R Erandie Ediriweera De Silva describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo Chronic fatigue syndrome/Myalgic encephalomyelitis The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome/ myalgic encephalomyelitis emphasizes the importance of confident diagnosis and early treatment in primary care of people with this patology. Patients of South Asian, black and minority ethnic origin present with vague physical symptoms, somatisation was common, and they may also be influenced by cultural beliefs such as black magic spells. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación Primary Care Centre, Institute of Population Health, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Síndrome de fatiga crónica/Encefalomielitis miálgica Las guías de práctica clínica para el síndrome de fatiga crónica/encefalomielitis miálgica hechas por el National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, enfatizan la importancia de un diagnóstico adecuado, así como una terapéutica precoz referida a la atención primaria de las personas que padecen este trastorno. Los pacientes pertenecientes a minorías étnicas y de raza negra presentan síntomas inespecíficos con somatización frecuente e influenciados, además, por ciertas creencias culturales como son los hechizos de magia negra. ![]() Crónica del Autor Imprimir nota Referencias bibliográficas 1. 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Sri Lankan Family Physician 30(1):54-57, 2009-2010. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Fernando J, Sumanasekera RND, Liyanagama SD, De Silva DP. Student perceptions of an online post graduate course in family medicine in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics 1(4):205-13, 2010. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Tennakoon TMYK, Samaranayake TSP, Perera MSA, Sivayogan S. Perceptions and experiences related to childhood feeding practices - A peri-urban experience. WONCA MESAR - Sri Lankan Family Physician 26(1):34-37, 2005. A descriptive study of knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding osteoporosis among female medical school entrants in Sri Lanka. Being reviewed by the Asia Pacific Family Medicine Journal (At the stage of revision). Publications of short communications, abstracts and presentations Wijesinghe T, Ediriweera de Silva RE, Samaranayake D, Haniffa R. Effect of school bag weight on neck and shoulder pain in a cohort of adolescent females in Sri Lanka. Annual Primary Care Conference, Harrogate, Reino Unido, October 2013. http://www.rcgp.org.uk/~/media/Files/Events/RCGP-Annual-Conference-2013/AC2013_Posters.ashx. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Bayliss K, Riste L, Chew-Graham CA. Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome in South Asians: Lessons from a secondary analysis of a UK qualitative study. 39th Annual academic sessions of The College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka, Nov 2013. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Henegama T, Perera WLSP, Hanwella R, De Silva V. A study on dementia patients' functional status, comorbidities and cognitive functions. Primary Care Mental Health Conference, University of Manchester, Reino Unido, March 2013. Ediriweera de Silva RE. A study on functional status and disabilities among elderly patients attending a university family practice in Sri Lanka. Annual Primary Care Conference of the Royal College of General Practitioners, Glasgow, Reino Unido, 3-6 October 2012. http://www.rcgp.org.uk/courses-and-events/rcgp-annual-conference/~/media/Files/Events/RCGP-Annual-Conference-2012/AC2012-Poster-abstracts.ashx. Godakandage M, Godakanda Y, Gawinda Y, Ediriweera de Silva RE. Well woman clinic attendance and factors associated with it in a semi-urban area in Colombo district. 44th APACPH Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13-18th October 2012. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Henegama T, Perera WLSP, Hanwella R, De Silva V. Functional status and cognitive impairment among patients with dementia attending the University Psychiatry Unit, National Hospital of Sri Lanka. Annual Academic sessions, Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Fernando EDPS, Liyanage LDS, Premarathne E, De Silva WDD, Maddumabandara K. A preliminary report on knowledge on breast cancer and screening practices for breast and cervical cancers, among female patients attending Family Practice clinics in Sri Lanka. Annual Primary Care Conference of the Royal College of General Practitioners, Liverpool, Reino Unido, October 2011. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Haniffa MR, Gunathillaka KDK, Athukorale I, Fernando P, Perera WLSP. Knowledge on osteoporosis among female medical school entrants in Sri Lanka. 18th World Organisation of Family Doctors - Asia Pacific Conference, February 20th - 24th, 2011, Cebu City, Filipinas. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Haniffa MR, Gunathillaka KDK, Athukorale I, Fernando P, Perera WLSP. A study on practices in preventing osteoporosis among female medical school entrants in Sri Lanka. 18th World Organisation of Family Doctors - Asia Pacific Conference, February 20 - 24th, 2011, Cebu City, Filipinas. