Crónicas de autores

Maria José Saavedra *

Autor invitado por SIIC

Utilização de produtos de hidrólise dos glucosinolatos como inibidores in vitro do crescimento bacteriano


Os compostos de hidrólise dos glucosinolatos são eficazes inibidores in vitro do crescimento bacteriano e podem constituir uma interessante ferramenta de trabalho na procura de alternativas à utilização de antibióticos.

*Maria José Saavedra
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su trabajo
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease,
9(4):338-345 Abr, 2012

Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases, integra el acervo bibliográfico
de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Institución principal de la investigación
*Veterinary And Agronomy Sciences School, Veterinary Science Department And Veterinary And Animal Science Research Center (cecav), University Of Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro, 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal., Vila Real, Portugal
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Referencias bibliográficas
Abatih EN, Ersbøll AK, Wong LF, Emborg HD. Space-time clustering of ampicillin resistant Escherichia coli isolated from Danish pigs at slaughter between 1997 and 2005. Prev Vet Med 2009; 89:90-101.
Aires A, MotaVR, Saavedra MJ, Rosa EAS, Bennett RN. The antimicrobial effects of glucosinolates and their respective enzymatic hydrolysis products on bacteria isolated from the human intestinal tract. J Appl Microbiol 2009; 106:2086-2095.
Bones AM and Rossiter JT The enzymic and chemically induced decomposition of glucosinolates. Phytochem 2006; 67:1053–1067.
Cheng DL, Hashimoto K, Uda Y. In vitro digestion of sinigrin and glucotropaeolin by single strains of Bifidobacterium and identification of the digestive products. Food Chem Toxicol 2004; 42: 351–357.
Davidson NE and Botting NP. Oxidation of isothiocyanates to isocyanates using dimethyldioxirane; relevance to biological activity of isothiocyanates. J Chem Res 1997; (Suppl.):410–411.
Duda KA, Duda KT, Beczała A, Kasperkiewicz K, Radziejewska-Lebrecht J, Skurnik M. ECA-immunogenicity of Proteus mirabilis strains. Arch Immunol Ther Exp 2009; 57:147-151.
Edwards ML, Lilley, AK, Timms-Wilson TH, Thompson IP, Cooper I. Characterization of the culturable heterotrophic bacterial community in a small eutrophic lake (Priest Pot). FEMS Microbiol Ecol 2001; 35:295-304.
Fahey JW, Zalcmann AT, Talalay P. The chemical diversity and distribution of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates among plants. Phytochem 2001; 56:5-51.
Griffiths DW, Birch ANE, Hillman JR. Antinutritional coumponds in the Brassicaceae: Analysis, biosynthesis, chemistry and dietary effects. Review article. J Horti Sci Biotechnol 1998; 73:1-18.
Hershberger E, Oprea SF, Donabedian SM, Perri M, Bozigar P, Bartlett P, Zervos MJ. Epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in enterococci of animal origin. J Antimicrob Chemother 2005; 55:127-130.
Hwang I, Ku HO, Lim SK, Park, CK, Jung GS, Jung, SC, Nam, HM.Species distributions and resistance patterns to growth-promoting antimicrobials of enterococci isolated from pigs and Chickens in Korea. J Vet Diag Invest 2009; 21:858-862
