Crónicas de autores

Vânia Margarida Silva Lopes *

Autor invitado por SIIC

The study examined the relation between adjustment to diagnosed infertility and personality, anxiety, depression, stress (in general and inherent to infertility) in couples.


Los varones y mujeres infértiles se encuentran acotados emocionalmente y determinados para completar sus objetivos con bajas niveles de ansiedad, depresión y estrés. Si bien se identifican factores asociados con desajustes, no siempre se requiere la intervención psicológica. Los resultados no relevantes, pese al reducido tamaño del grupo de estudio.

*Vânia Margarida Silva Lopes
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su trabajo
Journal of Reproductive Medicine,
57(3-4):153-158 Mar, 2012

Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases, integra el acervo bibliográfico
de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Institución principal de la investigación
*Ispa Iul, Lisboa, Portugal
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Referencias bibliográficas
American Society for Reproductive Medicine . Definition of “infertility”. Fertility and Sterility 2004; 82, Supl. 1: 206. Schmidt L. Psychsocial burden of infertility and assisted reproduction. The Lancet 2006; 367(4): 379-380. Kroger W. Evaluation of personality factors in the treatment of infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1952; 3(6): 542-551. Noyes R, Chapnick E. Literature on psychology and infertility – A critical analysis. Fertility & Sterility 1964; 15(5): 543-558. Ford E, Forman I, Wilson J, Char W, Mixson W, Scholz C. A psychodynamic approach to the study of infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1953; (6): 456-465. Benedek T. Infertility as a psychosomatic defence. Fertility and Sterility 1952; 3(6): 527-541. Kipper D, Zigler-Shani Z, Serr D, Insler V. Psychogenic infertility, neuroticism and the feminine role: A methodological inquiry. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1977; 21: 353-358. Dunkel-Schetter C, Lobel M. Psychological reactions to infertility. In: Stanton AL, Dunkel-Schetter C., editors. Infertility – Perspectives from Stress and Coping Research. New York: Plenum Press; 1991. pp. 29-57. Greil A. Infertility and Psychological Distresse: A critical review of the literature. Social, Sciences and Medicine 1997; 45(11): 1679-1704. Cousineau T, Domar A. Psychological impact of infertility. Best Practice & Research - Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2007; 2 (2): 293-308. Peterson B, Newton C, Feingolg T. Anxiety and sexual stress in men and women undergoing infertility treatment. Fertility and Sterility 200; 8 (4): 911-914.
Slade P, O’Neill C, Simpson A., Lashen H. The relationship between perceived stigma, disclosure patterns, support and distresse in new attendees at an infertility clinic. Human Reproduction 2007; 2 (8): 2309-2317. Benyamini Y, Gozlan M, Kokia E. Variability in the difficulties experienced by women undergoing infertility treatments. Fertility and Sterility 2005; 83(2): 275-283. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Aging and infertility in women. Fertility and Sterility 2006; 8 (S4): 248-252. Hassan MA, Killick S R. Effect of male age on fertility: evidence for the decline in male fertility with increasing age. Fertility and Sterility 2003; 79(S3): 1520-1527. Rajkhowa M, McConnell A, Thomas G. Reasons for discontinuation of IVF treatment: a questionnaire study. Human Reproduction 2006; 21(2): 358-363.
