Elaine Cochran
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Nurse Practitioner. Advanced diabetes management, Pediatrics, Nursing., National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, EE.UU.
Columnista Experta de SIIC Elaine Cochran en colaboración con Gorden Phillip, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, EE.UU.

Fecha de aprobación: 6 de diciembre, 2007
Primera edición en siicsalud: 8 de mayo, 2009
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/90553  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalDiabetología

Especialidades relacionadas:
Atención Primaria,Enfermería,Endocrinología y Metabolismo,Farmacología,Medicina Farmacéutica,Medicina Interna,Nutrición,

  • Park JY, Javor ED, Cochran EK, DePaoli AM, Gorden P. Long-term efficacy of leptin replacement in patients with Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy, Metabolism 56(56):508-516, 2007

  • Oral EA, Javor ED, Ding L, Uzel G, Cochran EK, Young JR, DePaoli AM, Holland SM, Gorden P. Leptin replacement therapy modulates circulating lymphocyte subsets and cytokin responsiveness in severe lipodystrophy, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 91(91):621-628, 2006

  • Javor ED, Cochran EK, Musso C, Young JR, DePaoli AM, Gorden P. Long-term efficacy of leptin replacement in patients with generalized lipodystrophy, Diabetes 54(54):1994-2002, 2005

  • Musso C, Shawker T, Cochran E, Javor ED, Young J, Gorden P. Clinical evidence that hyperinsulinaemia independent of gonadotropins stimulates ovarian growth, Clinical Endocrinology 63(63):73-78, 2005

  • Cochran E, Musso C, Gorden P. The use of U-500 in patients with extreme insulin resistance, Diabetes Care 28(28):1240-1244, 2005

  • Javor ED, Ghany MG, Cochran EK, Oral EA, DePaoli AM, Premkumar A, Kleiner DE, Gorden P. Leptin reverses nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in patients with severe lipodystrophy, Hepatology 41(41):753-760, 2005

  • Musso C, Cochran E, Javor E, Young J, DePaoli AM, Gorden P. The long-term effect of recombinant methionyl human leptin therapy on hyperandrogenism and menstrual function in female and pituitary function in male and female hypoleptinemic lipodystrophic patients, Metabolism 54(54):255-263, 2005

  • Musso C, Cochran E, Moran SA, Skarulis MC, Oral EA, Taylor S, Gorden P. Clinical course of genetic disease of the insulin receptor (type A and Rabson-Mendenhall syndromes): a 30-year prospective, Medicine 83(83):209-222, 2004

  • Cochran E, Young JR, Sebring N, DePaoli A, Oral EA, Gorden P. Efficacy of recombinant methionyl human leptin therapy for the extreme insulin resistance of the Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome., Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89(89):1548-1554, 2004

  • Moran SA, Patten N, Young JR, Cochran E, Sebring N, Reynolds J, Premkumar A, DePaoli AM, Skarulis MC, Oral EA, Gorden P. Changes in body composition in patients with severe lipodystrophy after leptin replacement therapy, Metabolism 53(53):513-519, 2004

  • Oral EA, Ruiz E, Andewelt A, Sebring N, Wagner AJ, DePaoli AM, Gorden P. Effect of leptin replacement replacement on pituitary hormone regulation in patients with severe lipodystrophy, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87(87):3110-3117, 2002

  • Oral EA, Simha V, Ruiz E, Andewelt A, Premkumar A, Snell P, Wagner AJ, DePaoli AM, Reitman ML, Taylor SI, Gorden P, Garg A. Leptin-replacement therapy for lipodystrophy, New England Journal of Medicine 346(346):570-578, 2002

  • Elaine Cochran Los suscriptores, miembros de SIIC y socios del Círculo de Lectores pueden solicitar información adicional. Para enviarla, SIIC solicitará aprobación del autor.

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