Juge N, Mithen RF, Traka M. Molecular basis for chemoprevention by sulforaphane: a comprehensive review. Cell Mol Life Sci 2007; 64:1105–1127.
Kolm RH, Danielson HU, Zhang Y, Talalay P, Mannervik B. Isothiocyanates as substrates for human glutathione transferases: structure-activity studies. J Biochem 1995; 311:453-459.
Kuroiwa Y, Nishikawa A, Kitamura Y, Kanki K, Ishii Y, Umemura T, Hirose M. Protective effects of benzyl isothiocyanante and sulforaphane but not resveratrol against initiation of pancreatic carcinogenesis in hamsters. Cancer Lett 2006; 241:275-280.
Livermore DM, Hope R, Brick G, Lillie M, Reynolds R. Non-susceptibility trends among Enterobacteriaceae from bacteraemias in the UK and Ireland, 2001-06. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008; 62:Suppl. 2; ii41-ii51.
Luciano FB, Holley RA. Enzymatic inhibition by allyl isothiocyanate and factors affecting its antimicrobial action against Escherichia coli O157,H7. Int J Food Microbiol 2009; 131:240-245.
Luzzaro F, Brigante G, D’Andrea MM, Pini B, Giani T, Mantengoli E, Rossolini GM, Toniolo A. 2009. Spread of multidrug-resistant Proteus mirabilis isolates producing AmpC-type β-lactamase, epidemiology and clinical management. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2009; 33:328-333.
Moodsdeen F, Williams JD, Secker A. Standardization of inoculum size for disc susceptibility testing: a preliminary report of a spectrophotometric method. J Antimicrob Chemother 1988; 21:439-443.
Phavichitr N, Catto-Smith A. Acute gastroenteritis in children, what role for antibacterials? Paed Drugs 2003; 5:279-290.
Podar M, Eads JR, Richardson TH. Evolution of a microbial nitrilase gene family: a comparative and environmental genomics study. BMC Evol Biol 2005; 5:42.
Saavedra MJ, Guedes-Novais S, Alves A, Rema P, Tacão M, Correia A, Martínez-Murcia A. Resistance to b-lactam antibiotics in Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Int Microbiol 2004; 7:207-211.
Shankar N, Baghdayan AS, Willems R, Hammerum AM, Jensen LB. Presence of pathogenicity islands in Enterococcus faecalis isolates from pigs in Denmark. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44:4200-4203.
Simões M, Bennett RN, Rosa EAS. Understanding antimicrobial activities of phytochemicals against multidrug resistant bacteria and biofilms. Nat Prod Rep 2009; 26:746-757.
Sung WS and Lee DG. In vitro antimicrobial activity and the mode of action of indole-3-carbinol against human pathogenic microorganisms. Biol Pharm Bull 2007; 30:1865-1869.
Tang CS Benzyl isothiocyanate as a naturally occurring papain inhibitor. J Food Sci 1974; 39:94-96.
Tierens KF, Thomma BP, Brouwer M, Schmidt J, Kistner K, Porzel A, Mauch-Mani B, Cammue BP. Study of the role of antimicrobial glucosinolate-derived isothiocyanates in resistance of Arabidopsis to microbial pathogens. Plant Physiol 2001; 125:1688–1689.
Van Ginkel CG, Louwerse A, Van der Togt B. Substrate specificity of long-chain alkylamine-degrading Pseudomonas sp. isolated from activiated sludge. Biodegradation 2008; 19:129–136.