Ping-Ling W, Xiao-Bo S. Anxiety, Depression and Personality Traits of Infertile Women. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 2006, 14(3): 318. Golombok S. Psychological functioning in infertility patients. Human Reproduction 1992; 7(2): 208-212. Berghuis J, Stanton A. Adjustment to a dyadic stresseor: A longitudinal study of coping and depressive symptoms in infertile couples over an insemination attempt. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2002; 70(2): 433-438. Peronace L, Boivin J, Schmidt L. Patterns of suffering and social interactions in infertile men: 12 months after unsuccessful treatment. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 2007; 28(2): 105-114. Pook M, Krause W. The impact of treatment experiences on the course of infertility distress in male patients. Human Reproduction 2004; 20(3): 825-828. Domar A, Broome A, Zuttermeister P, Seibel M, Friedman R. The prevalence and predictability of depression in infertile women. Fertility and Sterility 1992; 58 (6): 1158-1163. Ramezanzadeh F, Aghssa M, Abedinia N, Zayeri F, Khanafshar N, Shariat M, Jafarabadi M. A survey of relationship between anxiety, depression and duration of infertility. BMC Women’s Health 2004; 4(9): 1-7. Fassino S, Pierò A, Boggio S, Piccioni V, Garzaro L. Anxiety, depression and anger suppression in infertile couples: a controlled study. Human Reproduction 2002; 17(11): 2986-2994. Wischmann T, Stammer H, Scherg H, Gerhard I, Verres R. Psychosocial characteristics of infertile couples: a study by the ‘Heidelberg Fertility Consultation Service’. Human Reproduction 2001; 16(8): 1753-1761. Nachtigall RD, Becker G, Wozny M. The effects of gender-specific diagnosis on men’s and women’s response to infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1992; 57(1): 113-121. Hunt N, McHale S. Psychosocial aspects of andrologic disease. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 2007; 36(2): 521-531. Peterson B, Pirritano M, Christensen U, Schmidt L. The impact of partner coping in couples experiencing infertility. Human Reproduction 2008; 23(5): 1128-1137. Weiss P, Matejú L, Urbánek V. Personality and characteristics of couples in infertile marriage. Ceská Gynekologie 2004; 69(1): 42-47. Conrad R, Schilling G, Haidl G, Geiser F, Imbierowicz K, Liedtke R. Relations between personality traits, seminal parameters and hormones in male infertility. Andrologia 2002; 34: 317-324. Wright J, Duschesne C, Sabourin S, Bissonnette F, Benoit J, Girard Y. Psychosocial distress and infertility: men and women respond differently. Fertility and Sterility 1991; 55(1): 100-108. Jacob L. El impacto emocional de la infertilidad en las fases de la reproducción asistida. Psicología Conductual Revista Internacional de Psicología Clínica de las Salud 2003; 11(1): 95-113. Merari D, Chetrit A, Modan B. Emotional reactions and attitudes prior to in vitro fertilization: An inter-spouse study. Psychological and Health 2002; 17(5): 629-640. Verhaak C, Smeenk J, Evers A, Van Minner A, Kremer J, Kraaimaat F. Predicting emotional response to unsuccessful fertility treatment: A prospective study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2005; 28(2): 181-190. Verhaak C, Smeenk J, Van Minner A, Kremer J, Kraaimaat F. A longitudinal, prospective study on emotional adjustment before, during and after consecutive fertility treatment cycles. Human Reproduction 2005; 20(8): 2253-2260.
Cooper B, Gerber J, McGettrick A, Johnson J. Perceived infertility related stress correlates with in vitro fertilization outcome. Fertility and Sterility 2007; 88(3): 714-717. Boivin J, Scmidt L. Infertility-related stresse in men and women predicts treatment outcome 1 year later. Fertility and Sterility 2005; 83(6): 1745-1752.
