Jan 27.Garcia EM, Martínez MV, Sales PI, Barquinero J, Domingo JC, Marín P, Petriz J. Flow cytometry-based approach to ABCG2 function suggests that the transporter differentialy handles the influx and efflux of drugs. Cytometry A 2004; 62(2):129-38.Bosch M, Pineda JR, Sunol C, Petriz J, Cattaneo E, Alberch J, Canals JM. Induction of GABAergic phenotype in a neural stem cell line for transplantation in an excitotoxic model of Huntington's disease. Exp Neurol 2004;190(1):42-58.Pluvinet R, Petriz J, Torras J, Herrero Fresneda I, Cruzado JM, Grinyo JM, Aran JM. RNAi-mediated silencing of CD40 prevents leukocyte adhesion on CD154-activated endothelial cells. Blood 2004 Aug 17.De la Fuente R, Abad JL, García Castro J, Fernández Miguel G, Petriz J, Rubio D, Vicario Abejón C, Guillén P, González MA, Bernad A. Dedifferentiated adult articular chondrocytes: a population of human multipotent primitive cells. Exp Cell Res 2004; 297(2):313-28.Johnsen HE, Lanza F, Fruehauf S, Petriz J, Carr T, Walewski J, Wahlin A, Schrezenmeier H, Knudsen LM. Book chapter in sources and procurement of hematopoietic stem cells. In press, ESH-EBMT Handbook on Blood and Marrow Transplantation.Petriz J, Gottesman MM, Aran JM. An MDR-EGFP gene fusion allows for direct cellular localization, function and stability assessment of P-glycoprotein. Current Drug Delivery Volume 1, No. 1, 2004.Fornas O, Garcia J, Petriz J. Flow cytometry counting of CD34+ cells in whole blood. Nat Med 2000; 6(7):833-6.

Para comunicarse con Jordi Petriz mencionar a SIIC como referencia:

Autor invitado
10 de julio, 2006
Descripción aprobada
27 de julio, 2006
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021

Acerca del trabajo completo

Título original en castellano

Jordi Petriz1, Irene Sales Pardo2, Ariadna Avendaño3
1 Investigador Ramón y Cajal, Instituto de Investigación del Hospital Valle de Hebrón, Inverstigador contratado
2 Investigador Predoctoral, Instituto de Investigacion del Hospital Valle de Hebrón
3 Investigador Predoctoral, Instituto de Investigacion del Hospital Valle de Hebrón

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Cellular Oncology
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