Abatih EN, Ersbøll AK, Wong LF, Emborg HD. Space-time clustering of ampicillin resistant Escherichia coli isolated from Danish pigs at slaughter between 1997 and 2005. Prev Vet Med 2009; 89:90-101.
Aires A, MotaVR, Saavedra MJ, Rosa EAS, Bennett RN. The antimicrobial effects of glucosinolates and their respective enzymatic hydrolysis products on bacteria isolated from the human intestinal tract. J Appl Microbiol 2009; 106:2086-2095.
Bones AM and Rossiter JT The enzymic and chemically induced decomposition of glucosinolates. Phytochem 2006; 67:1053–1067.
Cheng DL, Hashimoto K, Uda Y. In vitro digestion of sinigrin and glucotropaeolin by single strains of Bifidobacterium and identification of the digestive products. Food Chem Toxicol 2004; 42: 351–357.
Davidson NE and Botting NP. Oxidation of isothiocyanates to isocyanates using dimethyldioxirane; relevance to biological activity of isothiocyanates. J Chem Res 1997; (Suppl.):410–411.
Duda KA, Duda KT, Beczała A, Kasperkiewicz K, Radziejewska-Lebrecht J, Skurnik M. ECA-immunogenicity of Proteus mirabilis strains. Arch Immunol Ther Exp 2009; 57:147-151.
Edwards ML, Lilley, AK, Timms-Wilson TH, Thompson IP, Cooper I. Characterization of the culturable heterotrophic bacterial community in a small eutrophic lake (Priest Pot). FEMS Microbiol Ecol 2001; 35:295-304.
Fahey JW, Zalcmann AT, Talalay P. The chemical diversity and distribution of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates among plants. Phytochem 2001; 56:5-51.
Griffiths DW, Birch ANE, Hillman JR. Antinutritional coumponds in the Brassicaceae: Analysis, biosynthesis, chemistry and dietary effects. Review article. J Horti Sci Biotechnol 1998; 73:1-18.
Hershberger E, Oprea SF, Donabedian SM, Perri M, Bozigar P, Bartlett P, Zervos MJ. Epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in enterococci of animal origin. J Antimicrob Chemother 2005; 55:127-130.
Hwang I, Ku HO, Lim SK, Park, CK, Jung GS, Jung, SC, Nam, HM.Species distributions and resistance patterns to growth-promoting antimicrobials of enterococci isolated from pigs and Chickens in Korea. J Vet Diag Invest 2009; 21:858-862
Juge N, Mithen RF, Traka M. Molecular basis for chemoprevention by sulforaphane: a comprehensive review. Cell Mol Life Sci 2007; 64:1105–1127.
Kolm RH, Danielson HU, Zhang Y, Talalay P, Mannervik B. Isothiocyanates as substrates for human glutathione transferases: structure-activity studies. J Biochem 1995; 311:453-459.
Kuroiwa Y, Nishikawa A, Kitamura Y, Kanki K, Ishii Y, Umemura T, Hirose M. Protective effects of benzyl isothiocyanante and sulforaphane but not resveratrol against initiation of pancreatic carcinogenesis in hamsters. Cancer Lett 2006; 241:275-280.
Livermore DM, Hope R, Brick G, Lillie M, Reynolds R. Non-susceptibility trends among Enterobacteriaceae from bacteraemias in the UK and Ireland, 2001-06. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008; 62:Suppl. 2; ii41-ii51.
Luciano FB, Holley RA. Enzymatic inhibition by allyl isothiocyanate and factors affecting its antimicrobial action against Escherichia coli O157,H7. Int J Food Microbiol 2009; 131:240-245.
Luzzaro F, Brigante G, D’Andrea MM, Pini B, Giani T, Mantengoli E, Rossolini GM, Toniolo A. 2009. Spread of multidrug-resistant Proteus mirabilis isolates producing AmpC-type β-lactamase, epidemiology and clinical management. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2009; 33:328-333.
Moodsdeen F, Williams JD, Secker A. Standardization of inoculum size for disc susceptibility testing: a preliminary report of a spectrophotometric method. J Antimicrob Chemother 1988; 21:439-443.
Phavichitr N, Catto-Smith A. Acute gastroenteritis in children, what role for antibacterials? Paed Drugs 2003; 5:279-290.
Podar M, Eads JR, Richardson TH. Evolution of a microbial nitrilase gene family: a comparative and environmental genomics study. BMC Evol Biol 2005; 5:42.
Saavedra MJ, Guedes-Novais S, Alves A, Rema P, Tacão M, Correia A, Martínez-Murcia A. Resistance to b-lactam antibiotics in Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Int Microbiol 2004; 7:207-211.
Shankar N, Baghdayan AS, Willems R, Hammerum AM, Jensen LB. Presence of pathogenicity islands in Enterococcus faecalis isolates from pigs in Denmark. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44:4200-4203.
Simões M, Bennett RN, Rosa EAS. Understanding antimicrobial activities of phytochemicals against multidrug resistant bacteria and biofilms. Nat Prod Rep 2009; 26:746-757.
Sung WS and Lee DG. In vitro antimicrobial activity and the mode of action of indole-3-carbinol against human pathogenic microorganisms. Biol Pharm Bull 2007; 30:1865-1869.
Tang CS Benzyl isothiocyanate as a naturally occurring papain inhibitor. J Food Sci 1974; 39:94-96.
Tierens KF, Thomma BP, Brouwer M, Schmidt J, Kistner K, Porzel A, Mauch-Mani B, Cammue BP. Study of the role of antimicrobial glucosinolate-derived isothiocyanates in resistance of Arabidopsis to microbial pathogens. Plant Physiol 2001; 125:1688–1689.
Van Ginkel CG, Louwerse A, Van der Togt B. Substrate specificity of long-chain alkylamine-degrading Pseudomonas sp. isolated from activiated sludge. Biodegradation 2008; 19:129–136.