Gulseren L, Cetinay P, Tokatlioglu B, Sarikaya O, Gulseren S, Kurt S. Depression and anxiety levels in infertile Turkish women. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2006; 51(5): 421-426. Smeenk J, Verhaak C, Eugster A, Minnen A, Zielhuis G, Braat D. The effect of anxiety and depression on the outcome of in-vitro fertilization. Human Reproduction 2001; 16(7): 1420-1423. Anderheim L, Holter H, Bergh C, Moller A. Does psychological stress affect the outcome of in vitro fertilization? Human Reproduction 2005; 20(10): 2969-2975. Bertoquini V, Pais-Ribeiro JL. Estudo de formas muito reduzidas do Modelo dos Cinco Factores da Personalidade. Psychologica 2006, 43: 193-210. Costa PT, McCrae RR. NEO-PI-R Professional Manual. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources; 1992. Pais-Ribeiro JL, Honrado A, Leal I. Contribuição para o estudo da adaptação portuguesa das escalas de ansiedade, depressão e stress (EADS) de 21 itens de Lovibond e Lovibond. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 2004; 5(1): 229-239. Lovibond P, Lovibond S. The structure of negative emotional states: Comparison of the depression anxiety stresse scales (DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Behaviour Research and Therapy 1995; 33(3): 335-343. Newton C, Sherrard W, Glavac I. The Fertility Problem Inventory: measuring perceived infertility-related stresse. Fertility and Sterility 1999; 72(1): 54-62. Gameiro S, Moura-Ramos M, Canavarro MC. Intervenção e Investigação em famílias que recorrem a Técnicas de Reprodução Medicamente Assistida (RMA). Actas do VI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia; 2006Nov 28-30; Évora, Portugal. Évora: Universidade de Évora, 2006.
Glover L, Hunter M, Richards J, Katz M, Abel P. Development of the Fertility Adjustment Scale. Fertility and Sterility 1999; 72(4): 623-628. Lopes V, Leal I. Escala de Ajustamento à fertilidade (EAF) In Isabel Leal e João Maroco, editors. Avaliação em sexualidade e parentalidade. Porto: Legis Editora; 2010. pp. 117-130. Yassini M, Khalili M, Hashemian Z. The level of anxiety and depression among Iranian infertile couples undergoing in vitro fertilization or intra cytoplasmatic sperm injection cycles. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2005; 10(6): 358-362. Daniluk J, Tench E. Long-term adjustment of infertile couples following unsuccessful medical intervention. Journal of Counseling & Development 2007; 85: 89-100.

American Society for Reproductive Medicine . Definition of “infertility”. Fertility and Sterility 2004; 82, Supl. 1: 206. Schmidt L. Psychsocial burden of infertility and assisted reproduction. The Lancet 2006; 367(4): 379-380. Kroger W. Evaluation of personality factors in the treatment of infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1952; 3(6): 542-551. Noyes R, Chapnick E. Literature on psychology and infertility – A critical analysis. Fertility & Sterility 1964; 15(5): 543-558. Ford E, Forman I, Wilson J, Char W, Mixson W, Scholz C. A psychodynamic approach to the study of infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1953; (6): 456-465. Benedek T. Infertility as a psychosomatic defence. Fertility and Sterility 1952; 3(6): 527-541. Kipper D, Zigler-Shani Z, Serr D, Insler V. Psychogenic infertility, neuroticism and the feminine role: A methodological inquiry. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1977; 21: 353-358. Dunkel-Schetter C, Lobel M. Psychological reactions to infertility. In: Stanton AL, Dunkel-Schetter C., editors. Infertility – Perspectives from Stress and Coping Research. New York: Plenum Press; 1991. pp. 29-57. Greil A. Infertility and Psychological Distresse: A critical review of the literature. Social, Sciences and Medicine 1997; 45(11): 1679-1704. Cousineau T, Domar A. Psychological impact of infertility. Best Practice & Research - Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2007; 2 (2): 293-308. Peterson B, Newton C, Feingolg T. Anxiety and sexual stress in men and women undergoing infertility treatment. Fertility and Sterility 200; 8 (4): 911-914.
Slade P, O’Neill C, Simpson A., Lashen H. The relationship between perceived stigma, disclosure patterns, support and distresse in new attendees at an infertility clinic. Human Reproduction 2007; 2 (8): 2309-2317. Benyamini Y, Gozlan M, Kokia E. Variability in the difficulties experienced by women undergoing infertility treatments. Fertility and Sterility 2005; 83(2): 275-283. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Aging and infertility in women. Fertility and Sterility 2006; 8 (S4): 248-252. Hassan MA, Killick S R. Effect of male age on fertility: evidence for the decline in male fertility with increasing age. Fertility and Sterility 2003; 79(S3): 1520-1527. Rajkhowa M, McConnell A, Thomas G. Reasons for discontinuation of IVF treatment: a questionnaire study. Human Reproduction 2006; 21(2): 358-363.