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Gunathilaka KDK, Fernando P, Atukorala I, Senevirathna NMIA, Perera WLSP. Calcium intake and sources of dietary calcium - A study among young female medical school entrants. Scientific sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, January 2011. Dileka WSC, De Silva Sudasinghe IGK, Ediriweera de Silva RE. Attitudes and perception regarding rubella vaccine among parents of school girls in Matara district. College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka: 35th Annual Academic Sessions: Mind Body and Soul in Family Practice. 13(1):25-26, 2009. http://pgim.srilankahealthrepository.org/handle/123456789/2338. Perera DP, Ediriweera de Silva RE, Perera WLSP. Knowledge on diabetes mellitus among diebetic patients attending a primary care setting in Sri Lanka. A M Fernando Memorial Award - for the best research paper (36th Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners Sri Lanka - 2010). Ediriweera de Silva RE, Fernando J, De Silva DP, Samaranayake TSP, Liyanagama SD. Objective structured clinical skills workshops in teaching Family Medicine for trainees of the online Diploma course in Family Medicine. 36th Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners, 2010. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Fernando J, Sumanasekera RND, Liyanagama SD, De Silva DP. Student perceptions of an online post graduate course in family medicine in Sri Lanka, International conference on e Health, Sri Lanka. (Oral presentation 16th September 2010). Selected for presentation at the 8th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC). Perera DP, Ediriweera de Silva RE, Perera WLSP. Knowledge on prevention of chronic complications of Diabetes among patients with diabetes attending a primary care setting in Sri Lanka. 10th South East Asia Regional Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, 2010 (Poster presentation). Ediriweera de Silva RE, Fernando J, Sumanasekera RND, Liyanagama SD, De Silva DP. Review of an online diploma course in family medicine - Learning from student experiences. 35th Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners, 2009. Weliwatta CT, Wijetunga VV, Ediriweera de Silva RE, Madubashini PVP, Perera MSA. Pattern of help seeking behavior in primary care an observational study. 34th Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners, 2008. Olupeliyawa AM, Karunathilake IM, Gooneratne IK, Munasinghe SR, De Abrew A, Ediriweera E, Kaluarachchi A. Student perceptions of a programme in family medicine at the faculty of medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka. International Medical Education Conference [IMEC], Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2008. Olupeliyawa AM, Karunathilake IM, Ediriweera de Silva RE, Gooneratne IK, Munasinghe SR, Kaluarachchi A. The Family Medicine Programme at Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka: A Content Analysis. International Medical Education Conference [IMEC], Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2008. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Jayaratne SD. Obesity and associated cardiovascular risk factors among diabetic patients attending a general medical clinic at the police hospital. Annual Academic Sessions, Nutrition society of Sri Lanka, 2008 Seneviratne ALPS, Perera MSA, Ediriweera E, Bandara GADD, Kosgollawatta WGRJ, Arambawela MH. Communication skills - "Communication with your patient". 27th Anniversary Academic Sessions 2007, PGIM, University of Colombo. Ediriweera de Silva RE. Morbidity patterns in adult patients with fever: A descriptive study from the Police hospital. 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners, 2007. De Soysa MSM, Ediriweera de Silva RE, Jayaratne SD. Monitoring LDL reduction in statin therapy: Is total cholesterol level an accepted indicator? 5th Annual Academic sessions, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 2007. Ediriweera de Silva RE, De Soysa MSM, Jayaratne SD. An audit on the follow up of patients with type 2 diabetes in a specialized diabetic clinic and general medical clinic at Colombo South Teaching Hospital. Sri Lanka Medical Association 120th Annual SLMA Sessions, March 2007. Seneviratne ALPS, Perera MSA, Samaranayake TSP, Tennakoon TMYK, Ediriweera de Silva RE. Complications in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients attending family practice in Sri Lanka. 30th Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners, 2004. Ediriweera de Silva RE, Tennakoon TMYK, Samaranayake TSP, Perera MSA, Sivayogan S. Perceptions and experiences related to feeding practices - A peri urban experience. 30th Annual Academic Sessions of College of General Practitioners, 2004. (Accepted for poster presentation at the 38th Annual conference of the Nutrition Society of India). SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in South Asians: Lessons From a Secondary Analysis of a UK Qualitative Study Author / Autor R Erandie Ediriweera De Silva1, Kerin Bayliss2, Lisa Riste3, Carolyn A Chew-Graham4 4 Professor Of General Practice, 1 National School For Primary Care Research, University Of Manchester, Manchester, England, 2 Research Institute, Primary Care And Health Sciences, Keele University, Staffordshire, Uk, Professor Of General Practice Research, Access to the original source Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care siic DB: / siic DB: http://www.siicsalud.com/main/distriprinrel.php |
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