Abatih EN, Ersbøll AK, Wong LF, Emborg HD. Space-time clustering of ampicillin resistant Escherichia coli isolated from Danish pigs at slaughter between 1997 and 2005. Prev Vet Med 2009; 89:90-101.
Aires A, MotaVR, Saavedra MJ, Rosa EAS, Bennett RN. The antimicrobial effects of glucosinolates and their respective enzymatic hydrolysis products on bacteria isolated from the human intestinal tract. J Appl Microbiol 2009; 106:2086-2095.
Bones AM and Rossiter JT The enzymic and chemically induced decomposition of glucosinolates. Phytochem 2006; 67:1053–1067.
Cheng DL, Hashimoto K, Uda Y. In vitro digestion of sinigrin and glucotropaeolin by single strains of Bifidobacterium and identification of the digestive products. Food Chem Toxicol 2004; 42: 351–357.
Davidson NE and Botting NP. Oxidation of isothiocyanates to isocyanates using dimethyldioxirane; relevance to biological activity of isothiocyanates. J Chem Res 1997; (Suppl.):410–411.
Duda KA, Duda KT, Beczała A, Kasperkiewicz K, Radziejewska-Lebrecht J, Skurnik M. ECA-immunogenicity of Proteus mirabilis strains. Arch Immunol Ther Exp 2009; 57:147-151.
Edwards ML, Lilley, AK, Timms-Wilson TH, Thompson IP, Cooper I. Characterization of the culturable heterotrophic bacterial community in a small eutrophic lake (Priest Pot). FEMS Microbiol Ecol 2001; 35:295-304.
Fahey JW, Zalcmann AT, Talalay P. The chemical diversity and distribution of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates among plants. Phytochem 2001; 56:5-51.
Griffiths DW, Birch ANE, Hillman JR. Antinutritional coumponds in the Brassicaceae: Analysis, biosynthesis, chemistry and dietary effects. Review article. J Horti Sci Biotechnol 1998; 73:1-18.
Hershberger E, Oprea SF, Donabedian SM, Perri M, Bozigar P, Bartlett P, Zervos MJ. Epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in enterococci of animal origin. J Antimicrob Chemother 2005; 55:127-130.
Hwang I, Ku HO, Lim SK, Park, CK, Jung GS, Jung, SC, Nam, HM.Species distributions and resistance patterns to growth-promoting antimicrobials of enterococci isolated from pigs and Chickens in Korea. J Vet Diag Invest 2009; 21:858-862
Juge N, Mithen RF, Traka M. Molecular basis for chemoprevention by sulforaphane: a comprehensive review. Cell Mol Life Sci 2007; 64:1105–1127.
Kolm RH, Danielson HU, Zhang Y, Talalay P, Mannervik B. Isothiocyanates as substrates for human glutathione transferases: structure-activity studies. J Biochem 1995; 311:453-459.
Kuroiwa Y, Nishikawa A, Kitamura Y, Kanki K, Ishii Y, Umemura T, Hirose M. Protective effects of benzyl isothiocyanante and sulforaphane but not resveratrol against initiation of pancreatic carcinogenesis in hamsters. Cancer Lett 2006; 241:275-280.
Livermore DM, Hope R, Brick G, Lillie M, Reynolds R. Non-susceptibility trends among Enterobacteriaceae from bacteraemias in the UK and Ireland, 2001-06. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008; 62:Suppl. 2; ii41-ii51.
Luciano FB, Holley RA. Enzymatic inhibition by allyl isothiocyanate and factors affecting its antimicrobial action against Escherichia coli O157,H7. Int J Food Microbiol 2009; 131:240-245.
Luzzaro F, Brigante G, D’Andrea MM, Pini B, Giani T, Mantengoli E, Rossolini GM, Toniolo A. 2009. Spread of multidrug-resistant Proteus mirabilis isolates producing AmpC-type β-lactamase, epidemiology and clinical management. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2009; 33:328-333.
Moodsdeen F, Williams JD, Secker A. Standardization of inoculum size for disc susceptibility testing: a preliminary report of a spectrophotometric method. J Antimicrob Chemother 1988; 21:439-443.
Phavichitr N, Catto-Smith A. Acute gastroenteritis in children, what role for antibacterials? Paed Drugs 2003; 5:279-290.
Podar M, Eads JR, Richardson TH. Evolution of a microbial nitrilase gene family: a comparative and environmental genomics study. BMC Evol Biol 2005; 5:42.
Saavedra MJ, Guedes-Novais S, Alves A, Rema P, Tacão M, Correia A, Martínez-Murcia A. Resistance to b-lactam antibiotics in Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Int Microbiol 2004; 7:207-211.
Shankar N, Baghdayan AS, Willems R, Hammerum AM, Jensen LB. Presence of pathogenicity islands in Enterococcus faecalis isolates from pigs in Denmark. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44:4200-4203.
Simões M, Bennett RN, Rosa EAS. Understanding antimicrobial activities of phytochemicals against multidrug resistant bacteria and biofilms. Nat Prod Rep 2009; 26:746-757.
Sung WS and Lee DG. In vitro antimicrobial activity and the mode of action of indole-3-carbinol against human pathogenic microorganisms. Biol Pharm Bull 2007; 30:1865-1869.
Tang CS Benzyl isothiocyanate as a naturally occurring papain inhibitor. J Food Sci 1974; 39:94-96.
Tierens KF, Thomma BP, Brouwer M, Schmidt J, Kistner K, Porzel A, Mauch-Mani B, Cammue BP. Study of the role of antimicrobial glucosinolate-derived isothiocyanates in resistance of Arabidopsis to microbial pathogens. Plant Physiol 2001; 125:1688–1689.
Van Ginkel CG, Louwerse A, Van der Togt B. Substrate specificity of long-chain alkylamine-degrading Pseudomonas sp. isolated from activiated sludge. Biodegradation 2008; 19:129–136.
Otros artículos de Maria José Saavedra