Ping-Ling W, Xiao-Bo S. Anxiety, Depression and Personality Traits of Infertile Women. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 2006, 14(3): 318. Golombok S. Psychological functioning in infertility patients. Human Reproduction 1992; 7(2): 208-212. Berghuis J, Stanton A. Adjustment to a dyadic stresseor: A longitudinal study of coping and depressive symptoms in infertile couples over an insemination attempt. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2002; 70(2): 433-438. Peronace L, Boivin J, Schmidt L. Patterns of suffering and social interactions in infertile men: 12 months after unsuccessful treatment. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 2007; 28(2): 105-114. Pook M, Krause W. The impact of treatment experiences on the course of infertility distress in male patients. Human Reproduction 2004; 20(3): 825-828. Domar A, Broome A, Zuttermeister P, Seibel M, Friedman R. The prevalence and predictability of depression in infertile women. Fertility and Sterility 1992; 58 (6): 1158-1163. Ramezanzadeh F, Aghssa M, Abedinia N, Zayeri F, Khanafshar N, Shariat M, Jafarabadi M. A survey of relationship between anxiety, depression and duration of infertility. BMC Women’s Health 2004; 4(9): 1-7. Fassino S, Pierò A, Boggio S, Piccioni V, Garzaro L. Anxiety, depression and anger suppression in infertile couples: a controlled study. Human Reproduction 2002; 17(11): 2986-2994. Wischmann T, Stammer H, Scherg H, Gerhard I, Verres R. Psychosocial characteristics of infertile couples: a study by the ‘Heidelberg Fertility Consultation Service’. Human Reproduction 2001; 16(8): 1753-1761. Nachtigall RD, Becker G, Wozny M. The effects of gender-specific diagnosis on men’s and women’s response to infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1992; 57(1): 113-121. Hunt N, McHale S. Psychosocial aspects of andrologic disease. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 2007; 36(2): 521-531. Peterson B, Pirritano M, Christensen U, Schmidt L. The impact of partner coping in couples experiencing infertility. Human Reproduction 2008; 23(5): 1128-1137. Weiss P, Matejú L, Urbánek V. Personality and characteristics of couples in infertile marriage. Ceská Gynekologie 2004; 69(1): 42-47. Conrad R, Schilling G, Haidl G, Geiser F, Imbierowicz K, Liedtke R. Relations between personality traits, seminal parameters and hormones in male infertility. Andrologia 2002; 34: 317-324. Wright J, Duschesne C, Sabourin S, Bissonnette F, Benoit J, Girard Y. Psychosocial distress and infertility: men and women respond differently. Fertility and Sterility 1991; 55(1): 100-108. Jacob L. El impacto emocional de la infertilidad en las fases de la reproducción asistida. Psicología Conductual Revista Internacional de Psicología Clínica de las Salud 2003; 11(1): 95-113. Merari D, Chetrit A, Modan B. Emotional reactions and attitudes prior to in vitro fertilization: An inter-spouse study. Psychological and Health 2002; 17(5): 629-640. Verhaak C, Smeenk J, Evers A, Van Minner A, Kremer J, Kraaimaat F. Predicting emotional response to unsuccessful fertility treatment: A prospective study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2005; 28(2): 181-190. Verhaak C, Smeenk J, Van Minner A, Kremer J, Kraaimaat F. A longitudinal, prospective study on emotional adjustment before, during and after consecutive fertility treatment cycles. Human Reproduction 2005; 20(8): 2253-2260.
Cooper B, Gerber J, McGettrick A, Johnson J. Perceived infertility related stress correlates with in vitro fertilization outcome. Fertility and Sterility 2007; 88(3): 714-717. Boivin J, Scmidt L. Infertility-related stresse in men and women predicts treatment outcome 1 year later. Fertility and Sterility 2005; 83(6): 1745-1752.
