Authors' Reports

Kasthuri Pandiyan
describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo

The role of Drug Abuse for Psychological Morbidity in Female Sex Workers

The role of drug abuse and alcohol leads to many Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers as a result of psychosocial adversities.

The article was published by
El artículo fue publicado por
Indian Journal of Psychiatry
Volume / Volumen: 54
Number / Número: 4
First and last pages / Páginas inicial-final: 349-351
Year / Año: 2012
Month / Mes: october

This journal, which is covered by SIIC Data Bases,
is part of the bibliographic collections of the Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.
Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases,
integra el acervo bibliográfico de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Principal institution where the research took place
Institución principal de la investigación
Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute,Bangalore, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Authors' Report

Crónica del Autor

Bibliographic references
Referencias bibliográficas

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Other articles written by the author Kasthuri Pandiyan
Otros artículos de Kasthuri Pandiyan

1. Dr.P.Kasthuri, H.Chandrashekar S.Madhusudhan: “Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers with alcohol and drug abuse”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Oct-Dec 2012, Vol 54, No.4., (P 349-351) doi: 10.4103
/009-5545.104822 Pubmed Indexed National

2. Rathinavel I, Prashanth N R, P.Kasthuri, Kumar CN, Chandrashekar H: “Why do mentally ill patients seek religious places for treatment”. Indian Journal Psychiatry.2010 July; 52 (3):280-1 Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21180420 [PubMed]
3. Chandrashekar H, Naveen Kumar C, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P: “ Disabilities research in India”. Indian Journal Psychiatry, 2010 Jan; 52 (suppl 1): S281-5. Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836695[PubMed]

4. Chandrashekar.H, Prashanth.NR,
Naveenkumar.C, Kasthuri.P. Innovations in psychiatry: Ambulatory services for the mentally ill. Indian J Psychiatry.2009 Jul-Sep;51(3): 169-70.doi:10.4103/0019-5545.55081.No. abstract
available. Pubmed Indexed National

5. Chandrashekar H, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P, Madhusudhan.S,: “ Psychiatric rehabilitation”. Indian Journal Psychiatry 2010Jan 52 (suppl) : S278-80.
Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836694 [PubMed]
1. Dr.P.Kasthuri, H.Chandrashekar S.Madhusudhan: “Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers with alcohol and drug abuse”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Oct-Dec 2012, Vol 54, No.4., (P 349-351) doi: 10.4103
/009-5545.104822 Pubmed Indexed National

2. Rathinavel I, Prashanth N R, P.Kasthuri, Kumar CN, Chandrashekar H: “Why do mentally ill patients seek religious places for treatment”. Indian Journal Psychiatry.2010 July; 52 (3):280-1 Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21180420 [PubMed]
3. Chandrashekar H, Naveen Kumar C, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P: “ Disabilities research in India”. Indian Journal Psychiatry, 2010 Jan; 52 (suppl 1): S281-5. Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836695[PubMed]

4. Chandrashekar.H, Prashanth.NR,
Naveenkumar.C, Kasthuri.P. Innovations in psychiatry: Ambulatory services for the mentally ill. Indian J Psychiatry.2009 Jul-Sep;51(3): 169-70.doi:10.4103/0019-5545.55081.No. abstract
available. Pubmed Indexed National

5. Chandrashekar H, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P, Madhusudhan.S,: “ Psychiatric rehabilitation”. Indian Journal Psychiatry 2010Jan 52 (suppl) : S278-80.
Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836694 [PubMed]
1. Dr.P.Kasthuri, H.Chandrashekar S.Madhusudhan: “Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers with alcohol and drug abuse”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Oct-Dec 2012, Vol 54, No.4., (P 349-351) doi: 10.4103
/009-5545.104822 Pubmed Indexed National

2. Rathinavel I, Prashanth N R, P.Kasthuri, Kumar CN, Chandrashekar H: “Why do mentally ill patients seek religious places for treatment”. Indian Journal Psychiatry.2010 July; 52 (3):280-1 Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21180420 [PubMed]
3. Chandrashekar H, Naveen Kumar C, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P: “ Disabilities research in India”. Indian Journal Psychiatry, 2010 Jan; 52 (suppl 1): S281-5. Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836695[PubMed]

4. Chandrashekar.H, Prashanth.NR,
Naveenkumar.C, Kasthuri.P. Innovations in psychiatry: Ambulatory services for the mentally ill. Indian J Psychiatry.2009 Jul-Sep;51(3): 169-70.doi:10.4103/0019-5545.55081.No. abstract
available. Pubmed Indexed National

5. Chandrashekar H, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P, Madhusudhan.S,: “ Psychiatric rehabilitation”. Indian Journal Psychiatry 2010Jan 52 (suppl) : S278-80.
Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836694 [PubMed]
1. Dr.P.Kasthuri, H.Chandrashekar S.Madhusudhan: “Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers with alcohol and drug abuse”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Oct-Dec 2012, Vol 54, No.4., (P 349-351) doi: 10.4103
/009-5545.104822 Pubmed Indexed National