1. FONSECA, F., ARTHUR, C.J., BROMLEY, E.H.C., SAMYN, B., MOERMAN, P., SAAVEDRA, M.J., CORREIA A., SPENCER, J. (2011). Biochemical characterization of Sfh-I, the subclass B2 metallo-β-lactamase from Serratia fonticola UTAD54. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy doi:10.1128/AAC.00429-11.

2. FONSECA, F., SARMENTO, A., HENRIQUES, I., SAMYN, B., BEEUMEN, J., DOMINGUES, M.R., SAAVEDRA, M.J., CORREIA, A. (2007). Biochemical characterization of SFC-1, a carbapenem-hydrolyzing β-lactamase from Serratia fonticola UTAD54. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, 51:4512-4514.

3. FIGUERAS, M.J., ALPERI, A., SAAVEDRA, M.J., KO, W., GONZALO, N., NAVARRO, M., MARTÍNEZ-MURCIA, A.J. (2009). Clinical relevance of the recently described Aeromonas aquariorum. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 47:3742-3746.

The activity of ferulic and gallic acids in biofilm prevention and control of pathogenic bacteria. Borges A, Saavedra MJ, Simões M. Biofouling. 2012 Aug;28(7):755-67.

5. SIMÕES, L.C., LEMOS, M., PEREIRA, A.M., ABREU, A.C., SAAVEDRA, M.J., SIMÕES, M. (2011). Persister cells in a biofilm treated with a biocide. Biofouling, 27:403–411.

6. FONTES, M.C., SAAVEDRA, M.J., MONERA, A., MARTINS, C., MARTÍNEZ-MURCIA, A. (2010). Phylogenetic identification of Aeromonas simiae from a pig, first isolate since species description. Veterinary Microbiology, 142:313-316.

7. FONTES, M.C., SAAVEDRA, M.J., MARTINS, C., MARTÍNEZ-MURCIA, A.J. (2011). Phylogenetic identification of Aeromonas from pigs slaughtered for consumption in slaughterhouses at the North of Portugal. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 146:118–122.

8. COSTA, E., INÊS, A., MENDES-FAIA, A., SAAVEDRA, M.J., MENDES-FERREIRA, A. (2010). Potential virulence factors of Candida spp. isolated from clinical and food sources. Journal of Hospital Infection, 75:240-241.

9. MARTINEZ-MURCIA, A.J., MONERA, A., SAAVEDRA, M.J., ONCINA, R., LOPEZ-ALVAREZ, M., LARA, E., FIGUERAS, M.J. (2011). Multilocus phylogenetic analysis of the genus Aeromonas. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 34:189-199.

10. DEMARTA, A., KÜPFER, M., RIEGEL, P., HARF-MONTEIL, C., TONOLLA, M., PEDUZZI, R., MONERA, A., SAAVEDRA, M.J., MARTÍNEZ-MURCIA, A.J. (2008). Aeromonas tecta sp. nov., a new species isolated from clinical and environmental sources.

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Autor invitado
16 de julio, 2012
Descripción aprobada
1 de agosto, 2012
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021

Acerca del trabajo completo

Título original en castellano

Maria José Saavedra1, Carla S.p. Dias2, Antonio Martinez-Murcia3, Richard N. Bennett4, Alfredo Aires5, Eduardo A. S. Rosa6
1 Professora Universitária, Veterinary And Agronomy Sciences School, Veterinary Science Department And Veterinary And Animal Science Research Center (cecav), University Of Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro, 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal., Vila Real, Portugal, Professora Associada C/ Agregação
2 Investigadora, Cecav-veterinary And Animal Science Research Center Andveterinary Science Department, Universidade de Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro, Apartado 1013, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal., Bolseira
3 Porfessor Universitário e Inve, University Miguel Hernandez, Orihuela (alicante), Spain, Professor Associado
4 Investigador, Citab-centre For The Research And Technology For Agro-environment And Biological Sciences And Agronomy Department, Universidade de Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro, Apartado 1013, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal, Investigador Auxiliar
5 Investigador, Citab-centre For The Research And Technology For Agro-environment And Biological Sciences And Agronomy Department, Universidade de Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro, Apartado 1013, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal., Bolseiro Pós-doutoramento
6 Professor Universitário, Citab-centre For The Research And Technology For Agro-environment And Biological Sciences And Agronomy Department, Universidade de Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro, Apartado 1013, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal., Professor Catedrático

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Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
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