Yao Xu describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo The effect of having a subsequent child Women's mental health after lost only child in an earthquake The post-disaster psychological morbidity was widespread among bereaved mothers, but prevalence was lower among the women with a subsequent child. Investigations on the development of the subsequent child are needed, as most of them being cared for by mothers with clinically significant psychological symptoms which might reduce caregiving capabilities. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación Centre for Women's Health, Gender and Society, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, VIC, Australia ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Salud mental de las madres en duelo luego de una catástrofe natural La morbilidad psicológica luego del terremoto fue generalizada entre las madres en duelo, pero la prevalencia fue menor entre las mujeres que habían tenido un nuevo hijo. Es necesario contar con investigaciones sobre la maduración de estos nuevos hijos ya que, en su mayoría, recibieron cuidados por parte de madres con síntomas psicológicos clínicamente significativos que podrían disminuir la capacidad de atender las necesidades del niño. ![]() Crónica del Autor Imprimir nota Referencias bibliográficas 1. World Health Organization (WHO). Manual for the health care of children in humanitarian emergencies. Geneva: WHO; 2008. 2. Xu Y, Herrman H, Tsutsumi A, Fisher J. Psychological and social consequences of losing a child in a natural or human-made disaster: a review of the evidence. Asia Pac Psychiatry 5:237-248, 2013. 3. Chan CLW, Wang CW, Ho AHY, Qu Z-Y, Wang X-Y, Ran M-S, et al. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among bereaved and non-bereaved survivors following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. J Anxiety Disord 26:673-679, 2012. 4. Johannesson KB, Lundin T, Hultman CM, Fröjd T, Michel PO. Prolonged grief among traumatically bereaved relatives exposed and not exposed to a tsunami. J Trauma Stress 24:456-464, 2011. 5. Singh B, Raphael B. Postdisaster morbidity of the bereaved. A possible role for preventive psychiatry? J Nerv Ment Dis 169:203-212, 1981. 6. Laakso H, Paunonen-Ilmonen M. Mothers' experience of social support following the death of a child. J Clin Nurs 11:176-185, 2002. 7. Levin BG. Coping with traumatic loss: an interview with the parents of TWA 800 crash victims and implications for disaster mental health professionals. Int J Emerg Ment Health 6:25-31, 2004. 8. Yuan Y, Mao WJ, Yang DH, Ran, MS, Kong, D, Zhang, T et al. Comparison of PTSD symptoms, depression and anxiety between bereaved and non-bereaved survivors after the Wenchuan earthquake [Chinese]. Chin J Behav Med Brain Sci 18:1109-1111, 2009. 9. Middleton W, Raphael B, Burnett P, Martinek N. A longitudinal study comparing bereavement phenomena in recently bereaved spouses, adult children and parents. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 32:235-241, 1998. 10. Li J, Precht DH, Mortensen PB, Olsen J. Mortality in parents after death of a child in Denmark: a nationwide follow-up study. Lancet 361:363-367, 2003. 11. Barrera M, D'Agostino NM, Schneiderman G, Tallett S, Spencer L, Jovcevska V. Patterns of parental bereavement following the loss of a child and related factors. Omega (Westport) 55:145-167, 2007. 12. Li J, Laursen TM, Precht DH, Olsen J, Mortensen PB. Hospitalization for mental illness among parents after the death of a child. N Engl J Med 352:1190-1196, 2005. 13. Woodgate RL. Living in a world without closure: reality for parents who have experienced the death of a child. J Palliat Care 22:75-82, 2006. 14. Videka-Sherman L. Coping with the death of a child: a study over time. Am J Orthopsychiatry 52:688-698, 1982. 15. Rogers CH, Floyd FJ, Seltzer MM, Greenberg J, Hong JK. Long-term effects of the death of a child on parents' adjustment in midlife. J Fam Psychol 22:203-211, 2008. Other articles written by the author Yao Xu Otros artículos de Yao Xu 1. Xu Y, Bentley RJ, Kavanagh A M. Gender Equity and Contraceptive Use in China: An Ecological Analysis. Women & Health, 51(8):739-758, 2011. 2. Xu Y, Herrman H, Tsutsumi A, Fisher J. Psychological and social consequences of losing a child in a natural or human-made disaster: A review of the evidence. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, 5(4): 237-248, 2013. SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo Effect of Having a Subsequent Child on the Mental Health of Women Who Lost a Child in the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake: a Cross-Sectional Study Access to the original source Bulletin of the World Health Organization siic DB: / siic DB: http://www.siicsalud.com/main/distriprinrel.php |
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