Gulseren L, Cetinay P, Tokatlioglu B, Sarikaya O, Gulseren S, Kurt S. Depression and anxiety levels in infertile Turkish women. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2006; 51(5): 421-426. Smeenk J, Verhaak C, Eugster A, Minnen A, Zielhuis G, Braat D. The effect of anxiety and depression on the outcome of in-vitro fertilization. Human Reproduction 2001; 16(7): 1420-1423. Anderheim L, Holter H, Bergh C, Moller A. Does psychological stress affect the outcome of in vitro fertilization? Human Reproduction 2005; 20(10): 2969-2975. Bertoquini V, Pais-Ribeiro JL. Estudo de formas muito reduzidas do Modelo dos Cinco Factores da Personalidade. Psychologica 2006, 43: 193-210. Costa PT, McCrae RR. NEO-PI-R Professional Manual. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources; 1992. Pais-Ribeiro JL, Honrado A, Leal I. Contribuição para o estudo da adaptação portuguesa das escalas de ansiedade, depressão e stress (EADS) de 21 itens de Lovibond e Lovibond. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 2004; 5(1): 229-239. Lovibond P, Lovibond S. The structure of negative emotional states: Comparison of the depression anxiety stresse scales (DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Behaviour Research and Therapy 1995; 33(3): 335-343. Newton C, Sherrard W, Glavac I. The Fertility Problem Inventory: measuring perceived infertility-related stresse. Fertility and Sterility 1999; 72(1): 54-62. Gameiro S, Moura-Ramos M, Canavarro MC. Intervenção e Investigação em famílias que recorrem a Técnicas de Reprodução Medicamente Assistida (RMA). Actas do VI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia; 2006Nov 28-30; Évora, Portugal. Évora: Universidade de Évora, 2006.
Glover L, Hunter M, Richards J, Katz M, Abel P. Development of the Fertility Adjustment Scale. Fertility and Sterility 1999; 72(4): 623-628. Lopes V, Leal I. Escala de Ajustamento à fertilidade (EAF) In Isabel Leal e João Maroco, editors. Avaliação em sexualidade e parentalidade. Porto: Legis Editora; 2010. pp. 117-130. Yassini M, Khalili M, Hashemian Z. The level of anxiety and depression among Iranian infertile couples undergoing in vitro fertilization or intra cytoplasmatic sperm injection cycles. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2005; 10(6): 358-362. Daniluk J, Tench E. Long-term adjustment of infertile couples following unsuccessful medical intervention. Journal of Counseling & Development 2007; 85: 8American Society for Reproductive Medicine . Definition of “infertility”. Fertility and Sterility 2004; 82, Supl. 1: 206. Schmidt L. Psychsocial burden of infertility and assisted reproduction. The Lancet 2006; 367(4): 379-380. Kroger W. Evaluation of personality factors in the treatment of infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1952; 3(6): 542-551. Noyes R, Chapnick E. Literature on psychology and infertility – A critical analysis. Fertility & Sterility 1964; 15(5): 543-558. Ford E, Forman I, Wilson J, Char W, Mixson W, Scholz C. A psychodynamic approach to the study of infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1953; (6): 456-465. Benedek T. Infertility as a psychosomatic defence. Fertility and Sterility 1952; 3(6): 527-541. Kipper D, Zigler-Shani Z, Serr D, Insler V. Psychogenic infertility, neuroticism and the feminine role: A methodological inquiry. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1977; 21: 353-358. Dunkel-Schetter C, Lobel M. Psychological reactions to infertility. In: Stanton AL, Dunkel-Schetter C., editors. Infertility – Perspectives from Stress and Coping Research. New York: Plenum Press; 1991. pp. 29-57. Greil A. Infertility and Psychological Distresse: A critical review of the literature. Social, Sciences and Medicine 1997; 45(11): 1679-1704. Cousineau T, Domar A. Psychological impact of infertility. Best Practice & Research - Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2007; 2 (2): 293-308. Peterson B, Newton C, Feingolg T. Anxiety and sexual stress in men and women undergoing infertility treatment. Fertility and Sterility 200; 8 (4): 911-914.
