Authors' Reports

Chung-May Yang
describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo


One or two sessions of sequential posterior subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide combined with macular focal/grid photocoagulation may improve or stabilize visual acuity, macular thickness and total macular volume for at least six months in patients with clinical significant macular edema (CSME).

The article was published by
El artículo fue publicado por
Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume / Volumen: 2
Number / Número: 4
First and last pages / Páginas inicial-final: 131-135
Year / Año: 2012
Month / Mes: december

Principal institution where the research took place
Institución principal de la investigación
Department of Ophthalmology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan

Authors' Report

Crónica del Autor

Bibliographic references
Referencias bibliográficas

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Other articles written by the author Chung-May Yang
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Chung-May Yang was invited by SIIC on
Chung-May Yang fue invitado por SIIC el
2013, february 22
  The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2021, march 9
The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2021, march 9
Published in siicsalud
Publicado en siicsalud
2021, june 7

The article is strictly related to the following sections of siicsalud
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/ Diabetología
/ Oftalmología

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Endocrinology and Metabolism
Endocrinología y Metabolismo


Ophtalmologic Surgery
Cirugía Oftalmológica

Information about the full text
Acerca del trabajo completo

Sequential Posterior Subtenon Injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide With Macular Grid/Focal Photocoagulation for Clinically Significant Diabetic Macular Edema

Author / Autor
Chung-May Yang1, Yu-Shu Liu2, Yun-Dun Shen3

3 Md, Department Of Ophthalmology, Taipei Medical University–shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Attending Physician

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Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology

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