Sahar Nejat describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo They are effective, but should be used with caution. Interferon-gamma release assays for tuberculosis screening of children The prevalence of positive interferon-gamma release assays is correlated to the occurrence of active tuberculosis, which varies widely among migrant children of different backgrounds. More accurately than tuberculin skin tests, they identify those with tuberculosis infection and are effective for screening of migrants. Urgent, active cases may present within weeks after arrival and need clinical recognition. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación Astrid Lindgrens Barnsjukhus, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Stockholm, N/A, Sweden ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Ensayos de liberación de interferón gamma para el rastreo de la tuberculosis en niños La prevalencia de resultados positivos en los ensayos de liberación de interferón gamma se correlaciona con la presencia de tuberculosis activa, y varía ampliamente entre los niños inmigrantes de diferentes nacionalidades. Estos ensayos son más precisos que las pruebas cutáneas con tuberculina para la identificación de los pacientes con infección tuberculosa y son eficaces para el rastreo de los inmigrantes. Pueden aparecer casos activos en el transcurso de algunas semanas después del ingreso al país de acogida y, en ellos, urge el reconocimiento clínico. ![]() Crónica del Autor Imprimir nota Referencias bibliográficas Aldridge RW, Yates TA, Zenner D, White PJ, Abubakar I, Hayward AC. Pre-entry screening programmes for tuberculosis in migrants to low-incidence countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 14:1240-1249, 2014. Chee CB, Lim LK, Barkham TM, Koh DR, Lam SO, Shen L, et al. Use of a T cell interferon-gamma release assay to evaluate tuberculosis risk in newly qualified physicians in Singapore healthcare institutions. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 30:870-875, 2009. Chiappini E, Bonsignori F, Accetta G, Boddi V, Galli L, Biggeri A, et al. Interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in children: a literature review. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 25:335-343, 2012. 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Gillman A, Berggren I, Bergström S-E, Wahlgren H, Bennet R. Primary tuberculosis infection in 35 children at a Swedish day care center. Pediatr Infect Dis J 27:1078-1082, 2008. Kan B, Ghebremichael S, Bennet R, Berggren I, Bruchfeld J, Chryssanthou E, et al. Extensive transmission of an isoniazid-resistant strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Sweden. Int J Tub Lung Dis 12:199-204, 2008. Lindstrand A, Galanis I, Bennet R, Schollin-Ask L, Hultman-Dennison S, Blennow M, et al. Sinusitis and pneumonia hospitalization after introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Pediatrics 2014; doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-4177:e1528-36. Luthander J, Bennet R, Giske CG, Nilsson A, Eriksson M. The aetiology of paediatric bloodstream infections changes after pneumococcal vaccination and group B streptococcus prophylaxis. Acta Paediatr 104:933-939, 2015. Rinder M, Tran AN, Bennet R, Brytting M, Cassel T, Eriksson M, et al. Burden of severe rotavirus disease leading to hospitalisation assessed in a prospective cohort study in Sweden. Scand J Infect Dis 46:294-302, 2014. Thorstrand C, Belfrage E, Bennet R, Malmborg P, Eriksson M. Successful 10-day treatment of neuroborreliosis in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21:1142-1145, 2002. SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo Interferon-Gamma Release Assays Can Effectively Screen Migrants for the Tuberculosis Infection, But Urgent, Active Cases Need Clinical Recognition Author / Autor Ruger Bennet1 1 Dr, Astrid Lindgrens Barnsjukhus, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Stockholn, Stockholm, Suecia, Ass. Prof. Access to the original source Acta Paediatrica URL of Abstract: / URL del abstract: URL of Abstract page in Medline: / URL del abstract en Medline: siic DB: / siic DB: |
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