2. Rathinavel I, Prashanth N R, P.Kasthuri, Kumar CN, Chandrashekar H: “Why do mentally ill patients seek religious places for treatment”. Indian Journal Psychiatry.2010 July; 52 (3):280-1 Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21180420 [PubMed]
3. Chandrashekar H, Naveen Kumar C, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P: “ Disabilities research in India”. Indian Journal Psychiatry, 2010 Jan; 52 (suppl 1): S281-5. Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836695[PubMed]

4. Chandrashekar.H, Prashanth.NR,
Naveenkumar.C, Kasthuri.P. Innovations in psychiatry: Ambulatory services for the mentally ill. Indian J Psychiatry.2009 Jul-Sep;51(3): 169-70.doi:10.4103/0019-5545.55081.No. abstract
available. Pubmed Indexed National

5. Chandrashekar H, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P, Madhusudhan.S,: “ Psychiatric rehabilitation”. Indian Journal Psychiatry 2010Jan 52 (suppl) : S278-80.
Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836694 [PubMed]
1. Dr.P.Kasthuri, H.Chandrashekar S.Madhusudhan: “Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers with alcohol and drug abuse”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Oct-Dec 2012, Vol 54, No.4., (P 349-351) doi: 10.4103
/009-5545.104822 Pubmed Indexed National

2. Rathinavel I, Prashanth N R, P.Kasthuri, Kumar CN, Chandrashekar H: “Why do mentally ill patients seek religious places for treatment”. Indian Journal Psychiatry.2010 July; 52 (3):280-1 Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21180420 [PubMed]
3. Chandrashekar H, Naveen Kumar C, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P: “ Disabilities research in India”. Indian Journal Psychiatry, 2010 Jan; 52 (suppl 1): S281-5. Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836695[PubMed]

4. Chandrashekar.H, Prashanth.NR,
Naveenkumar.C, Kasthuri.P. Innovations in psychiatry: Ambulatory services for the mentally ill. Indian J Psychiatry.2009 Jul-Sep;51(3): 169-70.doi:10.4103/0019-5545.55081.No. abstract
available. Pubmed Indexed National

5. Chandrashekar H, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P, Madhusudhan.S,: “ Psychiatric rehabilitation”. Indian Journal Psychiatry 2010Jan 52 (suppl) : S278-80.
Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836694 [PubMed]
1. Dr.P.Kasthuri, H.Chandrashekar S.Madhusudhan: “Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers with alcohol and drug abuse”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Oct-Dec 2012, Vol 54, No.4., (P 349-351) doi: 10.4103
/009-5545.104822 Pubmed Indexed National

2. Rathinavel I, Prashanth N R, P.Kasthuri, Kumar CN, Chandrashekar H: “Why do mentally ill patients seek religious places for treatment”. Indian Journal Psychiatry.2010 July; 52 (3):280-1 Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21180420 [PubMed]
3. Chandrashekar H, Naveen Kumar C, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P: “ Disabilities research in India”. Indian Journal Psychiatry, 2010 Jan; 52 (suppl 1): S281-5. Pubmed Indexed National

PMID: 21836695[PubMed]

4. Chandrashekar.H, Prashanth.NR,
Naveenkumar.C, Kasthuri.P. Innovations in psychiatry: Ambulatory services for the mentally ill. Indian J Psychiatry.2009 Jul-Sep;51(3): 169-70.doi:10.4103/0019-5545.55081.No. abstract
available. Pubmed Indexed National

5. Chandrashekar H, Prashanth N R, Kasthuri.P, Madhusudhan.S,: “ Psychiatric rehabilitation”. Indian Journal Psychiatry 2010Jan 52 (suppl) : S278-80.
Pubmed Indexed National

SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA)
/ Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)

Kasthuri Pandiyan was invited by SIIC on
Kasthuri Pandiyan fue invitado por SIIC el
2013, may 21
  The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2021, march 9
The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2021, march 9
Published in siicsalud
Publicado en siicsalud
2021, june 7

The article is strictly related to the following sections of siicsalud
El artículo se relaciona estrictamente con las siguientes secciones de siicsalud

/ Epidemiología
Mental Health
/ Salud Mental

and secondarily related to the following sections

y secundariamente con las siguientes secciones



Addictive Diseases

Information about the full text
Acerca del trabajo completo

Psychological Morbidity Among Female Commercial Sex Workers With Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Author / Autor
Kasthuri Pandiyan1, Kasthuri Pandiyan2, Madhusudhan S3

3 Psychologicalmorbidity Among F, Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute, Assistant Professor

Access to the original source
Indian Journal of Psychiatry

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