Authors' Reports

Ambrogio P Londero
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A brief summary about predictive factors for breech presentation

Advanced maternal age, early gestational age, low neonatal weight, female gender, nulliparity, previous cesarean section, tobacco smoke, decreased volume of amniotic fluid, fundal placenta position, parents themselves delivered in breech presentation, congenital malformation, and low PAPP-A values at first trimester screening resulted to be risk factors for fetal breech presentation at delivery.

The article was published by
El artículo fue publicado por
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Volume / Volumen: 27
Number / Número: 1-2
First and last pages / Páginas inicial-final: 167-172
Year / Año: 2014
Month / Mes: february

This journal, which is covered by SIIC Data Bases,
is part of the bibliographic collections of the Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.
Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases,
integra el acervo bibliográfico de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Principal institution where the research took place
Institución principal de la investigación
Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, DISM, University of Udine, Udine, UD, Italy

Authors' Report

Crónica del Autor

Bibliographic references
Referencias bibliográficas

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Other articles written by the author Ambrogio P Londero
Otros artículos de Ambrogio P Londero

Londero AP, Orsaria M, Grassi T, Calcagno A, Marzinotto S, Ceraudo M, Fruscalzo A, Driul L, Mariuzzi L. Placental hCG immunohistochemistry and serum free-Beta-hCG at 11-13 weeks' gestation in intrauterine fetal demise. Histochem Cell Biol 139(4):595-603, 2013.
Londero AP, Orsaria M, Tell, G, Marzinotto, S, Capodicasa V, Poletto M, Vascotto C, Sacco C, Mariuzzi L. Expression and prognostic significance of APE1/Ref-1 and NPM1 proteins in high-grade ovarian serous cancer. Am J Clin Pathol 141(3):404-414, 2014.
Londero AP, Salvador S, Fruscalzo A, Bertozzi S, Biasioli A, Ceraudo M, Visentin S, Driul L, Marchesoni D. First trimester PAPP-A MoM values predictive for breech presentation at term of pregnancy. Gynecol Endocrinol 29(5):503-507, 2013.
Bernardi S, Bertozzi S, Londero AP, Gentile G, Giacomuzzi F, Carbone A. Incidence and risk factors of the intraoperative localization failure of nonpalpable breast lesions by radio-guided occult lesion localization: A retrospective analysis of 579 cases. World J Surg 36(8):1915-1921, 2012.
Bernardi S, Bertozzi S, Londero AP, Giacomuzzi F, Angione V, Dri C, Carbone A, Petri R. Nine years of experience with the sentinel lymph node biopsy in a single Italian center: A retrospective analysis of 1,050 cases. World J Surg 36(4):714-722, 2012.
Calcagno A, Grassi T, Mariuzzi L, Marzinotto S, Londero AP, Orsaria M, Beltrami CA, Marchesoni D. Expression patterns of Aurora A and B kinases, Ki-67 and the estrogen and progesterone receptors determined using an endometriosis tissue microarray model. Hum Reprod 26(10):2731-2741, 2011.
Cedolini C, Bertozzi S, Londero AP, Bernardi S, Seriau L, Concina S, Cattin F, Risaliti A. Type of breast cancer diagnosis, screening, and survival. Clin Breast Cancer, 2014.
Cedolini C, Bertozzi S, Seriau L, Londero AP, Concina S, Moretti E, Padovani R, Pasqualucci A, Ceschia T, Risaliti A. Feasibility of concervative breast surgery and intraoperative radiation therapy for early breast cancer: A single-center, open, non-randomized, prospective pilot study. Oncol Rep 31(4):1539-1546, 2014.
Fruscalzo A, Londero AP, Fröhlich C, Meyer-Wittkopf M, Schmitz R. Quantitative elastography of the cervix for predicting labor induction success. Ultraschall Med, 2014.
Fruscalzo A, Schmitz R, Klockenbusch W, Köhler G, Londero AP, Siwetz M, Huppertz B. Human placental transthyretin in fetal growth restriction in combination with preeclampsia and the HELLP syndrome. Histochem Cell Biol 138(6):925-932, 2012.

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/ Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)

Ambrogio P Londero was invited by SIIC on
Ambrogio P Londero fue invitado por SIIC el
2014, may 9
  The authors' report was accepted on
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2024, july 11
The authors' report was accepted on
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2024, july 11
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2024, october 9

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Information about the full text
Acerca del trabajo completo

New and Old Predictive Factors for Breech Presentation: Our Experience in 14 433 Singleton Pregnancies and a Literature Review

Author / Autor
Ambrogio P Londero1, Arrigo Fruscalzo2, Serena Bertozzi3, Diego Marchesoni4, Lorenza Driul5

5 Md, Clinic Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Dism, University Of Udine, Piazzale Santa Maria Della Misericordia 15, 33100 Udine (italy), Perinatal Medicine Specialist - Research

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Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

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