Slade P, O’Neill C, Simpson A., Lashen H. The relationship between perceived stigma, disclosure patterns, support and distresse in new attendees at an infertility clinic. Human Reproduction 2007; 2 (8): 2309-2317. Benyamini Y, Gozlan M, Kokia E. Variability in the difficulties experienced by women undergoing infertility treatments. Fertility and Sterility 2005; 83(2): 275-283. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Aging and infertility in women. Fertility and Sterility 2006; 8 (S4): 248-252. Hassan MA, Killick S R. Effect of male age on fertility: evidence for the decline in male fertility with increasing age. Fertility and Sterility 2003; 79(S3): 1520-1527. Rajkhowa M, McConnell A, Thomas G. Reasons for discontinuation of IVF treatment: a questionnaire study. Human Reproduction 2006; 21(2): 358-363.
Ping-Ling W, Xiao-Bo S. Anxiety, Depression and Personality Traits of Infertile Women. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 2006, 14(3): 318. Golombok S. Psychological functioning in infertility patients. Human Reproduction 1992; 7(2): 208-212. Berghuis J, Stanton A. Adjustment to a dyadic stresseor: A longitudinal study of coping and depressive symptoms in infertile couples over an insemination attempt. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2002; 70(2): 433-438. Peronace L, Boivin J, Schmidt L. Patterns of suffering and social interactions in infertile men: 12 months after unsuccessful treatment. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 2007; 28(2): 105-114. Pook M, Krause W. The impact of treatment experiences on the course of infertility distress in male patients. Human Reproduction 2004; 20(3): 825-828. Domar A, Broome A, Zuttermeister P, Seibel M, Friedman R. The prevalence and predictability of depression in infertile women. Fertility and Sterility 1992; 58 (6): 1158-1163. Ramezanzadeh F, Aghssa M, Abedinia N, Zayeri F, Khanafshar N, Shariat M, Jafarabadi M. A survey of relationship between anxiety, depression and duration of infertility. BMC Women’s Health 2004; 4(9): 1-7. Fassino S, Pierò A, Boggio S, Piccioni V, Garzaro L. Anxiety, depression and anger suppression in infertile couples: a controlled study. Human Reproduction 2002; 17(11): 2986-2994. Wischmann T, Stammer H, Scherg H, Gerhard I, Verres R. Psychosocial characteristics of infertile couples: a study by the ‘Heidelberg Fertility Consultation Service’. Human Reproduction 2001; 16(8): 1753-1761. Nachtigall RD, Becker G, Wozny M. The effects of gender-specific diagnosis on men’s and women’s response to infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1992; 57(1): 113-121. Hunt N, McHale S. Psychosocial aspects of andrologic disease. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 2007; 36(2): 521-531. Peterson B, Pirritano M, Christensen U, Schmidt L. The impact of partner coping in couples experiencing infertility. Human Reproduction 2008; 23(5): 1128-1137. Weiss P, Matejú L, Urbánek V. Personality and characteristics of couples in infertile marriage. Ceská Gynekologie 2004; 69(1): 42-47. Conrad R, Schilling G, Haidl G, Geiser F, Imbierowicz K, Liedtke R. Relations between personality traits, seminal parameters and hormones in male infertility. Andrologia 2002; 34: 317-324. Wright J, Duschesne C, Sabourin S, Bissonnette F, Benoit J, Girard Y. Psychosocial distress and infertility: men and women respond differently. Fertility and Sterility 1991; 55(1): 100-108. Jacob L. El impacto emocional de la infertilidad en las fases de la reproducción asistida. Psicología Conductual Revista Internacional de Psicología Clínica de las Salud 2003; 11(1): 95-113. Merari D, Chetrit A, Modan B. Emotional reactions and attitudes prior to in vitro fertilization: An inter-spouse study. Psychological and Health 2002; 17(5): 629-640. Verhaak C, Smeenk J, Evers A, Van Minner A, Kremer J, Kraaimaat F. Predicting emotional response to unsuccessful fertility treatment: A prospective study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2005; 28(2): 181-190. Verhaak C, Smeenk J, Van Minner A, Kremer J, Kraaimaat F. A longitudinal, prospective study on emotional adjustment before, during and after consecutive fertility treatment cycles. Human Reproduction 2005; 20(8): 2253-2260.
