Gian Luca Rosso describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo WORKPLACE DRUG TESTING IN THE ITALIAN PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS Many studies show that the positivity rate to the drug testing administered to Italians professional drivers stood globally at levels below 2%, with cannabis and cocaine as the main substances identified. It is possible that this rate, much lower than expected (4%-10%), may be due to the application of an improperly designed law. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación S.C. Emergenza Urgenza 118,A.S.L.CN1, Cuneo, Cuneo, Italy ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Bibliographic references Referencias bibliográficas Basilicata P, Pieri M, Settembre V, et al. Screening of several drugs of abuse in italian workplace drug testing: performance comparisons of on-site screening tests and a fluorescence polarization immunoassay-based device. Anal Chem 15:8566-8574, 2011. Crespi V, Borsani A, Veronesi G, et al. Aggiornamenti in tema di abuso di sostanze stupefacenti e psicotrope. G Ital Med Lav Erg 32(4):196-198, 2010. Kazanga I, Tameni S, Piccinotti A, et al. Prevalence of drug abuse among workers: Strengths and pitfalls of the recent Italian Workplace Drug Testing (WDT) legislation. Forensic Sci Int 7:[Article in press], 2011. Serpelloni G. 2010 National report (2009 data) to the EMCDDA by Reitox Italian Focal Point. Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga; 2010. Serpelloni G. Relazione annuale al parlamento 2011 sull'uso di sostanze stupefacenti e sulle tossicodipendenze in Italia. Dati relativi all'anno 2010 - elaborazioni 2011. Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga; 2011. Other articles written by the author Gian Luca Rosso Otros artículos de Gian Luca Rosso [Professional drivers and psychoactive substances consumption: results from medical surveillance at the workplace in Piedmont region]. Rosso GL, Feola M, Rubinetto MP, Petti N, Rubinetto L. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2011 Jul-Sep;33(3 Suppl):203-6. [Peculiarities and aims of first aid training in the road haulage sector]. Rosso GL, Bruno S, Feola M, Zanelli R, Corino P. Med Lav. 2008 May-Jun;99(3):194-8. [Prevention of road accidents in the road haulage field]. Rosso GL, Zanelli R, Corino P, Bruno S. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2007 Jul-Sep;29(3 Suppl):321-2. Review. [Professional driving and safety, a target for occupational medicine]. Rosso GL, Zanelli R, Bruno S, Feola M, Bobbio M. Med Lav. 2007 Sep-Oct;98(5):355-73. Review. I [Neurally-mediated syncope and occupational accidents: prevention strategies and case report]. Rosso GL, Feola M, Morena L, Menardi E, Racca E, Vado A, Rossetti G, Peano E, Candura SM. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2007 Apr-Jun;29(2):166-9. [Syncope and professional driving: the role of the occupational physician]. Rosso GL, Zanelli R, Bruno S, Feola M. Med Lav. 2007 May-Jun;98(3):204-15. 16. [Occupational risks among public safety and security forces]. Candura SM, Verni P, Minelli CM, Rosso GL, Cappelli MI, Strambi S, Martellosio V. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2006 Jan-Mar;28(1):53-62. Review. [Sleep-disordered breathing and occupational medicine: considerations on three clinical cases]. Rosso GL, Barbarito N, Lupi S, Candura SM. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2004 Jan-Mar;26(1):33-8. SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo Analisi di Strumenti, Metodi e Risultati Dello Screening Tossicologico per la Ricerca di Sostanze Stupefacenti Nei Conducenti Professionali Italiani Author / Autor Gian Luca Rosso1 1 Md, S.c. Emergenza Urgenza 118,a.s.l.cn1,cuneo, Italy, Cuneo, Italia, . Access to the original source La Medicina del Lavoro Article URL: / URL del artículo: URL of Abstract page in Medline: / URL del abstract en Medline: siic DB: / siic DB: |
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