Anjali Sharma describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo Exploring the Potential of Networks and Partnerships in Advancing Public Health Education in India This article highlights the potential of networks and partnerships in advancing the agenda of educational reforms to revitalize public health education in India. Immediate collaborative efforts should be directed towards designing and adaptation of competency driven curriculum, developing accreditation mechanisms for programs and institutions and sharing resources through existing networks. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Bibliographic references Referencias bibliográficas Bangdiwala SI, Tucker JD, Zodpey SM, Griffiths S, Li L-M, Reddy KS, et al. Public health education in India and China: History, opportunities, and challenges. Public Health Rev 33:204-224, 2011. Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA, Cohen J, Crisp N, Evans T, et al. Health professionals for a new century: Transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. Lancet 376:1923-1958, 2010. Horton R. North and South: Bridging the information gap. Lancet 355:2231-2236, 2000. Negandhi P, Sharma K, Zodpey S. An innovative National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) capacity development initiative for improving public health practice in India. Indian J Public Health 56:110-115, 2012. Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine. Disponible en: Consultado: 8 Sep 2014. Indian Institute of Health Management Research (Society). India. Disponible en: Conusltado: 8 Sep 2013. Indian Public Health Association. Disponible en: Consultado: 8 Sep 2014. SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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