Cooper B, Gerber J, McGettrick A, Johnson J. Perceived infertility related stress correlates with in vitro fertilization outcome. Fertility and Sterility 2007; 88(3): 714-717. Boivin J, Scmidt L. Infertility-related stresse in men and women predicts treatment outcome 1 year later. Fertility and Sterility 2005; 83(6): 1745-1752.
Gulseren L, Cetinay P, Tokatlioglu B, Sarikaya O, Gulseren S, Kurt S. Depression and anxiety levels in infertile Turkish women. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2006; 51(5): 421-426. Smeenk J, Verhaak C, Eugster A, Minnen A, Zielhuis G, Braat D. The effect of anxiety and depression on the outcome of in-vitro fertilization. Human Reproduction 2001; 16(7): 1420-1423. Anderheim L, Holter H, Bergh C, Moller A. Does psychological stress affect the outcome of in vitro fertilization? Human Reproduction 2005; 20(10): 2969-2975. Bertoquini V, Pais-Ribeiro JL. Estudo de formas muito reduzidas do Modelo dos Cinco Factores da Personalidade. Psychologica 2006, 43: 193-210. Costa PT, McCrae RR. NEO-PI-R Professional Manual. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources; 1992. Pais-Ribeiro JL, Honrado A, Leal I. Contribuição para o estudo da adaptação portuguesa das escalas de ansiedade, depressão e stress (EADS) de 21 itens de Lovibond e Lovibond. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 2004; 5(1): 229-239. Lovibond P, Lovibond S. The structure of negative emotional states: Comparison of the depression anxiety stresse scales (DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Behaviour Research and Therapy 1995; 33(3): 335-343. Newton C, Sherrard W, Glavac I. The Fertility Problem Inventory: measuring perceived infertility-related stresse. Fertility and Sterility 1999; 72(1): 54-62. Gameiro S, Moura-Ramos M, Canavarro MC. Intervenção e Investigação em famílias que recorrem a Técnicas de Reprodução Medicamente Assistida (RMA). Actas do VI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia; 2006Nov 28-30; Évora, Portugal. Évora: Universidade de Évora, 2006.
Glover L, Hunter M, Richards J, Katz M, Abel P. Development of the Fertility Adjustment Scale. Fertility and Sterility 1999; 72(4): 623-628. Lopes V, Leal I. Escala de Ajustamento à fertilidade (EAF) In Isabel Leal e João Maroco, editors. Avaliação em sexualidade e parentalidade. Porto: Legis Editora; 2010. pp. 117-130. Yassini M, Khalili M, Hashemian Z. The level of anxiety and depression among Iranian infertile couples undergoing in vitro fertilization or intra cytoplasmatic sperm injection cycles. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2005; 10(6): 358-362. Daniluk J, Tench E. Long-term adjustment of infertile couples following unsuccessful medical intervention. Journal of Counseling & Development 2007; 85: 89-100.
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Autor invitado
31 de mayo, 2012
Descripción aprobada
6 de julio, 2012
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021

Acerca del trabajo completo

Título original en castellano

Vânia Margarida Silva Lopes1, Isabel Leal2
1 Psicóloga, Ispa Iul, Lisboa, Portugal, M.s.
2 Psicologa e Professora Phd, Ispa Iul, Professora

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Journal of Reproductive Medicine

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